Meinardus, Otto F.A. |
Christian Egypt Ancient and Modern |
Cairo: French Institute of Oriental Archeology, 1965 |
Cahiers d'Histoire Égyptienne |
J |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Bianchi, Enzo |
Praying the Word. An introduction to Lectio Divina |
Cistersian publications, 1998 |
Cistersian studies 182 |
9780879076825 |
Translated by James W. Zona |
Ce |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Hägerland, Tobias |
Messias och hans folk. Matteusevangeliet |
Örebro: Libris, 2020 |
Nya testamentets budskap 1 |
9789173878319 |
Hyllplacering NTB |
Ccb |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Carlsson, Leif |
I väntan på återkomsten. Thessalonkerbreven |
Örebro: Libris, 2018 |
Nya testamentets budskap 11 |
9789173877251 |
Hyllplacering NTB |
Ccb |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Starr, James |
Främlingar i världen. Första Petrusbrevet |
Örebro: Libris, 2015 |
Nya testamentets budskap 15 |
9789173871358 |
Hyllplacering NTB |
Ccb |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Tellbe, Mikael |
Korsmärkt gemenskap. Första Korinthierbrevet |
Örebro: Libris, 2011 |
Nya testamentets budskap 7 |
9789173871679 |
Hyllplacering NTB |
Ccb |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Sönnerbrandt, Marcus/Perder, Sören |
Ledare i motvind. Andra Korinthierbrevet |
Örebro: Libris, 2017 |
Nya testamentets budskap 8 |
9789173878258 |
Hyllplacering NTB |
Ccb |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Borgehammar, Stephan (red) |
Från tid och evighet. Predikningar från 200-tal till 1500-tal |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1992 |
9175800764 |
Cc:k |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Contra celsum |
Cambridge: CUP, 1965 |
Translation with an introduction & notes by Henry Chadwick |
Cda |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Augustinus |
Enchiridion. Liten handbok om tro hopp och kärlek |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2020 |
978917771302 |
Till svenska av Olof Andrén och Lars Nyberg |
Cda |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Jakob av Serugh |
Kristus outgrundlighet och jungfrufödelse samt mot dyofysiterna |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2020 |
9789177771227 |
Svensk översättning och inledning av Charbel Rizk |
Cda |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Basileios av Caesarea |
Basil; Basilius Caesariensis |
Om den heliga Anden. Till den helige Amfilochios, biskop i Ikonium |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2018 |
978177770336 |
Till svenska av Olof Andrén |
Cda |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Isak Syriern |
Isak av Nineve |
Ta egrethenta askêtika |
Athos: |
9781729617663 |
Cda |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Hardy, Edward Rochie |
Christology of the Later Fathers |
Philadelphia: Westminster Press,1954 |
Cda(s) |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Wilkens Finnseth, Ellen Merete |
Beröringen. Om det omöjliga mötet mellan Gud och människa |
Skellfteå, Artos 2020 |
9789177771258 |
Översättning: Gunnel Järnland |
Ce |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Chrysostomosliturgin - en nyöversättning |
Stiftelsen för Finlands ortodoxa kulturcentrum, 2012 |
9789197871938 |
Ringpärm. Alt.titel: Den gudomliga liturgin av vår fader bland de heliga, Johannes Chrysostomos |
Cha |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Bradshaw, Paul F. |
Eucharistic Origins |
Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2004 |
9781620320693 |
Cha |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Rizk, Charbel (red.) |
Syrisk-ortodoxa kyrklans hymnbok |
Ålberga: Korsets kloster, 2020 |
9789198626407 |
Översättning från syriska av Munk Charbel Rizk |
Cha |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Hanna, Markos R. (red.) |
The Book of Ordinations and Consecrations |
Los Angeles: St. Mark, 1994 |
First edition |
Cha |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Halldorf, Peter (red.) |
Tideböner fastan |
Sturefors: EKiBS, 2017 |
9789198150162 |
Cha |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Alpatov, Michail |
Ryskt ikonmåleri |
Stockholm: Gidlunds 1984 |
9170214336 |
Hyllplacering FOL (folianter) |
Chd |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Cross, F.L., Livingstine, E.A (red.) |
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church |
Oxford: OUP, 2005 |
9780192802903, 0192802902 |
Cj |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Malaty, Tadros Y. |
A Panoramic View of Patristics in the First Six Centuries |
Alexandria: Saint Mena, 2005 |
9773920151 |
Cj.2 |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Svanteson, Ingmar |
...och jag visste det inte! |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2013 |
9789175806280 |
Cjz.2 |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Brown, Peter |
Augustine of Hippo. A biography. |
London: Faber and Faber, 1967 |
571092322 |
Cjz.2 |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Grün, Anselm |
Himlen mitt i öknen |
Vejbystrand: Catholica, 1999 |
9186428861 |
Översättning från den tyska originaltexten Georg Wallerstein |
Cjz.2 |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Sofrony, Arkimandrit |
Den helige starets Siluan |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1994 |
9175801108 |
I översättning från ryskan av Gunborg von Schantz |
Cjz.3 |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Christodoli, Gerondissa (red.) |
Helige Porphyrios liv och tankar |
2014 |
Cjz.4 |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Ware, Kallistos |
Den ortodoxa kyrkan |
Skelelfteå: Artos, 2000 |
9175801981 |
Översättning: Gunborg von Schantz |
Cka |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Mataly, Tadros Y. |
Introduction to the coptic orthodox church |
Alexandria: Saint George´s, 1993 |
9775005086 |
Ckop |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Samuel, Bishop |
Ancient Coptic Churches and Monastaries in Delta, Sinai and Cairo |
Institute of Coptic Studies, 1996 |
9775642086 |
Ckt |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Leroux-Dhuys, Jean-Francois |
Cistercienserkloster. Historia och arkitektur |
Köln: Könemann 2001 |
3829053703 |
Hyllplacering FOL (folianter) |
Ckt |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Lyster, William (red.) |
The cave church of Paul the Hermit at the Monastary of ST. Paul, Egypt |
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008 |
9780300118476 |
Hyllplacering FOL (folianter) |
Ckt |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Nylund, Jan-Erik m fl (red) |
Vadstena klosterområde genom tusen år |
Vadstena: Birgittastiftelsen, 2020 |
9789198568134 |
Ckt |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Regnault, Lucien |
The Day-to-Day Life of the Desert Fathers |
Petersham: St. Bede´s, 1999 |
9781879007345 |
Translated by Etienne Poirier. |
Cz.2 |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Akhtala. History and reality |
Yerevan: Edit print, 2010 |
9789939522579 |
J |
01/09/2023 12:00 AM |
Hazlett, Ian (red.) |
Early christianity. Origins and evolution to AD 600 |
London: SPCK, 1991 |
true |
2:a upplagan |
0281044767 |
Cj.2 |
288 |
9b29e3ec-e741-46c8-bce4-1471acf01feb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Payne Smith, Robert (förf.); Payne Smith, J. (red.) |
A compendious syriac dictionary |
Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 1999 |
true |
Ancient language resources |
1579102271 |
Oxford university press: 1902 |
F |
12 |
6b4beb7c-91e3-48a5-b617-7acd48efe9e8 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Cyprianus och Hieronymus |
I martyrernas och bekännarnas tid. Den helige Cyprianus och den helige Hieronymus |
Stockholm: Veritas, 2014 |
false |
Andliga profiler, nr 3 |
9789187389108 |
Övers Göran Fäldt |
Cj.2 |
1066 |
2a5f4bb0-4215-4eec-9b97-e16aeea6f488 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Platon (förf.); Stolpe, Jan (övers.) |
Skrifter bok 1. Sokrates försvarstal; Kriton; Euthyfron; Laches; Den mindre Hippias, Gästabudet; Faidon; Gorgias |
Stockholm: Atlantis, 2000 |
true |
Atlantis väljer ur världslitteraturen |
9174868748 |
Daa |
314 |
c2576328-2614-4460-90a9-b50417367bb1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Platon (förf.); Stolpe, Jan (övers.) |
Skrifter. Bok 2. Menon, Protagora, Lysis, Charmides, Ion, Menexenos, Euthydemos, Faidros, Kratylos |
Stockholm: Atlantis, 2001 |
true |
Atlantis väljer ur världslitteraturen |
9174865773 |
Daa |
315 |
597b3f90-6734-4802-958f-8594e32d9915 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Platon (förf.); Stolpe, Jan (övers.) |
Skrifter. Bok 5. Minos, Lagarna, Epinomis |
Stockholm: Atlantis, 2008 |
true |
Atlantis väljer ur världslitteraturen |
9789173532693 |
Daa |
316 |
ab3713d9-d280-4874-aea1-1ce1355423c0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
George, Timothy (red.) |
Evangelicals and Nicene faith. Reclaiming the apostolic witness. |
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011 |
false |
Beeson Divinity Studies |
9780801039263 |
Ce |
1016 |
6adef3d7-5e59-45f6-b375-d0948ff9889c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Skånberg, Tuve |
Glömda gudstecken. Från fornkyrklig dopliturgi till allmogens bokmärken. |
Lund: Lund Universitets Kyrkohistoriska Arkiv, 2003 |
true |
Bibliotheca Historico-Ecclesiastica Lundensis 45 |
03465438, 9189515064 |
Cha |
1037 |
d79e361e-f9aa-4180-9a91-f1f106b20b64 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Werner, Yvonne Maria |
Nordisk katolicism. Katolsk mission och konversion i Danmark i ett nordiskt perspektiv |
Stockholm: Makadam, 2005 |
true |
Centrum för Danmarksstudier: 6 |
9170610126 |
Cm |
313 |
c0787646-239a-4c50-b1fc-4010a505443f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Golitzin, Alexander |
Mystagogy. A monastic reading of Dionysius areopagita |
Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical press, 2013; Bucur, Bogdan G. |
false |
Cistercian studies series nummer 250 |
9780879072506 |
Cda |
1065 |
0fa08631-8c6c-4c39-a87e-f8b2c28e84d3 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Alfeyev, Hilarion |
The spiritual world of Isaac the syrian |
Kalamazoo; Spencer: Cistercian Publications, 2000 |
false |
Cistercian studies series: 175 |
087907775X |
Cjz.2 |
110 |
b87dd5f5-25ab-42f5-b079-8fae9d820bff |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hausherr, Irénée |
The name of Jesus. The name of Jesus used by early christians. The development of the Jesus prayer |
Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1978, tr 1983 |
true |
Cistercian studies series: 44 |
0879078448 |
The weekend that changed the world. The mystery of Jerusalem's empty tomb. |
Cj.2 |
290 |
63db6365-0397-4d98-b10f-e7dffc3e3151 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Isacson, Mikael |
To each their own letter. Structure, themes, and rhetorical strategies in the letters of Ignatius of Antioch |
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2004 |
true |
Coniectanea biblica, New Testament series: 42 |
9122020705 |
Cjz.2 |
128 |
f5123bae-9dbc-4c4a-a953-0b326a504f0d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rosenberg, Alfons |
Das Herzensgebet. Mystik und Yoga der Ostkirche. Die Centurie der Mönche Kallistus und Ignatius |
München: Otto-Wilhelm-Barth- Verlag, 1955, tr 1957 |
false |
Dokumente religiöser Erfahrung |
2:a upplagan |
Ce |
168 |
9e872ae1-c44d-44b6-8e2b-03740eec3d11 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gough, Michael |
Den fornkristna kulturen. Fem sekel historia, tro och konst |
Stockholm: Bonniers, 1963 |
true |
Forntida länder och folk |
The early christians, 1961 |
Cj.2 |
286 |
b303eea9-00a7-47e2-b4a0-4023948d9759 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hildebrand, Stephen M. |
Basil of Caesarea |
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker academic, 2014 |
false |
Foundations of theological exegesis and christian spirituality |
9780801049071 |
Cjz |
1067 |
9c41b357-94f9-4d9b-9d60-4aa5d2e2655a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ferguson, Everett |
Encyclopedia of early christianity |
New York; London: Garland Publishing, 1997, tr 1999 |
true |
Garland reference library of the humanities: 1839 |
0815333196 |
2:a upplagan |
Cj |
229 |
c506b26f-0903-4438-932c-2d09d21993d0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Steppa, Jan-Eric |
John Rufus. And the world vision of antechalcedonian culture |
New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2002 |
false |
Gorgias dissertations, Ancient christian studies: 1 |
193195609X |
Cjz.2 |
113 |
01ec8f44-4e36-4226-806d-91625b8ceb80 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Biesen, Kees den |
Simple and bold. Ephrem´s art of symbolic thought |
New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2006 |
true |
Gorgias dissertations: 26; Early christian studies: Volume 6 |
1593333978 |
Cjz.2 |
13 |
a4f2e9ee-7972-40a4-8513-13ecf9909ae6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gabra, Gawdat |
Historical dictionary of the coptic church |
Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2008 |
false |
Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies and movements : 84 |
081086097X, 9780810860971 |
Ckop |
125 |
c4c4005e-8acb-4c36-9273-617487ea2add |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Daly, Robert J. (red.) |
Apocalyptic thought in early christianity |
Grand Rapids: Baker Academic; Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2009 |
false |
Holy Cross studies in patristic theology and history |
9780801036279 |
Cj.2 |
264 |
99d9794f-25e4-4683-b3f5-a696f02b69b4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Härdelin, Alf |
Kyrka, gudstjänst, sakrament. Texter från fornkyrka och medeltid |
Stockholm: Katolska Bokförlaget, 1976 |
true |
Kristna klassiker 1 |
Cda(s) |
115 |
0783c29b-872a-4766-aaf2-962f200bbee9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Mechthild av Magdeburg; Härdelin, Alf (övers.) |
Mechthild från Magdeburg |
Ur Gudomens strömmande ljus |
Stockholm: Katolska bokförlaget, 1980 |
true |
Kristna klassiker: 4 |
9185530301 |
Cj.3 |
304 |
76df7473-65f3-48d9-b36c-1396eacc37f4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Young, Frances |
The theology of the pastoral letters |
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994 |
true |
New Testament Theology |
0521379318 |
Ccb |
1045 |
c2825955-c33c-4e18-991a-0f6a03a2cf3b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Carlstein, Carl-Magnus |
Dårskap och vänskap. Galaterbrevet och Filipperbrevet. |
Örebro: Libris, 2012 |
true |
Nya testamentets budskap: 9 |
9789173872522 |
Hyllpacering NTB |
Ccb |
1010 |
917e1127-112b-4d5f-a784-151ca6998cbb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Tatakis, B.N. |
Christian philosophy in the patristic and byzantine tradition |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2007 |
false |
Orthodox theological library: 4 |
1933275162, 9781933275161 |
Apostoliki Diakonia, Church of Greece, 1952 |
Cj.2 |
296 |
217f1c11-001f-457b-bbec-29eebf186020 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ware, Kallistos |
Namnets makt. Jesusbönen inom ortodoxins andliga tradition. |
Stockholm: Ortodoxa tidningsbokhandeln, 1993 |
true |
Ortodoxa småskrifter: 6 |
9197176826 |
Cka |
1044 |
51a0ff28-8c8a-4d1c-90db-f13d5de26ca7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Elm, Susanna |
Virgins of God. The making of asceticism in late antiquity |
Oxford: Claredon Press, 1994, tr 2004 |
true |
Oxford classical monographs |
019815044X |
Cj.2 |
269 |
be3b19ae-3679-4b4b-8c07-1dfeb6a246cf |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Binns, John |
Ascetics and ambassadors of Christ. The monasteries of Palestine, 314-631 |
Oxford: Claredon Press, 1994, tr 2002 |
true |
Oxford early christian studies |
019826934X |
Cj.2 |
256 |
6544623b-32ae-475a-8886-4e405b791ade |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Menze, Volker L. |
Justinian and the making of the syrian orthodox church |
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008 |
true |
Oxford Early Christian Studies |
9780199534876 |
Cj.2 |
1027 |
f4d26d9d-c810-4bc1-ad6b-9b6cc1178abc |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Alfeyev, Hilarion |
St Symeon the new theologian and orthodox tradition |
Oxford: Oxford University Press, , 2000, tr 2005 |
true |
Oxford early christian studies |
0198270097 |
Cjz.2 |
225 |
b54e95e9-12c7-4c8e-aedd-349c24d81dbd |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gould, Graham |
The desert fathers on monastic community |
Oxford: Claredon Press, 1993, tr 2002 |
true |
Oxford early christian studies |
0198263457 |
Cjz.2 |
220 |
7478a5b2-20af-46b4-b9a0-1d6ae690d40b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rydell Johnsén, Henrik; Rönnegård, Per (red.) |
Eros och agape. Barmhärtighet, kärlek och mystik i den tidiga kyrkan |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2009 |
true |
Patristica nordica: 7, VII |
9789175804064 |
Cj.2 |
284 |
2463a246-4970-43fb-ad7b-3657adce53fb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Patristica nordica 2. Föreläsningar hållna vid det andra Nordiska patristikermötet i Lund 19-22 augusti 1986 |
Lund: Teologiska Institutionen i Lund, 1987 |
true |
Religio 25, ISSN 02805723 |
Cj.2 |
252 |
56284643-2bff-4e15-baaa-2995e1dd1c3f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Patristica nordica 3. Föreläsningar hållna vid det tredje Nordiska patristikermötet i Lund 22-25 augusti 1989 |
Lund: Teologiska Institutionen i Lund, 1990 |
true |
Religio 32, ISSN 02805723 |
Cj.2 |
253 |
07d36106-0a61-4175-8455-625d5a126042 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hallonsten, Gösta (red.) |
Östkyrkan förr och nu. Studier i den ortodoxa traditionen |
Lund: Teologiska Institutionen i Lund, 1991 |
true |
Religio 34, ISSN 02805723 |
Cka |
155 |
daf8de13-186a-44a7-874a-2fbb0d7209a0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Reno, R.R. |
Genesis |
London: SCM Press, 2010 |
false |
SCM Theological Commentary On The Bible |
9780334043317 |
Cca |
1028 |
e21dc919-6f04-490d-9d33-06a743d7c718 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hagberg, Markus |
Ekumenik på katolsk grund. International leauge for apostolic faith and order |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2006 |
true |
Scripta ecclesiologica minora: 2, II. Kyrkovetenskapliga publikationer |
9175803143 |
Cg |
333 |
f03fbee3-70db-479c-8abd-fe141ac545c2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Härdelin, Alf |
Världen som yta och fönster. Spiritualitet i medeltidens Sverige |
Stockholm: Runcia et Mediævalia, 2005 |
true |
Scripta minora: 13 |
9188568261 |
Cj.3 |
306 |
2e9a67b6-dcbe-43da-b256-d1aa6df76f2d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Härdelin, Alf; Andersson, Roger; Borgehammar, Stephan; Zachrisson, Sune |
I Kristi och hans moders spår. Om stationsandakter i Vadstena |
Stockholm: Runcia et Mediævalia, 2003 |
true |
Scripta minora: 8 |
9188568202 |
Cj.3 |
305 |
af02713f-39d7-4a91-b55c-7ed970bec8ac |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Evdokimov, Paul |
Le Christ dans la pensee russe. Théologie sans frontières |
Paris: Cerf, 1970 |
true |
Série orthodoxe: 14 |
Ce |
118 |
bfb381b1-5b68-4a07-85a9-d8a508d2aaa4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rubenson, Samuel |
Öknens vishet |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2009 |
true |
Silentium Theologia: I |
9789197799201 |
Reviderad utgåva av: Ett odelat hjärta. En studie i ökenfädernas vishet. Skellefteå: Artos, 1984 |
Cjz.2 |
188 |
bdd570e0-bc50-44bf-8fad-037482a2e6a1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hagberg, Johnny (red.) |
Kloster och klosterliv i det medeltida Skara stift |
Skara: Skara stifthistoriska sällskap, 2007 |
true |
Skara stifthistoriska sällskaps skriftserie: 33 |
9789197668859 |
Ckt |
139 |
d2255415-de24-40c1-a365-64eff5fe869e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Pernler, Sven-Erik |
S:ta Elin av Skövde. Kulten, källorna, kvinnan |
Skara: Skara stiftshistoriska sällskap, 2007 |
true |
Skara stiftshistoriska sällskaps skriftserie: 31 |
9789197668835 |
Ckt |
146 |
a5608c90-765c-49b5-ba0f-9a902d78b93a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hagberg, Markus (red.) |
Gudhems kloster |
Värnamo: Fälth & Hässler, 2009 |
true |
Skara stiftshistoriska sällskaps skriftserie: 44 |
9789197736565 |
Ckt |
135 |
03d36676-69cb-4d92-9771-65aa18654753 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hagberg, Markus (red.) |
Jean Gersons Ars moriendi - Om konsten att dö |
Skara: Skara stiftshistoriska sällskap, 2009 |
true |
Skara stiftshistoriska sällskaps skriftserie: 45 |
9789197736572 |
Cdb |
160 |
8a8bd4cf-d4c4-4a82-9f40-5b87c18e2c10 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Larsson, Göran |
Tid för Gud. Judiska och kristna perspektiv på de judiska högtiderna |
Lund: Arcus, 2006 |
true |
Skrifter om judisk och kristen tro och tradition: 2 |
9188552667 |
Cm |
312 |
098864e2-a722-4654-9e14-fbe8cc23e603 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Dahlman, Britt |
Saint Daniel of Sketis. A group of hagiographic texts edited with introduction, translation and commentary |
Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2007 |
true |
Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia: 10 |
9789155468934 |
Cjz.2 |
1 |
5fdbaa43-9a67-4b69-b6f5-12d43e0f9c48 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Thunberg, Lars |
Mänsklighetstanken i äldre och nyare teologi |
Uppsala; Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell,1974 |
true |
Studia doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia: 13 |
9155405541 |
Zusammenfassung: Der Menschheitsgedanke in älterer und neuerer Theologie |
Cj |
244 |
c61c3cbe-7f0d-4566-8860-2f6496a29513 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Thunberg, Lars |
Det saliga bytet. Frälsningsschema och frälsarbild i teologihistorien |
Uppsala: Univ. ;Stockholm:Almqvist & Wiksell international (distr.),1977 |
true |
Studia doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia: 16 |
9155405541 |
Zusammenfassung: Der fröhliche Wechsel, Heilsschema und Heilandbild in der Theologiegeschichte |
Cj |
239 |
e0f0f6f1-1f09-425f-bb59-193f7a3f8903 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gebremedhin, Ezra |
Life-giving blessing. An inquiry into the eucharistic doctrine of Cyril of Alexandria |
Uppsala: Univ., 1977 |
true |
Studia doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia: 17, ISSN 0585-508X; 17 |
9155406904 |
Ce |
167 |
17a4c9cf-5024-4e17-b303-94f242e833ca |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gunner, Göran; Halvardson, Sven (red.) |
Jag behöver rötter och vingar - om assyrisk/syriansk identitet i Sverige |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2005 |
true |
Studia Theologica Holmiensia |
9172170808 |
Cko |
1017 |
8fd94308-38e2-4b48-b1d8-93d8f99ce46d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rubenson, Samuel |
The letters of St. Antony. Monasticism and the making of a saint |
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995 |
true |
Studies in antiquity and christianity |
0800629108 |
Tidigare utgiven utan översättning som: The letters of St. Antony: Origenist theology, monastic tradition, and the making of a saint, Lund University Press, 1990 |
Cjz.2 |
187 |
2bc3c1c9-fe0d-4cce-8e29-d621365006ae |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rich, Antony D. |
Discernment in the desert fathers. Diákrisis in the life and thougt of early egyptian monasticism |
Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2007 |
false |
Studies in Christian history and thought |
9781842274316 |
Cj.2 |
293 |
ddd85cf6-26f4-4434-a030-2a9d14ed2b28 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kavanagh, Aidan |
The shape of baptism: the rite of christian initiation |
Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1991 |
true |
Studies in the reformed rites of the catholic church. Volume 1 |
0814660363 |
Pueblo Publishing, 1978 |
Cg |
334 |
26122118-7115-4b29-b678-cf70d9348221 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Testa, Emmanuel |
The faith of the mother church. An essay on the theology of the judeo-christians |
Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1992 |
false |
Studium Biblicum franciscanum, collectio minor: 32 |
Översatt från italienska av Paul Rotondi |
Cj.2 |
297 |
045da6a3-8a97-4a15-9c2a-026b727038a9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Raymond E. (övers.) |
The gospel according to John I-XII |
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966 |
false |
The Anchor Yale Bible: 29 |
9780300140521 |
Ccb |
1006 |
9d74b22e-b922-4625-b9f0-01e1db247aea |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Raymond E. (övers.) |
The gospel according to John XIII - XXI |
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970 |
false |
The Anchor Yale Bible: 29A |
9780300140729 |
Ccb |
1007 |
0bac16cf-e367-4540-a6a3-1b2739092585 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
Imperial unity and christian divisions. The church 450-680 A.D. |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989 |
true |
The church in history: 2; II |
088141056X |
Cj.2 |
272 |
5bbf59e0-c422-49c1-ae1f-29b832ac68a5 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Louth, Andrew |
Greek east and latin west. The church AD 681-1071 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2007 |
true |
The church in history: 3; III |
9780881413205 |
Cj.2 |
268 |
d8b52031-db84-43ef-9908-9cc3c802c6c7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hackel, Sergei (red.) |
The byzantine saint |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
false |
The church in history: 3; III |
0881412023 |
Felllowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1981 |
Cj.2 |
270 |
1035db48-6fe4-4cff-b057-ff9aa9993301 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
L'Huillier, Peter |
The church of the ancient councils. The disciplinary work of the first four ecumenical councils |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press 1996, tr 2000 |
true |
The church in history: 3; III |
0881410071 |
2:a upplagan |
Cj.2 |
271 |
ef1bd111-7031-48be-bed4-04e15cd3c06f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Norris Jr., Richard A. (red.) |
The song of songs. Interpreted by early christian and medieval commentators. |
Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2003 |
true |
The Church's Bible |
0802825796 |
Cc:k |
1029 |
971bc829-1ec2-4df4-bf4a-5947122f7e2d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Evans, Gillian R. (övers.) |
Bernard of Clairvaux. Selected works. |
Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1987 |
true |
The Classics of Western Spirituality |
0809129175 |
Cdb |
1001 |
5bf4e728-1351-42bf-980c-b5bac49efccd |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Merton, Thomas |
The inner experience. Infused contemplation (V). Some dangers in contemplation (VI). Problems of the contemplative life (VII). Prospects and conclusions (VIII). Edited by Patrick Hart. |
false |
The inner experience. Thomas Merton´s unpublished manuscript |
Nytryck från Cistercian studies quarterly review 19, 1984, by the trustees of the Merton legacy trust. |
Ce |
1060 |
8994e5b2-8483-409a-9a38-af158eb6b688 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Peter |
The rise of western christendom. Triumph and diversity AD 200-1000. |
Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1997 |
true |
The making of Europe. |
1577180925 |
Cj.2 |
1009 |
a681b244-6eda-4451-a19e-07e58711ac0b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Peterson, Eugene |
Psaltaren |
Örebro: Libris förlag, 2013 |
true |
The Message på svenska |
9789173873130 |
The Message: The Psalms, 1994 |
Cb |
1047 |
3139d3de-15a6-42e0-a285-7ac723e06041 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Swanson, Mark N. |
The coptic papacy in islamic Egypt 641-1517. |
Cairo: The American university in Cairo press, 2010 |
true |
The popes of Egypt 2 |
9789774160936 |
Ckop |
131 |
bf11bf76-688c-4284-898d-26e6e01f19ba |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Caner, Daniel |
Wandering, begging monks. Spiritual authority and the promotion of monasticism in late antiquity |
Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 2002 |
true |
The transformation of the classical heritage: 33; XXXIII |
0520233247 |
Cj.2 |
260 |
499d00ea-bdf3-4143-a7a7-d0d8882cbfc5 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Wilken, Robert L. |
John Chrysostom and the Jews. Rhetoric and reality in the late 4th century. |
Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2004 |
false |
The transformation of the classical heritage: IV |
1592449425 |
University of California Press, 1983 |
Cjz.2 |
120 |
0507d577-e002-46a0-a6dd-51b183b2f398 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rousseau, Philip |
Pachomius. The making of a community in fourth-century Egypt |
Berkeley; Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1995, tr 1999 |
true |
The transformation of the classical heritage: VI |
9780520219595 |
Nytt förord |
Cjz.2 |
121 |
c5ab2a5d-341c-475a-9034-078279efad36 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rousseau, Philip |
Basil of Caesarea |
Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 1994, tr 1998 |
true |
The transformation of the classical heritage: XX |
9780520213814 |
Cjz.2 |
2 |
e5807348-a91b-48c7-bfa0-e2671dd9d2bb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Chryssavgis, John |
In the heart of the desert. Revised: The spirituality of the desert fathers and mothers |
Bloomington: World Wisdom, 2008 |
false |
Treasures of the world's religions |
9781933316567 |
Cjz.2 |
159 |
13b4449a-e41c-4c12-b471-60f406cde3f4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Chryssavgis, John |
In the heart of the desert. The spirituality of the desert fathers and mothers |
Bloomington: World Wisdom, 2003 |
false |
Treasures of the world's religions |
0941532518 |
Cjz.2 |
185 |
2c8b544c-5f49-4f84-81ae-d74a2df19daa |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hartog, Paul |
Polycarp and the New Testament. The occasion, rhetoric, theme, and unity of the Epistel to the Philippians and its allusions to New Testament literature |
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2002 |
true |
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe: 134 |
3161474198 |
Cjz.2 |
122 |
e4a29d16-1624-41b1-8b83-9875aa51bab8 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Augustinus |
Augustinus bekännelser |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2003 |
false |
9175802392 |
Confessiones |
Cda |
1058 |
ac247936-2d92-469b-86b2-bbd124e33901 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Shulam, Joseph |
Hidden treasures. The first century jewish way of understanding the scriptures |
Jerusalem: Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry, 2008 |
false |
9780981873008 |
Cc:k |
182 |
a4738da9-b0a5-4588-bfc8-c9b40fb37448 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Clines, David J A |
The new century bible commentary, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther |
London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1984 |
false |
0802800173 |
Cca |
1057 |
d8a1fdf7-84c1-4d11-82e4-cd9b50ebed61 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ratzinger, Joseph - Benedict XVI |
Jesus fra Nasaret, del 2. Fra inntoget i Jerusalem til oppstandelsen |
Oslo: Avenir Forlag, 2011 |
false |
9788249400966 |
Jesus von Nazareth, 2007 |
Ccb |
165 |
3555bd51-075f-44b0-b1b8-315696012580 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Fjärstedt, Biörn |
Spåren efter Jesus. Om kyrkans fyra evangelier. |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag, 2012 |
true |
9789175805757 |
Ccb |
1014 |
86bd8550-ab19-4627-91c8-33d012a8c610 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Barth, Karl |
The epistle to the Romans |
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968 |
true |
9780195002942 |
Ccb |
1000 |
54c85776-0c09-42ce-92e5-8d82d12ddd3f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Pixner, Bargil |
Paths of the Messiah and sites of the early church from Galilee to Jerusalem. Jesus and jewish christianity in light of archeological discoveries. |
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2010 |
false |
9780898708653 |
Wege des Messias und Stätten der Urkirche. Jesus und das Judenchristentum im Licht neuer archäologischer Erkenntnisse, 1991 |
Cce |
1031 |
e8b49f37-1afb-40ca-a8b8-80daf397d42c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Efraim Syriern |
Ephraem Syrus; Ephrem the Syrian |
Hymnerna om tron |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175806822 |
Hymnerna översatta från syriskan av Sten Hidal |
Cda |
1071 |
55f5d434-ba4b-456c-a5bf-0f205e0adc8c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Back, Sven-Olav (övers.) |
Justinus Martyren. Apologi för de kristna. Andra apologin samt Justinus martyrium |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175807140 |
Cda |
1084 |
ffb03e7a-45c6-4afb-a023-d9a06e85db27 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Migne, J.-P. |
Patrologia Graeca. 65. |
nytr Athen 2003 |
true |
Hyllplats ÖKE (Ökenfädernas). Innehåller Coteliers utgåva av den grekiska texten till Ökenfädernas tänkespråk, Apophthegmata patrum. Fascimile of the 1858 Paris Edition. |
Cda |
1087 |
86eedd29-88c5-499d-883c-36fdef8366db |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Cabasilas, Nicholas |
A commentary on the divine liturgy |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1977, tr 2002 |
false |
0913836370 |
SPCK, 1960 |
Cdb |
336 |
c61a99d3-feba-4d16-925a-633a9596aca7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Nylén, E. (övers.) |
Bernhard av Clairvaux. Skrifter. |
Vejbystrand: Catholica, 1994 |
true |
9186428527 |
Cdb |
1002 |
e999225b-ada7-4649-bdc8-dbd667266218 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Guyon, Madame Jeanne Marie de la Mothe |
Bönen eller Kort och lätt sätt att be. |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1988 |
true |
9175800497 |
Cdb |
1049 |
81f9e8fb-1a4a-4b2d-af67-803c2d77df29 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Erasmus av Rotterdam |
Dårskapens lov |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2012 |
true |
9789175805429 |
Cdb |
1012 |
1e9b25fd-0e3e-4d06-8cd6-eaa44a7c0b21 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Styrenius, Barbro (övers) |
Legenden om Barlaam och Joasaf |
Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175807089 |
Cdb |
1076 |
3b5dc0b9-24de-4274-b894-f92c910fe5ba |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Härdelin, Alf (red.) |
Vägledning. Kristen spiritualitet under tusen år (200-1200) |
Stockholm/Uppsala: Katolska bokförlaget, 1978 |
true |
9185530107 |
Cdb |
1020 |
f9d5220f-5523-47e8-9454-265226b8c92c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Av vatten och ande |
Uppsala: Pro Veritate, 1981 |
true |
Of water and the Spirit, 1974 |
Ce |
117 |
042682f8-01b1-4762-bbca-108a8eea1405 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Zizioulas, John D. |
Being as communion. Studies in personhood and the church |
London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1985, tr 2004 |
true |
0232525315 |
St Vladimir´s Seminary Press, 1985 |
Ce |
178 |
8c9aa4b9-2bf9-4f37-a242-8044a6d689b4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Appelqvist, Tomas |
Bönen i den helige Andes tempel. Människosyn och kyrkosyn i Martin Luthers böneteologi |
Skellefteå, Artos, 2009 |
true |
9789175804316 |
Ce |
353 |
996f7161-1838-48a7-b70a-bad58805918e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Afonsky, Greogory |
Christ and the church. In orthodox teaching and tradition |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
false |
0881412163 |
Ce |
351 |
7aec0401-5858-465e-9f9c-90f78c8edc49 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Father John |
Christ is in our midst. Letters from a russian monk |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1980, tr 1996 |
false |
0913836648 |
2:a upplagan. Pis'ma Valaamskago startsa. Darton, Longman and Todd, 1980 |
Ce |
350 |
2fb5fed1-d0cd-45c1-a33e-e7d24bc5e3d9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ekström, Hjalmar |
Den stilla kammaren. Brev av Hjalmar Ekström. |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1988 |
false |
9175800527 |
Ce |
1059 |
460b4d05-d65f-472f-ae41-31c585d3d5a2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth (förf.);Plekon, Michael (red.); Hinlicky, Sarah E (red.) |
Discerning the signs of the times. The vision of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
true |
088141218X |
Ce |
359 |
99dc7f34-9df1-4c0e-83aa-1d1266a54ffc |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kelly, J.N.D. |
Kelly, John Norman Davidson |
Early christian doctrines |
London: Adam & Charles Black, 1977 |
true |
071361756X |
5:e upplagan. Oreviderad utgåva, 1958 |
Ce |
1021 |
843a392e-5c0e-4852-89ed-3e08a0f03332 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Anastasios, Archbishop |
Facing the world. Orthodox christian essays on global concerns |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 |
false |
0881412465 |
Pankosmioteta kai orthodoxia |
Ce |
352 |
bf0e2923-d45f-4745-a100-4f4273c1d970 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Vittis, Eusebios |
Herre, lär oss bedja! En grekisk-ortodox prästmunks enkla betraktelser över bönen enligt Jesu lära och exempel. |
Hudiksvall: Åsak, 1984 |
false |
9178300088 |
Sidirókastron, 1984 |
Ce |
1061 |
a8b45bc7-abe5-43c4-8072-180071cb50c0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Sophrony, Archimandrite |
His life is mine |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1977, tr 2001 |
false |
0913836338 |
2:a upplagan. Översatt från ryska |
Ce |
347 |
8ae6016a-bee3-4fa4-b7ed-5600428ac817 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hahn, Scott |
Lammets måltid. Mässan som himlen på jorden. |
Ängelholm: Catholica AB, 2003 |
true |
9186428918 |
The Lamb´s supper - The Mass as Heaven on Earth, 1999 |
Ce |
1018 |
14681473-57e6-45b1-a755-834067417a06 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ratzinger, Joseph - Benedict XVI; von Balthasar, Hans Urs |
Mary the church at the source |
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2005 |
true |
9781586170189 |
Maria - Kirche im Ursprung, 1980 |
Ce |
361 |
d1771e96-6405-4d8c-975e-923ae814c05a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brander, Bo |
Mikrokosmos förvaltare och skapelsens integritet. Den teologiska antropologin inom Kyrkornas Världsråds JPIC-process med särskild hänsyn till skapelsens integritet |
Lund: Universitetstryckeriet, 2001 |
true |
Doktorsavhandling i systematisk teologi |
Ce |
114 |
c39d6d64-f102-4135-bc8f-8a0e4fe91a9d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Archimandrite, Sophrony |
On prayer |
Essex: Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, 1996 |
false |
1874679142 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1996. Översatt från ryska |
Ce |
349 |
cdb0e824-5742-4c43-b79a-348436b07da8 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Sophrony, Archimandrite |
On prayer |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1996 |
false |
0881411949 |
Essex: Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, 1996. Översatt från ryska |
Ce |
348 |
318c99a6-775d-42f5-8a5c-be2f448abe7d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Allchin, A. M. |
Participation in God. A forgotten strand in anglican tradition |
London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1988 |
false |
0232517819 |
Ce |
360 |
031f0cb8-91f1-4130-8a25-3882a88407cf |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Arseniev, Nicholas |
Revelation of life eternal. An introduction to the christian message |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982 |
true |
0913836001 |
Ce |
354 |
febd05c8-226c-4955-9cd8-ccdd06f1c862 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Berzonsky, Vladimir |
The gift of love |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985 |
false |
0881410411 |
Ce |
363 |
466fef05-bf34-4398-ae71-7951daeb878d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth |
The ministry of woman in the church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999, tr 2004 |
true |
0961854561 |
Le ministère de la femme dans l'eglise, 1987. Oakwood Publications, 1991 |
Ce |
358 |
19b3c5ca-2b72-4049-977c-005400d16d6b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bobrinskoy, Boris |
The mystery of the church. A course in orthodox dogmatic theology. |
New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2012 |
false |
9780881413885 |
Le mystére de l'Eglise. Cours de théologie dogmatique, 2003 |
Ce |
1004 |
5d286ea3-a3b0-42dd-b17e-2514d296b5ab |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Behr, John |
The Nicene Faith. Part 1. True God of true God. Formation of christian theology. Volume 2 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2004 |
true |
0881412600 |
Ce |
356 |
47c465ec-4913-4eb0-a49a-335b64f29eb9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Behr, John |
The Nicene Faith. Part 2. One of the holy trinity. Formation of christian theology. Volume 2 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2004 |
true |
0881412651 |
Ce |
357 |
621a7cdd-072e-4714-a8c1-080736cd23aa |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth |
The place of the heart. An introduction to orthodox spirituality |
Torrance: Oakwood publications, 1992, tr 1995 |
false |
18799038048 |
2:a upplagan; Le lieu du cur,initiation á la spiritualité de l´Eglise orthodoxe, 1989 |
Ce |
362 |
5535b26b-668a-4074-9ba3-d6eba8d1e66f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ghezzi, Bert |
The sign of the cross. Recovering the power of the ancient prayer |
Chicago: Loyola Press, 2008 |
false |
0829421661, 9780829421668 |
2:a häftade upplagan |
Ce |
169 |
919c8223-22a5-49c5-8a5e-c2faf37e7c32 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Behr, John |
The way to Nicaea. Formation of christian theology. Volume 1 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
true |
0881412244 |
Ce |
355 |
b1b357fd-2161-4e04-8427-890330747ac4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rombs, Ronnie J.; Hwang, Alexander Y. |
Tradition & the rule of faith in the early church. Essays in honor of Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. |
Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2010 |
true |
9780813217932 |
Ce |
1035 |
c8a13556-4d05-4ac8-a6b9-94f9a8f74a46 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Lewis, Alan E. |
Between cross and resurrection. A theology of holy saturday |
Grand Rapids; Cambridge: William B Eerdmans, 2001, tr 2003 |
false |
0802826784 |
2:a upplagan |
Cg |
335 |
2b6d5b1c-2009-45db-9229-33589ee77df5 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Sister Magdalen |
Children in the church today. An orthodox perspective |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991 |
false |
0881411043 |
Cg |
326 |
b85bb2b4-6d8e-46dd-9cb3-c9eb66236abe |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Boojamra, John L. |
Foundations for christian education. Foundations for orthodox christian education |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989 |
false |
0881410500 |
Cg |
320 |
51feaf6e-3751-4eb3-8357-6d3cb16f85e4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Lönnebo, Martin |
Homiletik. En introduktion i kyrkans förkunnelse. |
Verbum, 1977 |
true |
3307725 |
Cg |
1023 |
26ea9310-ebe2-4e1f-9cb1-f3882e370e46 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
Marriage: an orthodox perspective |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1975, tr 1984 |
true |
0913836052 |
3:e reviderade upplagan |
Cg |
337 |
e820165b-09e7-4e57-b236-9ab3b770477c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Fagerberg, David W. |
On liturgical asceticism |
Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2013 |
true |
9780813221175 |
Cg |
1013 |
0031110f-ece5-441d-92c0-0a96d081dcb6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Dragas, George Dion. |
On the priesthood and the holy Eucharist. According to St. Symeon of Thessalonica, Patriarch Kallinikos of Constantinople, and St. Mark Eugenikos of Ephesus |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2004 |
false |
0974561827 |
Cg |
332 |
26a0c3e0-218d-4f10-8ccd-4ef823ba261b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Azkoul, Michael |
Order of creation. Order of redemption. The ordination of women in the orthodox church |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2007 |
false |
193327512X, 9781933275123 |
Cg |
330 |
4535c8df-34ac-4dc6-b730-06f6ec187fae |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kimbrough, S T (red.) |
Orthodox and wesleyan scriptural understanding and practice |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2005 |
false |
0881413011, 9780881413014 |
Cg |
327 |
0c82003b-e386-45a0-93fa-8c42d6996c6f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Koulomzin, Sophie |
Our church and our children |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1975, tr 2004 |
false |
0881412740 |
Cg |
329 |
1dee1f18-5dc3-4b09-9629-7fa72f4fd7e2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Aurelius, Carl Axel |
På helig mark. Pilgrimen i historia och nutid |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175806778 |
Cg |
1073 |
63c39501-b222-48a5-97d8-ecb992775a0c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Dragas, George Dion. |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985 |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2003 |
false |
0974561819 |
Cg |
331 |
0d55cdae-2074-4360-a965-1e2eb4c883b2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Sandgren, Johannes |
Symbolon. Om samspelet mellan tro, förnuft och handling |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175806808 |
Cg |
1079 |
332abb48-ce4a-4782-b05d-d85dff30f153 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gebremedhin, Ezra |
The church of martyrs and its ministry of mercy. What can we learn from it? |
Géneve: The International Christian Federation For the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, 1998 |
false |
Cg |
1015 |
b690671a-7389-40bd-8039-c96fa181d3b6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Aslanoff, Catherine (red.) |
The Incarnate God. Volume 1. The feasts of Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1995, tr 2002 |
false |
0881411280 |
Fêtes et la vie Jésus-Christ |
Cg |
324 |
4617ad7e-b037-484a-a281-75fa6d7f3af9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Aslanoff, Catherine (red.) |
The Incarnate God. Volume 2. The feasts of Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1995, tr 2002 |
false |
0881411280 |
Fêtes et la vie Jésus-Christ |
Cg |
325 |
c618277e-e839-4dd6-b775-b3aa86acd318 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Allen, Joseph J. |
The ministry of the church. Image of pastoral care |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1986 |
false |
0881410446 |
Cg |
323 |
7e808fc9-ee21-4ccb-890b-20a934ef49d1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Borelli, John; Erickson, John H. (red.) |
The quest for unity. Orthodox and catholics in dialogue |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1996 |
true |
0881411132 |
Cg |
321 |
12dc8b8b-0657-40f0-9c04-7be8b851a4de |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Evdokimov, Paul |
The sacrament of love. The nuptial mystery in the light of the orthodox tradition |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985, tr 2001 |
true |
088141042X |
3:e upplagan. Sacrament de l'amour, 1980 |
Cg |
328 |
62e41816-eae4-46a9-afd5-b8ca1a75941e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hopko, Thomas (red.) |
Women and the priesthood |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999 |
true |
0881411469 |
Cg |
322 |
59f3d76a-7f1d-4e95-8e3b-03b6d8d71a1f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bradshaw, Paul F. |
Daily prayer in the early church. A study of the origin and early development of the divine office |
Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2008 |
false |
9781606081051 |
SPCK, 1981 |
Cha |
163 |
161b20e9-b714-4198-9ef2-f87b9e7e7c54 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bradshaw, Paul F. |
Early christian worship. A basic introduction to ideas and practice |
London: SPCK, 2010 |
false |
9780281063451 |
2:a upplagan |
Cha |
162 |
ca7a9c2a-f7f6-4580-8811-fcfe31038c48 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bradshaw, Paul F. (red.) |
Essays on early eastern eucharistic prayers |
Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1997 |
false |
081466153X |
Cha |
343 |
7dca9f7e-375a-449e-a4eb-dd95e3559b0b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Eukaristin - kärlekens sakrament |
Skellefteå: Artos,1997 |
true |
9175801434 |
Cha |
339 |
b2bdaae9-1f68-4857-855a-941f64b90cbf |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Uspensky, Nicholas |
Evening worship in the orthodox church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985 |
false |
088141011X |
Översatt från ryska |
Cha |
344 |
511c1112-a42e-41b1-8ecb-c118b4ca6191 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
For the life of the world. Sacraments and orthodoxy |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1963, tr 1973 |
false |
0913836087 |
2:a reviderade och utökade utgåvan |
Cha |
341 |
81599adc-3fcd-4d42-9c88-0d2b8779f34f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Great lent. Journey to pascha |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1969, tr 1974 |
true |
0913836044 |
Reviderad upplaga |
Cha |
340 |
2cd362cd-14b4-4012-b6ef-c7fa5d01922d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Introduction to liturgical theology |
New York: St Vladimir´s Seminary Press, 1966, tr 1996 |
true |
0913836184 |
Vvedenie v liturgicheskoe bogoslovie, 1966 |
Cha |
179 |
133dd1bc-ef32-4eb8-b18e-17db0157f823 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Introduction to liturgical theology |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1966, tr 2003 |
true |
0913836184 |
Vvedenie v liturgicheskoe bogoslovie, 1966 |
Cha |
183 |
5dd700a0-8673-4a3a-9cbf-c654c9f15773 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander (förf.);Fisch, Thomas (red.) |
Liturgy and tradition. Theological reflections of Alexander Scmemann |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990, tr 2003 |
true |
0881410829 |
Cha |
342 |
4769139c-ea4a-476b-9af8-35739822ce5e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kjölstad, Jon Emil (red.) |
Missale Parvum. Den heliga mässan i den romerska ritens äldre eller extraordinarie form |
Ängelholm: Catholica, 2009 |
true |
9789185608164 |
Cha |
180 |
da209b1a-28b9-4305-a30c-3b85f97b427e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Löndahl, Berth |
Mysteriet - om ett förlorat leende, livets frågor och mässan |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2013 |
true |
9789175806501 |
Cha |
1022 |
55d395fb-8944-407a-a398-6452188e4c35 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Oremus. Svensk katolsk bönbok |
Stockholm: Veritas, 2008; Stockholms katolska stift |
false |
9789189684485 |
6:e reviderade upplagan |
Cha |
1062 |
14076099-05c6-464c-a4a1-dad865cd3c45 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bradshaw, Paul F. |
Reconstructing early christian worship |
Collegeville: Liturgical press, 2010 |
false |
9780814662458 |
SPCK, 2009 |
Cha |
161 |
04afa8bf-7d15-4b3f-bc16-2232039cd6e1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Johnson, Maxwell E. (red.) |
Sacraments and worship. The sources of christian theology |
Louisville: Westminster John Knox press, 2012 |
false |
9780664231576 |
Cha |
164 |
7a561bae-79d6-481f-84cd-0f5d8632252e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
The anaphora. The service book of the divine liturgy. According to the rite of the Syriac orthodox church of Antioch |
Damaskus: Bab Touma printing, 2012 |
false |
Hyllplacering FOL (folianter) |
Cha |
1080 |
50598676-9e66-4ff6-b5a6-f3d18eea4bd3 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
The Eucharist. Sacrament of the kingdom |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1987, tr 2003 |
true |
0881410187 |
Cha |
338 |
682e8953-2201-4f11-881f-4551a85e2af6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Pahlmblad, Christer; Piltz, Anders |
Tidegärden. Kyrkans dagliga bön |
Arcus; Stockolms katolska stift; Svenska bibelsällskapet; författarna, 1995 |
false |
9188552063 |
Cha |
1063 |
7ff3f42d-c094-407b-acf7-e45c68428880 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Petersson, Kjell |
Åkallan och åminnelse. Nattvarden i mötet mellan luthersk tradition och ekumenisk teologi |
Lund: Arcus |
false |
918855306X |
Cha |
1085 |
12369557-eb5c-4e0e-b461-d99e72594a20 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gardner, Johann von |
Russian church singing. Volume 1. Orthodox worship and hymnography |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1980 |
true |
0913836567 |
Översatt från ryska |
Chc |
345 |
838966f1-c125-4ceb-a1b7-069a1bc107d6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gardner, Johann von |
Russian church singing. Volume 2. History from the origins to the mid-seventeenth century |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000 |
true |
0881410462 |
Översatt från ryska |
Chc |
346 |
26d55462-bc97-4e5b-bf68-5153523ebade |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hetherington, Paul (övers.) |
The painter´s manual of Dionysius of Fourna |
Torrance, Kalifornien: Oakwood publications, 1996 |
false |
1879038013 |
London: The Sagittarius press, 1974 |
Chd |
1083 |
3f98a6c5-5308-4b60-9bb5-1b40180bb686 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bercot, David W. (red.) |
A dictionary of early christian beliefs. A reference guide to more than 700 topics discussed by the early church fathers |
Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers1998, tr 2006 |
false |
1565638700 |
6:e upplagan |
Cj |
228 |
991ec909-e62b-4512-8589-e24b8d925e28 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hill, Jonathan (förf.); Beskow, Per (red.) |
Den kristna kyrkans historia |
Örebro: Libris, 2007 |
true |
9789171959386 |
The history of christianity, 2007 |
Cj |
246 |
ba26593f-303b-4379-a8cd-4e9c180a0980 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Institutum patristicum Augustinianum |
Encyclopedia of ancient christianity. Volym 2 F-O |
Illinois: IVP, 2014 |
false |
9780830829415 |
Nuovo dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiana, 2006-2008 |
Cj |
1069 |
c9c24136-abad-49b9-9440-2e100aaf9190 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Institutum patristicum Augustinianum |
Encyclopedia of ancient christianity. Volym 3 P-Z |
Illinois: IVP, 2014 |
false |
9780830829422 |
Nuovo dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiana, 2006-2008 |
Cj |
1070 |
3520f68d-7875-45e1-b424-83dde709299c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Institutum patristicum Augustinianum |
Encyclopedia of ancient christianity. Volym1 A-E |
Illinois: IVP, 2014 |
false |
9780830829408 |
Nuovo dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiana, 2006-2008 |
Cj |
1068 |
0c59f613-d46b-436b-94af-3c975fa63751 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Nyman, Magnus |
Förlorarnas historia. Katolskt liv i Sverige från Gustav Vasa till drottning Kristina |
Stockholm: Veritas, 1997, tr 2002 |
true |
9189684028 |
2:a upplagan |
Cj |
245 |
5f1bf0fe-af79-469a-8ed3-d73a9e109978 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Abukhanfusa, Kerstin; Brunius, Jan; Benneth, Solbritt (red.) |
Helgerånet. Från mässböcker till munkepärmar |
Stockholm: Carlsson i samarbete med Riksarkivet och Stockholms medeltidsmuseum, 1993 |
true |
9177986636 |
Cj |
243 |
3dffccf2-d084-4439-9d65-83d7041521c1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Mursell, Gordon (red.); Beskow, Per (red.), (övers.) |
Kristen spiritualitet. Från ökenfäder till cyberkyrka |
Örebro: Libris, 2006 |
true |
9171957669 |
The story of christian spirituality. Two thousand years, from east to west, 2001 |
Cj |
242 |
7eb4c166-85f4-4cd4-998e-be37886eb58b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Rasmussen, Tarald; Thomassen, Einar |
Kristendomen. En historisk introduktion |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2007 |
true |
9789175803364 |
Kristendommen - en historisk inføring, 2000 |
Cj |
248 |
91f2c4af-2869-4653-8d79-9c73850ed48c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Kyrkans tjugo sekel. Ett kyrkohistoriskt kompendium |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2007 |
true |
9175803348 |
Cj |
247 |
5ac1baa9-e8c7-4481-9187-bb795e06cfc4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Kyrkligt documentarium. Kyrkans historia i dokument |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2007 |
true |
9789175803562 |
Cj |
233 |
9f18bd0b-4d81-4772-8467-197a9056bcf5 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hummel, Thomas (red.); Hintlian, Kevork (red.); Carmesund, Ulf (red.) |
Patterns of the past prospects for the future. The christian heritage in the holy land |
London: Melisende, 1999 |
true |
1901764109 |
Cj |
234 |
0abd221a-c103-4d9e-9faf-e1f6ae7e6d21 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hägglund, Bengt |
Teologins historia. En dogmatisk översikt |
Lund: C W K Gleerups, 1956, tr 1969 |
true |
4:e utökade upplagan |
Cj |
240 |
334637b3-e85c-4d7d-be49-d1c96ddd1be1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Mitchell, Margaret M. (red.); Young, Frances M. (red.) |
The Cambridge history of christianity. Volume 1. Origins to Constantine |
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 |
true |
0521812399, 9780521812399 |
Cj |
236 |
ceffb391-e2b2-41f9-aa89-d2bf4354c200 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Casiday, Augustine (red.); Norris, Frederick W. (red.) |
The Cambridge history of christianity. Volume 2. Constantine to c. 600 |
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007 |
true |
9780521812443 |
Cj |
237 |
c15a491f-5542-450d-980b-af92bdfb63be |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Angold, Michael (red.) |
The Cambridge history of christianity. Volume 5. Eastern Christianity |
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 |
true |
0521811139, 9780521811132 |
Cj |
238 |
5fbdae5f-af2f-46be-910e-7fd612d94347 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
O'Mahony, Anthony (red.) |
The christian heritage in the holy land |
London: Scorpion Cavendish, 1995 |
true |
1900269066 |
Cj |
235 |
6c94c0cb-d931-4fb1-9127-5add8b936e65 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Mursell, Gordon (red.) |
The story of christian spirituality. Two thousand years, from east to west |
Oxford: Lion Publishing, 2001 |
true |
0745936415 |
Cj |
241 |
f3798a3d-46ec-4ccd-bfb5-82e8718944da |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Williams, Rowan |
Why study the past? The quest for the historical church |
Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 2005 |
true |
0802829902 |
London: Darton Longman & Todd, 2005 |
Cj |
249 |
9ead193b-b831-4609-954a-36282c700cdc |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Thunberg, Lars |
Äkta kristendom. Från fornkyrkan till vår tid. |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2005 |
true |
9175802856 |
Cj |
1040 |
425fdc2c-69b6-4952-b4c7-df2196ec8cc6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
21 kyrkofäder. Historien om hur kristendomen formades |
Örebro: Cordia, 2000 |
true |
9186082892 |
2:a tryckningen |
Cj.2 |
287 |
ed3bb427-023a-48af-8623-0039acd3e0b5 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Peter |
Authority and the sacred. Aspects of the christianisation of the roman world |
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995 |
true |
0521499046 |
Cj.2 |
259 |
b42981a2-ff34-4f80-b66b-8167d48a3011 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Beckwith, Roger T. |
Calendar and chronology, jewish and christian. Biblical, Intertestamental and patristic studies |
Boston; Leiden: Brill, 1996, tr 2001 |
false |
0391041231 |
Cj.2 |
250 |
0b5004a9-f4f9-4e8f-9951-4d818e713f9b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
Christ in eastern christian thought |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1975, tr 1987 |
true |
0913836273 |
2:a upplagan |
Cj.2 |
274 |
27d140b9-c32f-406c-bd49-15fc7b437219 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Vermes, Geza |
Christian beginnings. From Nazareth to Nicaea, AD 30-325 |
London: The Penguin Group, 2012 |
false |
9781846141508 |
Cj.2 |
1042 |
963de5b9-055b-4f20-8d9e-78f0d9c8d76c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Billing, Einar |
De etiska tankarna i urkristendomen. I deras samband med dess religiösa tro |
Stockholm: Sveriges kristliga studentrörelses bokförlag, 1936 |
true |
2:a utvidgade upplagan |
Cj.2 |
255 |
fb2d8c30-2bc5-45bb-8aa9-198c3f6147e4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Chadwick, Henry |
Den tidiga kyrkans historia |
Nora: Nya Doxa, 1998 |
true |
915780043X |
The early church, 1967 |
Cj.2 |
263 |
de32e836-8272-4b65-bb33-8661dd3652c2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hedin, Christer |
Den äldsta kyrkan. Förkunnelse, förföljelse och framgång under fem sekel |
Stockholm: Dialogos, 2007 |
true |
9789175041940 |
Cj.2 |
289 |
c9471b3a-9fda-4a82-b4f2-4b52f6eff140 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hallonsten, Gösta; Hidal, Sten; Rubenson, Samuel (red.) |
Florilegium patristicum. En festskrift till Per Beskow |
Delsbo: Åsak, Sahlin & Dahlström, 1991 |
true |
9178300983 |
Cj.2 |
251 |
d5bf8c97-ed64-4e05-a168-ee9af0d49767 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Sullivan, Francis A. |
From apostles to bishops. The development of the episcopacy in the early church |
New York; Mahwah: Newman Press, 2001 |
true |
0809105349 |
Cj.2 |
298 |
be95d464-51b0-48d9-987d-274d26b83f0c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Duffy, Eamon |
Helgon och syndare. En bok om påvarnas historia |
Skellefteå: Norma, 2002 |
true |
9172170476 |
Saints and sinners - a history of the popes, 1997 |
Cj.2 |
266 |
13f158e3-ea30-474e-8517-4a5baff3518c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gehring, Roger W. |
House church and mission. The importance of household structures in early christianity |
Peabody: Hendrickson, 2004 |
true |
1565638123 |
Hausgemeinde und Mission, 2000 |
Cj.2 |
276 |
068b5464-2485-417c-b72c-d400e526ae46 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Lieu, Judith |
Image and reality. The jews in the world of the christians in the second century |
Edinburgh: T & T Clark,1996 |
true |
0567085295 |
Cj.2 |
292 |
7a59943f-b107-447d-8251-7e4d6cf4e63b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Skarsaune, Oskar |
In the shadow of the temple. Jewish influences on early christianity |
Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2002 |
true |
083082670X |
Cj.2 |
294 |
20b56b35-e894-4bdf-808d-577266a01342 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Skarsaune, Oskar; Hvalvik, Reidar (red.) |
Jewish believers in Jesus. The early centuries |
Peabody: Hendrickson, 2007 |
true |
9781565637634 |
Cj.2 |
281 |
de431411-a311-4511-89fa-d2164685b1ed |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
Jungfrumark. En modern pilgrims färd mot sina rötter |
Örebro: Cordia, 1993, tr 2004 |
true |
9186082469 |
5:e upplagan |
Cj.2 |
285 |
c0a0d5cf-d16c-4d5c-8f9b-32b678c3c760 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Pritz, Ray A. |
Nazarene jewish christianity. From the end of the new testament period until its disappearance in the fourth century. |
Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnet Press, 2010 |
true |
9652237981 |
Cj.2 |
1034 |
1746e748-9df6-4c1c-83a2-b8c01d3d3197 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Wilken, Robert Louis |
Remembering the christian past |
Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans,1995 |
false |
0802808808 |
Cj.2 |
300 |
71a462f7-1ca5-4e70-b68a-5c379b1915ae |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Sterk, Andrea |
Renouncing the world yet leading the church. The monk-bishop in late antiquity |
Cambridge; London: Harvard University Press, 2004 |
true |
0674011899 |
Cj.2 |
295 |
5fcdf9ab-8675-48cc-8bea-d490d65ad4d3 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Beskow, Per |
Rex gloriae. The kingship of Christ in the early church |
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1962 |
true |
Cj.2 |
254 |
c7695350-194c-4b0e-bc94-bc6684783f35 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Harvey, Susan Ashbrook |
Scenting salvation. Ancient christianity and the olfactory imagination |
Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 2006 |
true |
0520241479, 970520241473 |
Cj.2 |
283 |
a25c6690-5234-42e0-8941-70144f21e986 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Dreuille, Mayeul de |
Seeking the absolute love. The founders of christian monasticism |
New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1999 |
false |
0852444680, 0824518306 |
Cj.2 |
265 |
319c7211-3f61-46c9-b083-b3fe67b307ad |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Williams, Ritva H. |
Stewards, prophets, keepers of the word. Leadership in the early church |
Peabody: Hendrickson, 2006 |
false |
9781565639492 |
Cj.2 |
282 |
91c96ea8-04e0-405e-bc93-061a4c29e73a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Peter |
The body and society. Men, women, and sexual renunciation in early christianity |
New York: Columbia University Press, 1988 |
true |
0231061013 |
Cj.2 |
261 |
7f23b29d-3542-42ec-99c7-ad89c7981a2c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Wilken, Robert Louis |
The christians as the romans saw them |
New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1984, tr 2003 |
true |
0300098391 |
2:a upplagan |
Cj.2 |
299 |
660840fc-32f0-4329-a4b2-a5749089c97e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Peter |
The cult of the saints. Its rise and function in latin christianity |
Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 1981, tr 1982 |
true |
0226076229 |
Cj.2 |
258 |
b6b0533d-2b4e-41f5-beb2-52cefc120f34 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Chadwick, Henry |
The early church |
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967, tr 1976 |
true |
0140205020 |
7:e upplagan. Den tidiga kyrkans historia, 1998 |
Cj.2 |
262 |
4f08ae46-97e9-4678-ae5e-d8388e045e6d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Dunn, Marilyn |
The emergence of monasticism. From the desert fathers to the early middle ages |
Oxford: Blackwell, 2000, tr 2007 |
false |
9781405106412 |
Cj.2 |
267 |
f11a4850-5dfc-4173-9c70-445605356516 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Payne, Robert |
The holy fire. The story of the early centuries of the christian church in the near east. The story of the fathers of the eastern church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1980 |
false |
0913836613 |
Harper, 1957 |
Cj.2 |
273 |
1d5b51ac-8b05-4bf3-b9c7-c5bbdb0b3e9b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Peter |
The making of late antiquity |
Cambridge; London: Harvard University Press, 1978, tr 1993 |
false |
0674543211 |
7:e upplagan |
Cj.2 |
257 |
539d6624-28df-4063-8196-6e67a346f647 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Stewart, Alistair C. |
The original bishops. Office and order in the first christian communities |
Grand rapids: Baker academic, 2014 |
false |
Cj.2 |
1064 |
4bc216b6-7e17-4536-a2b7-d1a93f1111df |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Malaty, Tadros Yacoub |
The School of Alexandria. Book one. Before Origen |
Jersey City: St Mark's coptic orthodox church, 1995 |
false |
9770095397 |
Cj.2 |
291 |
f90b12b3-451b-45a1-a093-2b43119fde0e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Wilken, Robert Louis |
The spirit of early christian thought. Seeking the face of God |
New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2003 |
true |
0300105983 |
2:a upplagan |
Cj.2 |
301 |
dfaffdb9-12fe-43fd-ade2-cc56ed05b7ad |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Peter |
Through the eye of a needle. Wealth, the fall of Rome, and the making of christianity in the west, 350-550 AD |
Princeton and Oxford: Princeton university press, 2012 |
false |
9780691152905 |
Cj.2 |
1077 |
b3710197-a80c-46fb-8885-c6c11a94e93b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Olsen, Ted |
Tro i den keltiska världen |
Örebro: Cordia, 2006 |
true |
9170853355 |
Christianity and the Celts, 2003 |
Cj.2 |
1048 |
163cb65a-939f-4542-9876-6db7bc845f45 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
Byzantium and the rise of Russia. A study of byzantino-russian relations in the fourteenth century |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989 |
false |
0881410799 |
Cambridge University Press, 1981 |
Cj.3 |
275 |
41c7ef60-ace5-4831-9d15-1f3f648405ae |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Obolensky, Dimitri |
Byzantium and the slavs |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1994 |
true |
088141008X |
Cj.3 |
278 |
2e050f85-5d7d-46c5-9572-ed897c8f9943 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Papadakis, Aristeides |
Crisis in Byzantium. The Filioque controversy in the patriarchate of Gregory II of Cyprys (1283-1289) |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1996, tr 1997 |
true |
0881411760 |
Revised edition. Fordham University Press, 1983 |
Cj.3 |
277 |
4cc7e762-604a-43d4-9294-d393dfbf4d43 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Blomgren, Sven (övers.) |
Den helige biskop Brynolfs av Skara levnad jämte hans kanonisationsprocess |
Skara: Föreningen för Västgötalitteratur, 1998 |
true |
9186558234 |
Vita S. Brynolphi episcopi Scarensis cum processu eius canonizationis |
Cj.3 |
308 |
46e7f407-cb96-4690-9fdc-9fe72e26d900 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Piltz, Anders |
Medeltidens lärda värld |
Stockholm: Carmina, 1978 |
true |
9175280035 |
Cj.3 |
309 |
9b692bc1-f27a-4642-ac66-d08fe934a5c6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Avvakum (förf.); Johansson, Kjell (övers.) |
Prosten Avvakums levnadsbeskrivning av honom själv nedtecknad |
Borrby: Murbräckan, 1997 |
true |
9197202614 |
Cj.3 |
302 |
510baaa5-195c-427a-b7ff-0d213806945e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Tugwell, Simon |
Saint Dominic |
Strasbourg: Editions du Signe, 1995 |
false |
2877182789 |
Cj.3 |
1041 |
288f7a93-1c60-473d-81ab-1f5821e64e3e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brooke, Christopher |
The age of the cloister. The story of monastic life in the middle ages |
Mahwah: HiddenSpring, 2003 |
false |
1587680181 |
Die Klöster, 2001 |
Cj.3 |
303 |
42c86172-ace0-4196-bd5a-075d2f85cc00 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Velimirovich, Nicholai |
The life of st. Sava |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989 |
false |
0881410659 |
Serbian eastern orthodox diocese, 1951 |
Cj.3 |
280 |
eb9574e8-d90f-478e-b8cb-7dff6d503908 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
More, Thomas (förf.); Piltz, Anders (övers.) |
Utopia. Landet ingenstans |
Skellefteå: Norma, 2001 |
true |
9172170344 |
Carmina, 1979 |
Cj.3 |
307 |
af2f7d5d-c06e-402d-b8b0-e32cebb87e6e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Vaporis, Nomikos Michael |
Witnesses for Christ. Orthodox christian neomartyrs of the ottoman period 1437-1860 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000 |
false |
0881411965 |
Cj.3 |
279 |
356b8136-95f6-4321-9b7c-fb32939c98f4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kazhdan, Alexander P. (red.) |
The Oxford dictionary of Byzantium Volume 2. Esot-nika |
New York; London: Oxford University Press, 1991 |
true |
9780195046526 |
Cj(x) |
231 |
519a5e4e-0176-4f77-9eab-7c0bd40fc06b |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kazhdan, Alexander P. (red.) |
The Oxford dictionary of Byzantium Volume 3. Nike-zygo |
New York; London: Oxford University Press, 1991 |
true |
9780195046526 |
Cj(x) |
232 |
2ec1de44-c3a0-4e38-9045-3e116e2db5ee |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kazhdan, Alexander P. (red.) |
The Oxford dictionary of Byzantium. Volume 1. Aaro-eski |
New York; London: Oxford University Press, 1991 |
true |
9780195046526 |
Cj(x) |
230 |
bd207357-fc5b-4a43-9563-4ac872df1065 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Plekon, Michael |
Hidden holiness |
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009 |
true |
0268038937, 9780268038939 |
Cjy |
1032 |
f8eb2050-730f-40bc-ad6f-647ceff42978 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Plekon, Michael |
Saints as they really are. Voices of holiness in our time. |
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012 |
true |
0268038384, 9780268038380 |
Cjy |
1033 |
5e2a05db-4c97-440d-a0f8-a507887619e9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Attwater, Donald |
Saints of the east |
London: Harvill Press, 1963 |
false |
New York: P.J. Kenedy, 1963 |
Cjy |
226 |
607cff96-e21e-4564-bb83-c135e7e7951e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Farmer, David |
The Oxford dictionary of saints |
New York: Oxford University Press, 1978, tr 2003 |
true |
019860629X |
5:e upplagan |
Cjy |
227 |
fbe7d902-c7a1-46f1-b714-bcea98fe18e1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Svanteson, Ingmar |
... och jag visste det inte! Kommentarer till den helige Benedictus regel. |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2013 |
false |
9789175806280 |
Cjz |
1053 |
733d5430-c18e-46cd-b151-f43ff3d14d64 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Tomas av Celano |
Den helige Franciskus levnadshistoria |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175807072 |
The life of saint Francis by Thomas of Celano; Francis of Assisi: Early documents, vol I, The saint, 3:e utg. Hedberg Nyqvist, Kerstin (övers) |
Cjz |
1074 |
e15dd9cd-237e-4f8b-9201-a2e57c534cdc |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hedin, Christer |
Läran om den helige Ande hos Gregorios av Nyssa |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175806990 |
Cjz |
1078 |
ef0a3143-dd0f-434f-b1a5-42cccdbdac17 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Fäldt, Göran (övers) |
Sankt Brendans sjöfärd |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175806792 |
The voyage of St Brendan, 2002; Navigatio sancti Brendani Abbatis, 1959, Carl Selmer |
Cjz |
1072 |
95105b5f-12e6-4009-a4ac-aa314a9b193a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ferguson, Everett |
Baptism in the early church. History, theology and liturgy in the first five centuries |
Grand Rapids; Cambridge: William B Eerdmans, 2009 |
true |
9780802827487 |
Cjz.2 |
106 |
52671941-ba19-42c1-9812-684cd2d9738f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hauken, Aage |
Biskop og martyr. To oldkirkelige profiler |
Oslo: St. Olav, 1994 |
false |
8270240737 |
Cjz.2 |
112 |
648ac3bb-e98c-47c3-ad3b-9bfd7126f5a5 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Tachiaos, Anthony-Emil N. |
Cyril and Methodius of Thessalonica. The acculturation of the slavs |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 2001 |
true |
0881411981 |
Cjz.2 |
116 |
d3fb0d6f-df69-4815-8543-91acaa1507b0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Harmless, William |
Desert christians. An introduction to the literature of early monasticism |
New York: Oxford University Press, 2004 |
true |
0195162234, 9780195162233 |
Cjz.2 |
222 |
a85305b2-d6e9-43df-b997-2d2003f276c3 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Cowan, James |
Desert father. A journey in the wilderness with saint Anthony |
Boston: Shambhala, 2002, tr 2004 |
false |
1590301455 |
Cjz.2 |
221 |
9c0aefc4-8bbb-46b4-8cf9-ad355e5b979f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hevelone-Harper, Jennifer L. |
Disciples of the desert. Monks, laity and spiritual authority in sixth-century Gaza |
Baltimore; London: Johns Hopkins university press, 2005 |
true |
0801881102 |
Cjz.2 |
3 |
3a298f51-da32-4494-bc4a-43db3838848d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bunge, Gabriel |
Earthen vessels. The practice of personal prayer according to the patristic tradition |
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2002 |
false |
0898708370 |
Irdene Gefässe: Die Praxis des persönlichen Gebetes nach der Überlieferung der heiligen Väter |
Cjz.2 |
224 |
9f2208e7-ff83-47bc-b593-c35bd97b5c14 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ruether, Rosemary Radford |
Gregory of Nazianzus. Rhetor and philosopher |
Oxford: Claredon press, 1969 |
true |
0198266197 |
Cjz.2 |
20 |
1deb4f91-b38a-4941-beef-d82f42603e31 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Grün, Anselm |
Himlen mitt i öknen. En bok om de tidiga ökenfäderna |
Vejbystrand: Catholica, 1999 |
false |
918428861 |
Der Umgang mit dem Bösen,1980; Der Umgang mit den Gedanken, 1983; Geistliche Begleitung bei den Wüstenvätern, 1991: Münsterschwarzacher Kleinschriften Band 6, 19, 67 |
Cjz.2 |
124 |
b11d95ed-1729-4d07-bfa2-9fd4f5d7b3bd |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Krivocheine, Basil |
In the light of Christ. St Symeon the new theologian (949-1022), life - spirituality - doctrine |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1986 |
true |
0913836915 |
Dans la lumière du Christ, 1980 |
Cjz.2 |
190 |
94a6a6f7-928e-47a8-ba6c-9b27d681f025 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Thunberg, Lars |
Man and the cosmos. The vision of saint Maximus the Confessor |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1985 |
true |
0881410195 |
Cjz.2 |
152 |
ec3bf6b3-3773-46c2-a32a-242b74060630 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Thunberg, Lars |
Microcosm and mediator. The theological anthropology of Maximus the confessor |
Chicago; La Salle: Open Court, 1995, |
true |
081269211X |
2:a upplagan |
Cjz.2 |
170 |
92ba8484-db53-476a-bf19-c50e5a099930 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Thunberg, Lars |
Människan och kosmos. Maximos Bekännarens teologiska vision |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1999 |
true |
9175801760 |
Cjz.2 |
189 |
e089c2ac-deb0-4274-bfc0-f6be92dc40c1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Justinianus I; Wesche, Kenneth P. (övers.) |
On the person of Christ. The christology of emperor Justinian |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1991 |
true |
0881410896 |
Cjz.2 |
119 |
cf1eaf63-4bd5-4b9d-a3f8-6265cc10df3a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
Sandens söner. En sorts ökenkrönika |
Göteborg: Cordia, 1996, tr 2001 |
true |
9186082701 |
3:e upplagan |
Cjz.2 |
223 |
78ae6cd5-b156-4531-a01d-faf3d86c0f5d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
St Gregory Palamas and orthodox sprituality |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1974, tr 1998 |
false |
18002042665 |
St Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe, 1959 |
Cjz.2 |
123 |
ec320b6e-0281-4a9c-9f94-1ba86d96103c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
St. Gregory Palamas and orthodox spirituality |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1974 |
true |
0913836117 |
St. Gregoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe, 1959 |
Cjz.2 |
109 |
82516257-8651-4fcd-860b-53158a2558f7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Driscoll, Jeremy |
Steps to spiritual perfection. Studies on spiritual progress in Evagrius Pontius |
New York; Mahwah, N.J.: Newman Press, 2005 |
false |
0809142643 |
Cjz.2 |
107 |
4fae56c9-2311-41cd-b090-99e84287c986 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meredith, Anthony |
The cappadocians |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1995, tr 2000 |
true |
0881411124 |
2:a upplagan |
Cjz.2 |
108 |
31b666a0-1939-406f-9d9e-c0234c1c7314 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hagman, Patrik |
Understanding asceticism. Body and society in the asceticism of st Isaac of Nineveh |
Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 2008 |
true |
9789521221200 |
Cjz.2 |
111 |
a0f3ca63-cbd9-4b1b-9c8f-2b5321f16414 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Braw, Christian |
Åter till Gud. Trons mönster hos Augustinus |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1994 |
true |
9175800969 |
Cjz.2 |
186 |
587e95c5-3eba-4603-ab5d-cd152a9b03d8 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hertz, Anselm |
Dominikus och dominikanerna |
Zürich: Cavefors, 1981 |
true |
9177320026 |
Dominikus und die dominikaner, 1981 |
Cjz.3 |
1019 |
d4222d7d-687d-48ba-bf00-a1f00e3c150c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Thomell, Kerstin |
Dominikus. Enligt de äldsta källorna. |
Uppsala: Katolska Bokförlaget, 1983 |
true |
9185530522 |
Cjz.3 |
1039 |
2bbee349-4134-42f4-a6f2-74747160f73c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Paillerets, Michel de |
En liten bok om Thomas av Aquino. |
Vejbystrand: Bokförlaget Catholica, 1993 |
true |
9186428535 |
Petite vie de Thomas d'Aquin |
Cjz.3 |
1011 |
d0c2b5d9-7bff-4f4f-af1c-8f93e0611828 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Plekon, Michael |
Living icons. Persons of faith in the eastern church. |
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009 |
true |
026803351X |
Cjz.4 |
1038 |
d306e1c1-45c4-4061-903b-cf382e69b593 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Zander, Valentine |
Serafim av Sarov |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2003 |
true |
9175802333 |
2:a upplagan |
Cjz.4 |
150 |
b3a52baa-3520-4c14-af09-82a756779b08 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Binns, John |
An introduction to the christian orthodox churches |
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002: tr. 2005 |
true |
0521667380, 9780521667388 |
Cka |
1003 |
83495a06-a5be-46b6-9cd5-3ebc5ba2f4f6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ware, Kallistos |
Den ortodoxa kyrkan |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2003 |
false |
9175802643 |
2:a upplagan. The orthodox church, 1963 |
Cka |
1054 |
2e02fb0f-ef99-4295-a8da-696511254ddc |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Shmeljov, Ivan |
Gamla Valamo. En dokumentär skildring av ett besök år 1895 på den legendariska klosterön i Ladogasjön. |
Johannesberg: Sahlin & Dahlström AB, 1988 |
true |
9178300363 |
Staryi Valaam, 1936 |
Cka |
1036 |
a893bc69-c2c1-4648-a804-33a78d09c412 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Markides, Kyriacos C. |
Inner river. A pilgrimage to the heart of christian spirituality. |
New York: Image Books, 2012 |
false |
9780307885876 |
Cka |
1024 |
a4e07da2-7c3c-48e6-b5c3-8bf733e820e2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bulgakov, Sergius |
The burning bush. On the orthodox veneration of the mother of God. |
Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009 |
true |
9780802845740 |
Kupina neopalimaia |
Cka |
1008 |
15c63b54-3a88-4fc4-a3b0-186c68d97e67 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
The historical road of eastern orthodoxy |
New York: St Vladimir's seminary press, 2003 |
true |
0913836478 |
Översättning från ryska utgåvan: Istoricheskii put´pravoslaviia |
Cka |
154 |
8b1556d1-8f64-4ada-8e58-77e9894d012d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
McGuckin, John Anthony |
The orthodox church. An introduction to its history, doctrine, and spiritual culture. |
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 |
true |
9781444337310 |
Cka |
1026 |
5ac17357-c745-4e66-aa26-4fecd152fbcb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hallonsten, Gösta |
Östkyrkor i Sverige, en översikt |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1992 |
true |
9175800802 |
Cka |
153 |
30857775-d324-4eaf-8e54-1ea075710517 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Stoor, Thomas; medförfattare: Janson, Torsten |
Den oönskade missionen. Proselytismen i Ryssland och den ortodoxa kyrkans reaktioner |
Skellefteå: Norma, 2001 |
true |
9172170379 |
Ckama |
181 |
b5e71c9a-c94e-4048-90f0-64ac6cc400cd |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne |
Language, canonization and holy foolishness. Studies in postsoviet Russian culture and the orthodox tradition |
Stockholm: Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2009 |
true |
9789186071301 |
Ckama |
156 |
c50e014e-4e70-4bd0-9054-106bb20007a0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Olsen, Harald |
Pilgrimer i öst. Eremiter och heliga dårar i den rysk-ortodoxa traditionen |
Örebro: Cordia, 2001 |
true |
9170852340 |
Den østlige pilgrimsvei, 2000 |
Ckama |
148 |
70f5d715-09e4-4d94-bd33-72e93f32bd14 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Leong, Albert (red.) |
The Millennium. Christianity and Russia 988-1988 |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 1990 |
true |
0881410802 |
Ckama |
151 |
4db40546-ed0a-4d5f-a096-dde62f37764d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne |
Världen som ikon. Åtta föredrag om den ryskortodoxa andliga traditionen |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1988 |
false |
9175800438 |
2:a upplagan |
Ckama |
1081 |
32b912c8-3888-44f1-94db-37bc0d26181f |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Benedictus XVI |
Josph Ratzinger |
Världens ljus. Påven, kyrkan och tidens tecken: ett samtal med Peter Seewald |
Ängelholm: Fredestad Förlag, 2011 |
true |
9789185608294 |
Licht der Welt, 2010 |
Ckb |
166 |
61624edf-d311-4363-9917-340e0f47d86c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Pacini, Andrea (red.) |
Christian communities in the arab middle east. The challenge of the future. |
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998 |
true |
0198293887 |
Cko |
1030 |
6b5bad12-cd5e-4e74-87ba-bb3fbc979a59 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Gud i orienten. De orientaliska kyrkornas framväxt och egenart. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2008 |
true |
9789175803906 |
3:e upplagan. Oreviderad utgåva, 1990 |
Cko |
1025 |
52963c2b-03b2-405b-8a66-d75b5eef227a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hinno, H. Süleyman |
Massakern på syrianerna i Turabdin 1914-1915 |
Södertälje: Syrianska riksförbundet, 1998 |
true |
9163064960 |
Cko |
1046 |
a56289d3-6206-4a01-8d93-4f4123291ae4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Önder, Josef |
Die syrisch-orthodoxen christen. Zwischen orient und okzident |
Glane-Losser: Bar Hebräus, 2013 |
false |
9789050470377 |
Ckoc |
1082 |
02d3400a-4e7c-434c-a42a-a47f32ae6e29 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Kamil, Jill |
Coptic Egypt history and guide revised edition |
Cairo: The American university in Cairo press, 1987, tr 1996 |
false |
9774242424 |
3:e upplagan |
Ckop |
132 |
2f314bfb-7d67-473e-ae9e-f05cc7d6c7f7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Cannuyer, Christian |
Coptic Egypt. The christians of the Nile |
London: Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2001 |
true |
0500301042 |
Egypte copte, 2000 |
Ckop |
133 |
9907047c-0a2e-44c6-b729-006ce51d2dc9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Pope Shenouda III |
Inspirations from the nativity |
Cairo: Dar El Tebaa El Kawmia, 2001 |
false |
977334018X |
Ckop |
100 |
80e86113-ceb5-4615-a5da-953ca613bd37 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Malaty, Tadros Y. |
Introduction to the coptic orthodox church |
false |
9775005086 |
Ckop |
129 |
47ab69fc-06f3-40a0-b504-e21a11a8c105 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Malaty, Tadros Yacoub |
Introduction to the coptic orthodox church |
Alexandria: St George's coptic orthodox church, 1993 |
false |
9775005086 |
Ckop |
126 |
e6167204-b879-4dd2-adce-0b6d0050409a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Björnberg, Ewa; Gummesson, Stefan; Ivarsson, Christina; Jarlby, Anders; Nilsson, Anna; Röstin, Sven |
Jag var hungrig... En studie av det sociala arbetet i den koptisk-ortodoxa kyrkan i Egypten |
false |
Tematerminsrapport Lunds universitet VT-96 |
Ckop |
102 |
4b7efeae-2621-4860-8e13-b476ee479143 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Lyster, William |
Monastery of st. Paul |
Cairo: The Palm Press, 1999 |
false |
Ckop |
130 |
e8123943-e57b-47d4-a35b-a586b7cef698 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meinardus, Otto F.A. |
Monks and monasteries of the Egyptian deserts |
Cairo: The American university in Cairo press, 1961, tr 1992 |
true |
9774241886 |
Reviderad utgåva. 2:a upplagan |
Ckop |
104 |
94898b8e-8254-42a8-b0ef-cc86d83e52ce |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meinardus, Otto F.A. |
Monks and monasteries of the Egyptian deserts |
Cairo: The American university in Cairo press, 1961, tr 2006 |
true |
9774241886 |
Reviderad utgåva. 6:e upplagan |
Ckop |
105 |
3fcd1db2-a883-42fa-bbaf-cb8bb8848968 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Pope Shenouda III |
The release of the Spirit |
Cairo: Dar El Tebaa El Kawmia, 1998 |
false |
9771964707 |
2:a upplagan |
Ckop |
101 |
1d65b0af-b277-499f-8dd3-f2b87be887a0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meskeen, Matta El |
Women. Their rights and obligations in social and religious life in the early church |
Cairo: Monastery of Saint Macarius, 1984, tr 1997 |
false |
4010488977 |
Originalutgåva på arabiska 1981 |
Ckop |
103 |
19f587e4-5b69-452c-94e8-35b2c5bb9a30 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gullman, Sven H. |
Athos. Det heliga berget |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2004 |
true |
9172170697 |
Ckt |
140 |
6d061abb-95d7-4803-9c44-3bd51f0ccee1 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Beskow, Per; Landen, Anette (red.) |
Birgitta av Vadstena. Pilgrim och profet 1303-1373 |
Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 2003 |
true |
9127094006 |
Ckt |
147 |
6dc4b9eb-6fce-4b2b-a3a4-89f0355e66be |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Johnston, William M. (red.) |
Encyclopedia of monasticism, volume 1 |
Chicago & London: Fitzroy dearborn publishers, 2000 |
true |
1579580904 |
Ckt |
144 |
60e30298-1431-4f91-a41a-75b778ddc673 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Johnston, William M. (red.) |
Encyclopedia of monasticism, volume 2 |
Chicago & London: Fitzroy dearborn publishers, 2000 |
true |
1579580904 |
Ckt |
145 |
403bc17c-f5d4-4788-b310-5480a305c0eb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
En munk |
Eremitaget. Öknens spiritualitet |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2004 |
true |
9175802600 |
Översättning från engelska utgåvan: The hermitage within |
Ckt |
141 |
63502b8c-27cb-43be-9946-6fbce4c42038 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Cirino, André; Raischl, Josef (red.) |
Franciscan solitude |
New York: Franciscan institute Publications, 1995 |
true |
1576590062 |
Ckt |
134 |
e49add93-ab22-4f3f-83e9-6773ed6d917a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Broomé, Catharina; Cottin, Catherine |
I kyrkans mitt. Kloster, ordnar och kongregationer |
Stockholm: Proprius, 1989 |
true |
9171186751 |
Ckt |
142 |
bb2da8e8-85b4-407c-ab24-ddb2daab31ab |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Wahlström, Gunnel Katharina |
Katharinaklostret vid Mose berg i Sinai. En värld av tolerans |
Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, 2006 |
true |
9172037563 |
Ckt |
138 |
9781c759-e292-45c3-878a-4b0f7a007c47 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Werner, Yvonne Maria (red.) |
Kvinnligt klosterliv i Sverige och Norden. En motkultur i det moderna samhället |
Ängelholm: Catholica, 2005 |
true |
9186428055 |
Nuns and sisters in the Nordic countries after the reformation: a female counter-culture in modern society, 2005 |
Ckt |
143 |
73f6742c-8f65-4eaa-9c87-cb8bf64ed3a7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Norris, Kathleen |
The cloister walk |
New York: Riverhead books, 1996, tr 1997 |
false |
1573225843 |
Ckt |
136 |
a89394a8-f913-4639-9615-b4e8c6ca0825 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Loudon, Mary |
Unveiled. Nuns talking |
London: Vintage, 1993 |
true |
0099326515 |
Tidigare publicerad av Chatto & Windus Ltd, 1992 |
Ckt |
137 |
2bbc54db-85d1-46e5-907d-a1daf40092c6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Gud vid medelhavet. En kortfattad teologisk uppslagsbok |
Skellefteå: Norma, 2003 |
true |
9172170557 |
Cm |
311 |
23f81ce8-341c-425d-a6df-fa470d39e036 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ewald, Stefan (red.) |
Religionslexikonet |
Stockholm: Forum, 1996 |
true |
9137109138 |
Enzyklopädie der Religionen, 1990 |
Cm |
157 |
f61f1452-9912-4abf-8823-6398f475fe1a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Svenskt kyrkolexikon. En kortfattad teologisk uppslagsbok |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2005 |
true |
9175802821 |
Cm |
310 |
19fd9212-f6c0-46c4-9ed7-c283c6a0c991 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brown, Colin |
Christianity and western thought. Volume 1. A history of philosophers, ideas and movements. From the ancient world to the age of enlightenment |
Leicester: Apollos, 1990 |
false |
0851117635 |
InterVarsity Press, 1990 |
Db |
318 |
73256181-28f0-49a6-8ba4-7dd09c9790a4 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hadot, Pierre (förf.); Davidson, Arnold I. |
Philosophy as a way of life. Spiritual exercises from Socrates to Foucault |
Oxford: Blackwell, 1995, tr 2008 |
true |
9780631180333 |
Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique, 1995 |
Db |
317 |
e6f81981-687c-42b7-b9b0-b5c7329201b7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Holladay, William L. (red.) |
A concise hebrew and aramaic lexicon of the Old testament: |
Cambridge: Eerdmans, 1988 |
true |
9780802834133 |
Brill: 1971. Based upon the lexical work of Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner |
F |
15 |
153b9abb-61b2-4a67-b6a5-62dace7aad41 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Zerwick, Max; Grosvenor, Mary |
A grammatical analysis of the Greek New testament |
Rom: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico Roma, 1966, tr 1996 |
true |
8876535888 |
5:e upplagan. Analysis Philologica Novi Testamenti graeci, 1966 |
F |
23 |
a2d8f008-f56b-4bbc-b796-94174382e9cb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Lidell, Henry George; Scott,Robert |
A Greek-English lexicon |
Oxford: Oxford university press, 1843, tr 1996 |
true |
0198642261, 9780198642268 |
9:e upplagan. With a revised supplement |
F |
17 |
333033e3-1d74-4807-a936-0b12457efa45 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Lampe, G.W.H. (red.) |
A patristic greek lexicon |
Oxford: Oxford Clarendon Press, 1961, tr 2007 |
true |
9780198642138 |
20:e upplagan |
F |
16 |
a4043749-f9fe-4837-80df-a78cc912bba9 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Brock, Sebastian |
An introduction to Syriac studies |
Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2006 |
false |
1593333498 |
F |
1005 |
ed5c0ca9-008a-46c5-90a0-3970737b0db8 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Blomqvist, Jerker; Jastrup, Poul Ole |
Grekisk - Græsk grammatik |
Köpenhamn: Akademisk Forlag, 2006 |
true |
8750039075, 9788750039075 |
3:e upplagan |
F |
14 |
19b6d5a7-2355-4887-b2f5-1ad7a0f6ba58 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Heikel, Ivar; Fridrichsen, Anton |
Grekisk-svensk ordbok till Nya testamentet och de apostoliska fäderna |
Uppsala: Lundequist, 1934 |
true |
F |
10 |
4ddd4b70-07e6-430b-9cd5-30735bdf7535 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Blomqvist, Jerker |
Grekiska för teologer. En introduktion |
Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1993, tr 2011 |
true |
9789144384818 |
F |
184 |
e296dea7-42bc-48b9-bd4a-9a04110d7a8e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Ernby, Birgitta (red.) |
Norstedts etymologiska ordbok. Ordens historia |
Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska, 2008 |
true |
9789172274297 |
1:a upplagan |
F |
21 |
4a40e58a-0d92-4e00-adfe-90c8f465cc21 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Norstedts stora engelsk-svenska ordbok |
Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska, 2000, tr 2007 |
true |
9789172271715 |
3:e upplagan |
F |
18 |
25dec579-3b6c-4d8f-bbff-d73ea478a501 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Norstedts stora svensk-engelska ordbok |
Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska Förlag, 2000, tr 2007 |
true |
9789172271432 |
3:e upplagan |
F |
19 |
8cc71500-ba21-43c1-ac7d-a5d9f902d2dc |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Swedenborg, Lillemor (red.) |
Norstedts svenska synonymordbok. Ord för ord |
Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska, 1992, tr 2007 |
true |
9789172270985 |
4:e upplagan |
F |
22 |
1806af0e-6a2e-4b9e-8eab-62bf9ed3d0ad |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Robinson, Theodore H. (förf.);Coakley, J.F. (red.) |
Robinson's paradigms and exercises in Syriac grammar |
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1915, tr 2002 |
true |
9780199261291 |
5:e upplagan |
F |
11 |
e7b4af07-c40f-41b9-aed9-a54990ad62c6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Bodin, Helena |
Bruken av Bysans. Studier i svenskspråkig lityeratur och kultur 1948-71 |
Skellefteå : Artos & Norma, 2011 |
true |
9789172170926 |
Gc |
158 |
651051b6-2ba1-4986-8dd2-ab3de2902598 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Bliv till |
Stockholm: Fahlcrantz & Gumelius, 1945 |
true |
H |
172 |
68bf4bc2-26d1-4a14-bca6-63654d59867e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Början |
Stockholm: Atlantis, 1979 |
true |
9174860666 |
H |
177 |
d6486413-147f-48c3-9387-40a8f44af1c2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Farled |
Helsingfors: Söderströms, 1954 |
true |
H |
175 |
256b2df6-7938-4968-a611-5a41e4ae078e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Givet |
Stockholm: Albert Bonnier, 1968 |
true |
H |
26 |
b994b44f-4c65-4c76-992f-4fc4207482f2 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander,Tito |
Glädjes möte |
Helsingfors: Söderström, 1957 |
true |
H |
173 |
dd8b679d-cb56-4fb1-8cc2-d1c3cd11425d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
I åratal |
Stockholm: Fahlcrantz & Gumelius, 1949 |
true |
H |
171 |
f21a55cf-c489-4b36-a3a2-ef9772dc6b77 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Motiv |
Stockholm: Atlantis, 1978 |
true |
9174860003 |
Schildt: 1977 |
H |
176 |
23d4431e-ea8f-450b-b1a2-68c2e66c9168 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Nära |
Stockholm: Albert Bonnier, 1971 |
true |
H |
24 |
2a2a4054-545e-4856-a696-c0e4ae28ccc0 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Leskov, Nikolai |
On the edge of the world |
New York: S:t Vladimir´s Seminary Press, 1992 |
false |
0881411183 |
Na kraiu sveta |
H |
28 |
2e2123a2-f4c9-488e-b6f7-585393822bcb |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Vaka |
Stockholm: Albert Bonnier, 1969 |
true |
H |
25 |
ca76a77a-14d0-46a1-aa74-ec2a49b61abd |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Vi som är kvar |
Helsingfors: Söderström, 1959 |
true |
H |
174 |
93a04af9-3063-4529-b52b-85da86e5f64a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Vidare |
Stockholm: Albert Bonnier, 1967 |
true |
H |
27 |
96c319a5-25a7-4d84-ab03-5fcc80de9690 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Tarkovskij, Andrej |
Den förseglade tiden. Reflektioner kring filmkonstens etiska och estetiska grunder |
Umeå: Atrium, 2009 |
false |
9789186095055 |
Zapetjatlennoe vremja, 1984 |
I |
1056 |
66854a12-2e17-438a-b4bb-013dd2452e4c |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Everitt, Anthony |
Augustus, Roms förste kejsare |
Stockholm: Prisma, 2007 |
true |
9789151848495 |
The first emperor, 2006 |
K |
32 |
486e7ee2-e3e9-4f2d-aa3b-7545b791b180 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Leithart, Peter J. |
Defending Constantine. The twilight of an empire and the dawn of christedom |
Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2010 |
true |
9780830827220 |
K |
319 |
44afe707-51dc-4da4-bbf9-c91d83d3a7b6 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Herodotos |
Herodotos historia |
Stockholm: Norstedts, 2000 |
true |
9113008048 |
K |
29 |
a7ac38c3-e18c-4036-a965-0a66fcf99d25 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Hill, Jonathan |
Kristendomens spår |
Örebro: Libris, 2006 |
true |
9171958312, 9789171958310 |
What has christianity ever done for us?, 2005 |
K |
30 |
1403516b-363f-49ec-bc61-c570b4e27849 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gibbon, Edward |
Romerska rikets nedgång och fall Del 1 |
Stockholm: Forum, 1965 |
true |
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 1960 |
K |
33 |
a5ae3393-8e14-42bc-9f25-17f16458474d |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gibbon Edward |
Romerska rikets nedgång och fall Del 2 |
Stockholm: Forum, 1965 |
true |
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 1960 |
K |
34 |
4494e787-2c19-44fa-a241-f9b99b710677 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gibbon, Edward |
Romerska rikets nedgång och fall Del 3 |
Stockholm: Forum, 1966 |
true |
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 1960 |
K |
35 |
d6152437-6a6b-41a1-9ad5-1fc55400112a |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Gibbon, Edward |
Romerska rikets nedgång och fall Del 4 |
Stockholm: Forum, 1966 |
true |
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 1960 |
K |
36 |
d14edfc7-c0f8-4dc8-a32f-07770409a6a7 |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Roebuck, Carl |
The world of ancient times |
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1966 |
false |
684129221 |
K |
31 |
6f59ce43-6bac-40be-9c4b-6fe9f23a69df |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Meinardus, Otto F.A. |
Coptic saints and pilgrimages |
Cairo; New York: The American University in Cairo Press 2002, tr 2007 |
true |
9789774161261 |
127 |
f9f565c3-a643-4c42-bcf0-038841190c1e |
11/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Origenes |
The song of songs. Commentary and homilies |
Mahwa, New Jersey: The Newman press, 1957 |
true |
Ancient christian writers 26 |
0809102617 |
Translated and annotated by R.P. Lawson |
Cda |
725 |
402f1bcd-4876-47a7-bad9-8acfd3f5eabb |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Cassianus |
Johannes Kassianos |
The institutes |
New York: The Newman press, 2000 |
true |
Ancient christian writers 58 |
0809105225 |
Translated and annotated by Boniface Ramsey, o.p. |
Cda |
732 |
22e9a5bb-03f1-466b-9778-71337b1e3cfd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Clément, Olivier |
Vladimir Lossky & Paul Evdokimov |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2008 |
true |
Banbrytare: 2 |
9789175803883 |
Ce |
377 |
034a83b2-4b01-4380-aa47-cf7dd2c437fc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Oljelund, Karin |
Kristi kropp och Guds folk. En undersökning av ecklesiologin i Svenska kyrkans huvudgudstjänster 1942-2000 |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2009 |
true |
Bibliotheca theologiae practicae: 86 |
9789175804194 |
ISSN: 05199859; Summary in english: The body of Christ and the people of God, an investigation into the ecclesiology of the Church of Sweden sunday services 1942-2000 |
Ce |
417 |
baad2e05-70f3-4f77-9682-42788d2be6a4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
I Believe |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991: tr 2003 |
false |
Celebration of Faith |
0881411116 |
Ce |
432 |
9ba6f2a6-5c4d-4ee5-8ca5-1dc0f0ec48b4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
The Virgin Mary |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
false |
Celebration of Faith |
0881411418 |
Ce |
433 |
5114eb54-64e1-4a3d-9d9d-9a0aad037c1b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Danielou, Jean |
The angels and their mission. According to the fathers of the church |
Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press; Newman Press, 1957 |
false |
Christian classics Ave Maria press |
0870610562 |
Les Anges et Leur Mission, 1953 |
Ce |
380 |
457d614c-5c9b-4d08-b9d6-0a31bac76b4b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Theodoretos av Kyrrhos |
A history of the monks of Syria. |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications, 1985 |
false |
Cistercian studies 88 |
Translated with an introduction and notes by R. M. Price. |
Cda |
752 |
08027cec-c381-45dd-8a9f-968dfed469e3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ward, Benedicta, (red) |
Harlots of the desert. A study of repentance in early monastic sources. |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications, |
false |
Cistercian studies series 106 |
0879076062 |
Cda |
768 |
e075f98b-54d0-46b3-98fc-90bf7283921c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Doran, Robert (red) |
The lives of Simeon Stylites |
Kalamazoo, Michigan; Spencer, Massachusetts: Cistercian publications, 1992 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 112 |
0879075127 |
Translated, with an introduction, by Robert Doran. Foreword by Susan Ashbrook Harvey |
Cda |
761 |
66b5ad01-e5f6-491c-bd4e-d70df57eb5fe |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Paphnutius; Pisentius |
Histories of the monks of upper Egypt and The life of Onnophrius by Paphnutius with A discourse on saint Onnophrius by Pisentius of Coptos. |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications inc., 1993, 2000 (rev). |
true |
Cistercian studies series 140 |
0879075406 |
Translated, with an introduction, by Tim Vivian. Foreword by Jeffrey Burton Russell. |
Cda |
747 |
5c2e55b4-8509-4794-aea4-8df3baba19e7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dorotheos av Gaza |
Dorotheus |
Discourses and sayings. |
Kalamazoo: Cistercian publications, 1977 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 33 |
0879079339 |
Translated,with an introduction, by Eric P. Wheeler. |
Cda |
696 |
3fdb29b1-8998-4dee-9b89-f6f694f1b663 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Russell, Norman. (övers) |
The lives of the desert fathers. The historia monachorum in AEgypto. |
Oxford: Mowbray; Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications, 1981 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 34 |
0264664280 |
Translated by Norman Russell. Introduction by Benedicta Ward SLG. |
Cda |
766 |
defb628e-87e1-45f8-9555-e725409a100f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evagrios av Pontos. |
Evagrius Ponticus |
The praktikos. Chapters on prayer. |
Kalamazoo: Cistercian publications, 1981 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 4 |
0879079045 |
Translated, with an introduction and notes by John Eudes Bamberger, ocso. |
Cda |
727 |
563f046e-fce1-47ad-9c49-c11739a779c3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Veilleux, Armand (red) |
Pachomian koinonia. Vol. I. The life of saint Pachomius and his discipels. |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications inc., 1980, tr 1996 (3:e uppl) |
true |
Cistercian studies series 45 |
0879079452 |
3:e uppl.Translated, with an introduction by Armand Veilleux . Foreword by Adalbert de Vogüé. |
Cda |
744 |
aca0cafb-b254-4dde-ad80-3581758aaa56 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Veilleux, Armand (red) |
Pachomian koinonia. Vol. II. Pachomian chronicles and rules. |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications inc., 1981 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 46 |
0879079460 |
Translated, with an introduction by Armand Veilleux . |
Cda |
745 |
2cdee844-aac4-4f23-ac7d-ceb76a111652 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Veilleux, Armand (red) |
Pachomian koinonia. Vol. III. Instructions, letters, and other writings of saint Pachomius and his disciples. |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications inc., 1982 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 47 |
0879078472 |
Translated, with an introduction by Armand Veilleux . |
Cda |
746 |
144b99d7-a4ef-4cba-b222-e28d75e87a92 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ward, Benedicta SLG (övers) |
The sayings of the desert fathers. The alphabetical collection. |
Oxford, Mowbray; Kalamazoo, Michigan, Cistercian publications: 1975, rev 1984 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 59 |
0879079592 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas). Translated, with a foreword by Benedicta Ward, SLG. Preface by Anthony of Sourozh. Rev utgåva |
Cda |
771 |
f8c25c97-3386-4664-9d35-fe5194fdca36 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ward, Benedicta SLG (övers) |
The sayings of the desert fathers. The alphabetical collection. |
Oxford, Mowbray; Kalamazoo, Michigan, Cistercian publications: 1975, rev 1984 |
false |
Cistercian studies series 59 |
0264663500 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas).Translated, with a foreword by Benedicta Ward, SLG. Preface by Anthony of Sourozh. Rev utgåva. |
Cda |
772 |
c721514f-1926-4593-8b61-89f61ea5fd4e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Besa |
The life of Shenoute |
Kalamazoo: Cistercian publications, 1983 |
true |
Cistercian studies series 73 |
0879078731 |
Introduction, translation, and notes by David N. Bell |
Cda |
698 |
91daa0f3-4d4f-4261-9135-3326bc6057ab |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Daniel of Scetis |
Witness to holiness. Abba Daniel of Scetis. Translations of the greek, coptic, ethiopic, syraic, armenian, latin, old church slavonic and arabic accounts. |
Kalamaoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications, 2008 |
false |
Custercian studies series 219 |
9780879074197 |
Edited, with an introduction by Tim Vivian. Translations by Sebastian P Brock; Vitaly Dudkin; Jehanne Gheith; Rowan A Greer; Michael Kleiner; Maged S. A. Mikhail; Jeffrey Burton Russell; Mark Swanson; Tim Vivian; John Wortley. |
Cda |
759 |
b0c2ce59-9d4e-4709-b576-e4f78a84f637 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Efraim Syriern |
Ephraem Syrus; Ephrem the Syrian |
Select poems. Vocalized syraic texts with english translation, introduction, and notes by Sebastian Brock and George A. Kiraz |
Provo, Utah: Bringham Young university press, 2006 |
true |
Eastern christian texts, vol 2. |
0934893659, 9780934893657 |
English translation, introduction, and notes by Sebastian Brock and George A. Kiraz |
Cda |
694 |
0ca85b28-97e7-4610-b4c5-d293adfe8185 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Shemunkasho, Aho |
Healing in the theology of saint Ephrem |
New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2002, tr 2004 |
false |
Gorgias dissertations: 1; Near Eastern studies: Volume 1 |
1593331568 |
2:a upplagan |
Cjz.2 |
6 |
19898612-3c39-4bcb-b881-c2e67b172a8c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Buchan, Thomas |
Blessed is he who has brought Adam from Sheol. Christ´s descent to the dead in the theology of saint Ephrem the syrian |
New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2004 |
false |
Gorgias dissertations: 13; Early christian studies: Volume 2 |
1593332289 |
Cjz.2 |
8 |
af65be9f-d2af-4872-863d-350cb7359872 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos, Schaff, Philip (red) |
Johannes Krysostomos |
A select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the christian church. Vol 11. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the acts of the apostles and the epistle to the romans. |
Kessinger publishing. (?) |
false |
Kessingers publishing´s rare prints. |
0766184005 |
Avfotografering från en bok från 1880 - t. |
Cda |
743 |
eefc6c45-243a-4f72-99e8-8daf884d6694 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bourdeaux, Michael |
Risen Indeed. Lessons in faith from the USSR |
London: Darton, Longman and Todd; New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1983 |
false |
Keston book: 16 |
0232515069, 0881410217 |
Ckama |
69 |
8b227b99-d3d1-465e-9207-37501bd4f36e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Fornberg,Tord |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 1:a. Matteusevangeliet 1:1-13:52 |
Uppsala: EFS-förlaget , 1989 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 1a |
9170808511 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
530 |
434101b9-5bba-49d1-ad22-965a24a11772 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Fornberg, Tord |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 1b. Matteusevangeliet 13:53-28:20 |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1999, tr 2008 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 1b |
9789170851025 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
531 |
63a3aa4b-af0f-4051-917d-5bfec1936321 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Louf, André |
The way of humility |
Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 2007 |
false |
Monastic wisdom series: 11 |
0879070110, 9780879070113 |
L' umiltà |
Ce |
411 |
bf4ac557-8054-4136-bdd3-0f9b1706995f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Welinder, Stig |
Sveriges historia 13000 f Kr-600 e Kr |
Stockholm: Norstedts, 2009 |
true |
Norstedts Sveriges historia |
9789113023762 |
Hyllplacering enligt boktitel |
K |
40 |
1d8d0461-f1b5-436f-b805-252759c657bc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Harrison, Dick |
Sveriges historia 600-1350 |
Stockholm: Norstedts, 2009 |
true |
Norstedts Sveriges historia |
9789113023779 |
Hyllplacering enligt boktitel |
K |
41 |
adc89fcf-0ee1-4fef-878a-5616176417c9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Romanides, John Protoprespyter |
An outline of orthodox patristic dogmatics |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2004 |
false |
Orthodox theological library: 1 |
0974561843 |
Parallell text på engelska och grekiska |
Cka |
54 |
bbcc7e24-7c59-4fd2-a60d-ad4fc4c75ddc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Rodopoulos, Panteleimon |
An overview of orthodox canon law |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2007 |
true |
Orthodox theological library: 3 |
1933275154, 9781933275154 |
Epitom? kanonikou dikaiou, 2007 |
Cka |
53 |
080a7a18-a5ac-407e-8b87-477905ca3998 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Popp, Nathaniel; Forsberg, Mark |
Heliga ikoner (vol 7) |
Stockholm: Ortodox utgivningstjänst |
true |
Ortodoxa småskrifter |
9197176842 |
Chd |
471 |
51b4837d-e76f-4576-8619-605af2e97a81 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evdokimov, Paul |
Ikonernas ikon (vol 4) |
Stockholm: Ortodox utgivningstjänst |
true |
Ortodoxa småskrifter |
916300688X |
Chd |
472 |
1f7d0587-8b15-411a-b588-5d41227041d9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ward, Benedicta (red) (övers) |
The desert fathers. Sayings of the early christian monks. |
London: Penguin books, 2003 |
false |
Penguin classics |
9780140447316 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas). Translated and with an introduction by Benedicta Ward. |
Cda |
775 |
f2a86193-e211-4b47-b0aa-480d199b0794 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nazianz |
Gregorios Nazianzos; Gregorius Nazianzenus |
On God and Christ. The five theological orations and Two letters to cledonius. |
New York: St Vladimir´s press: 2002 |
true |
Popular patristics series |
0881412406 |
The five theological orations (oration 27-31) translated into English by Frederick Williams (oration 27) and Lionel Wickham (orations 28-31) and notes by Lionel Wickham. The Two letters to Cledonius (letters 101 and 102) translated into English by Lionel Wickham with introduction and notes by Lionel Wickham. |
Cda |
710 |
30487425-09ff-427d-a6f5-e387fc272504 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nazianzos |
Gregorios Nazianzos; Gregorius Nazianzenus |
On God and man. The theological poetry of st Gregory of Nazianzus. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 2001 |
true |
Popular patristics series |
0881412201 |
Translated and introduced by Peter Gilbert. |
Cda |
701 |
98ab0670-5dd1-4d78-9714-b875f00f6f4f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nazianzos |
Gregorios Nazianzos; Gregorius Nazianzenus |
Festal orations |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 2008 |
false |
Popular patristics series 36 |
9780881413250 |
Translation with introduction and commentary by Nonna Verna Harrison |
Cda |
702 |
170bd620-cc96-47d4-aafa-48eb7a9b39b0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Daley, Brian E. (övers) |
On the dormition of Mary. Early patristic homilies |
New York: St Vladimirs seminary press,1997 |
true |
Popular patristics series 18 |
0881411779, 9780881411775, 15555755 |
Cda(s) |
537 |
191e0fbb-7910-4eff-825b-0b1906c6d530 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Melito av Sardes |
On pascha. With the fragments of Melito and other material related to the quartodecimans. |
New York: St Vladimirs seminary press, 2001 |
false |
Popular patristics series 20 |
0881412171, 9780881412178 |
Translated, introduced and annotated by Alistar Stewart-Sykes |
Cda |
729 |
92df8d72-a335-42f4-9238-dfbf3dfb6e0e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Maximus bekännaren |
On the cosmic mystery of Jesus Christ. Selected writings from st Maximus the confessor. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 2003 |
true |
Popular patristics series 25 |
088141249x, 9780881412499 |
Translated by Paul M. Blowers and Robert Louis Wilken. |
Cda |
751 |
3b7fe853-1871-4977-97e4-fec0a9bd2583 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den store |
Gregorius Magna |
The book of pastoral rule. |
New York: St Vladimir´s press, 2007 |
false |
Popular patristics series 34 |
9780881413182 |
Translation with introduction by George E. Demacopoulos |
Cda |
709 |
8dc2a8bd-ee8b-420d-9913-7b0d7f869016 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barsanufios och Johannes av Gaza |
Barsanuphius; Joannes |
Letters from the desert. Barsanuphius and John. A selection of questions and Responses. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 2003 |
true |
Popular patristics series. |
0881412546 |
Translation and introduction by John Chryssavgis. |
Cda |
683 |
0dec3d7b-c4db-4501-949a-7357810dff97 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Basileios av Caesarea |
Basil; Basilius Casariensis |
On the human condition. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 2005 |
false |
Popular patristics series. |
0881412945 |
Translation and introduction by Nonna Verna Harrisson. |
Cda |
687 |
b1ad0a96-50f7-49ce-b30b-bfb25332a09a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Athanasios av Alexandria |
Athanasius |
On the incarnation. The treatise. De incarnatione verbi Dei. |
New York: St Vladimir´s semenary press, 1993, tr 1996 |
false |
Popular patristics series. |
0913836400 |
Translated and edited by A religious of C.S.M.V. With an introduction by C.S. Lewis. New edition, revised. with a letter of st Athanasius. On the interpretation of the psalms added as an appendix. Original edition published in 1944 by Centenary press. |
Cda |
750 |
36a2640a-e7a7-441a-b308-4e69bfdc9d01 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hippolytos |
Hippolytus |
On the apostolic tradition |
New York: St Vladimirs seminary press, 2001 |
true |
Populas patristic series |
0881412333 |
An english version with introduction and commentary by Alistar Stewart-Sykes |
Cda |
731 |
be40929a-6e26-41c2-8a53-da0bf26a0652 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Schneiders I.H.M., Sandra M |
Selling All |
New York/Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 2001 |
false |
Religious Life In A New Millennium |
0809139731 |
Ce |
434 |
7846dac3-2393-4b6d-ae27-a26f4e85cf5a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Volf, Miroslav |
After Our Likeness |
Grand Rapids; Cambridge: William B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998 |
true |
Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology for a Postmodern Age |
0802844405 |
Ce |
439 |
370bd23d-dc3c-46aa-a7d0-a10ef45f2304 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palmer, G.E.H; Sherrard, Philip; Ware, Kallistos (Övers) |
Philokalia.The eastern christian spiritual texts. Selections, Annotated and explained |
Woodstock, Vermont: Skylight paths publishing, 2006 |
false |
Skylight illuminations series |
9781594731037, 1594731039 |
Annotation by Allyne Smith |
Cda(s) |
548 |
0b51fd03-4bd8-45b3-babc-7f9e11afe7f4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Grégoire de Nysse. Homélies sur l´ecclésiaste. Texte grec de l´édition P. Alexander. Introduction, traduction, notes et index par Francois Vinel |
Paris: Cerf, 1996 |
true |
Sources Chrétetiennes 416 |
2204053554 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
626 |
38f7f65e-aaad-4005-9db5-f077e47219ab |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barsanufios och Johannes av Gaza |
Barsanuphius, Joannes |
Barsanuphe et Jean de Gaza. Correspondance. Vilume I Aus soliTexte latin, introduction, traduction et notes par- |
Paris:Cerf, |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
578 |
a8e03c4d-f65f-4d26-bca1-8dc466612440 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Basileios av Caesarea |
Basil; Basilius Casariensis |
Basile de Césarée. Homélies sur l´hexaéméron. Texte grec, introduction et traduction de Stanislas Giet 2:e Édition revue et augmentée |
Paris: Cerf, 1968: rev 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes |
2204035394 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska, 2:a rev utgåvan |
Cda |
582 |
4878a1d8-ed07-4ad6-950e-81e7457f8974 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par |
Paris: Cerf, |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
781 |
8b2a6eaf-9ff0-4ebc-aee3-cf2ead5f91cd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Rordorf, Willy; Tuilier, André (red) |
La doctrine des douze apôtres. (Didaché) Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes. appendice, annexe et index par Willy Rordorf et André Tuilier. Deuxième édition revue et augmentée |
Paris: Cerf, 1978: rev 1998 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes |
2204059994 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska. 2:a reviderade utgåvan |
Cda |
593 |
f14105ce-e845-4941-914f-568ddff41820 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Athanasios av Alexandria |
Athanasius |
Athanase d´Alexandrie. Contre les païens. Texte grec, introduction, traduction et notes par Pierre Thomas Camelot. o.p |
Paris: Cerf, 1946:1983: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 18 |
2204021237 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska 3:e rev utgåvan |
Cda |
574 |
5bad0a31-628c-40c7-95c4-9994836dfc9b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
de Vogüe, Adalbert (red) |
La règle du maître. I. (Prologue - ch 10) Introduction, texte, traduction et notes par Adalbert de Vogüe. |
Paris: Cerf, 1964 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 105; Série des textes monastiques d´Occident, n XIV. |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
786 |
0705dbff-0878-4574-9a29-9775aac7420a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
de Vogüe, Adalbert (red) |
La règle du maître. II. (Ch. 11-95)) Texte, traduction et notes par Adalbert de Vogüe. Index et tables des deux premiers volumes. |
Paris: Cerf, 1964 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 106; Série des textes monastiques d´Occident, n XV. |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
787 |
ffbe4559-2e9d-423e-bc90-941c8520be13 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Clément, Jean- Marie (red) |
La règle du maître. III. Concordance verbale du texte critique conforme a l ´orthographe du manuscrit par. lat. 12205 par Jean- Marie Clément; Jean Neufville; Daniel Demeslay. Index orthographique d ´manuscrit par. lat. 12634 par Jean Neufville. |
Paris: Cerf, 1965 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 107; Série des textes monastiques d´Occident, n XVI. |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
788 |
a36171f2-67a3-47cb-843d-280f9b1622e5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Le pédagogue. Livre II. Texte grec.Traduction de Claude de Mondésert, notes de Henri-Irénée Marrou. Deuxième édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf, 1965: rev1991 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 108 |
2204044350 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska. 2:a rev upplagan |
Cda |
604 |
20f8e65a-0922-4987-9872-bd954d4f60e7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hippolytos av Rom |
Hippolytus |
Hippolyte de Rome. La tradition apostolique. D´après les anciennes versions. Introduction, traduction et notes par Bernhard Botte. O.S.B. 2:e édition revue. |
Paris: Cerf, 1968: rev 1984: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 11 |
2204022829 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska. 2:a rev utgåvan. |
Cda |
633 |
8b0deb6f-fe3a-457f-9550-febdfa5761b3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Romanos Meloden |
Romanos le Mélode. Hymnes. Tome II. Nouveau testament. (IX-XX) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par José Grosdidier de Matons. |
Paris: Cerf, 1965 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 110 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
792 |
46969131-9b81-4885-bbe3-d204a9a1b1ea |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symeon den nye Teologen |
Simeon |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Catéchèses 23-34 Actions de grâces 1-2. Tome III. Introduction, texte critique, et notes par Mgr Basile Krivochéine. Traduction par Joseph Paramelle, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1965 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 113 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
798 |
4348acbb-c8d0-46b3-abd9-9f96ae585e30 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Romanos Meloden |
Romanos le Mélode. Hymnes. Tome III. Nouveau testament. (XXI-XXXI) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par José Grosdidier de Matons. |
Paris: Cerf, 1965 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 114 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
793 |
9e66d5cd-0b25-4cda-95e1-a8ee1f8e69e9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Grégoire de Nysse. Traité de la Virginité. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, commentaire et index par Michel Aubineau. |
Paris: Cerf, 1966 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 119 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
627 |
b4640356-a02e-4e0a-a328-794525e61599 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Moschos |
Johannes Moschus |
Jean Moschus. Le pré spirituel. Introduction et traduction par M.-J. Rouët de Journel s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1946: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 12 |
2204081620 |
Franska |
Cda |
640 |
ccccaa54-114e-414f-922f-efb8e765a98a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur saint Jean. Tome I. (Livres I.-V) Deuxième édition revue et corrigée. Texte critique, avant-propos,traduction et notes par Cécile Blanc |
Paris: Cerf, 1966; rev 1996 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 120 |
2204053821 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska. 2:a rev utgåvan. |
Cda |
652 |
fad6850a-9cdb-49d7-b20d-dca9a182bf8f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symeon den nye Teologen |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Traités théologiques et éthiques. Tome I. Théol. I-III- Éth. I-III)Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Jean Darrouzès, A.A. |
Paris: Cerf, 1966 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 122 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
802 |
43f46c1c-957d-413d-bb0c-3f4de4fe7ce1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Melito av Sardes |
Melito Sardensis |
Méliton de Sardes. Sur la pâque et fragments. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Othmar Perler. |
Paris: Cerf, 1966 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 123 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
645 |
a8f7a375-3dd3-497e-915d-07c5a7d76843 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kyrillos av Jerusalem |
Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus |
Cyrille de Jéusalem. Catéchèses mystagogiques. Introduction, texte critique, et notes par Auguste Piédagnel, traduction par Pierre Paris, P.S.S. Réimpression de la deuxième édition. |
Paris: Cerf, 1966: rev 1988: rev 2004 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 126 |
2204077801 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. Revision av 2:a reviderade upplagan. |
Cda |
639 |
209a444e-085c-449e-ac15-602580a07b1b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gertrud av Helfta |
Gertrude d´Helfta. Oeuvres spirituelles. Tome I. Les exercices. Texte latin, introduction, traduction et notes par Jaques Hourlier et Albert Schmitt. |
Paris: Cerf, 1967 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 127; Série des textes monastiques d´occident no XIX |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
622 |
357df68f-8e76-4985-862d-8fd89fa98b2d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Johannes Krysostomos |
Jean Chrysostome.Lettres à Olympias. Seconde édition augmentée de La vie anonyme d´Olympias. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Anne-Marie Malingrey |
Paris: Cerf, 1968 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 13 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
635 |
ab080bda-9178-47f4-a121-e86c0509a9da |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Contre Celse. Tome I (Livres I et II) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1967: rev 2005 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 132 |
2204078727 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. Reviderad utgåva. |
Cda |
669 |
868f9321-de32-47d0-b8ad-bf5e51c3708d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sulpicius Severus |
Sulpice Sévère |
Sulpice Sévère. Vie de saint Martin. Tome I. Introduction, texte et traduction par Jacques Fontaine. Réimpression de la première édition. |
Paris: Cerf, 1967, rev 2004 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 133 |
2204076112 |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska. Reviderad utgåva. |
Cda |
795 |
b1c2356d-5729-4068-849d-ecad7c88374b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sulpicius Severus |
Sulpice Sévère |
Sulpice Sévère. Vie de saint Martin. Tome II. Commentaire (jusqu´à Vita 19) par Jacques Fontaine. |
Paris: Cerf, 1968 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 134 |
Franska |
Cda |
796 |
35505307-43b0-4ff7-aa9f-c9600f03ee64 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sulpicius Severus |
Sulpice Sévère |
Sulpice Sévère. Vie de saint Martin. Tome III. Commentaire (fin) et index par Jacques Fontaine. |
Paris: Cerf, 1969 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 135 |
Franska |
Cda |
797 |
f1cc47b3-dd4a-41ca-b0dd-ec2f3c3e5784 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Contre Celse. Tome II (Livres III et IV) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1968: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 136 |
2204034215 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. |
Cda |
670 |
f9c54cd1-cb85-4e17-8d6a-431d155ef40f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Johannes Krysostomos |
Jean Chrysostome. A une jeune veuve sur le mariage unique. Introduction, traduction et notes par Bernard Grillet, texte grec établi et présenté par Gérard H. Ettlinger, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1968 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 138 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
634 |
2367ba89-e52d-4091-b196-12e35de7b926 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hippolytos |
Hippolytus |
Hippolyte. Commentaire sur Daniel. Introduction de Gustave Bardy, texte établi et traduit par Maurice Lefèvre. |
Paris: Cerf,1947:tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 14 |
2204034088 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
632 |
48956924-db28-4c24-9ff5-2bcfe0e59ddf |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios Thamaturgen |
Gregorius Thamaturgus |
Grégoire le Thaumaturge. Remerciment a Origène suivi de La lettre d´Origène a Grégoire. Texte grec. Introduction, traduction et notes par Henri Crouzel, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1969 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 148 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
628 |
be6b5edf-d783-4a98-83eb-c39f1c857eb1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Athanasios av Alexandria |
Athanasius |
Lettres a Sérapion sur la divinité du Saint -Esprit. Introduction et traduction de Joseph Lebon |
Paris: Cerf, 1947: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 15 |
0050184830 |
Franska |
Cda |
571 |
c0d57c1c-5a04-4ed4-81d9-a41746c77248 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Contre Celse. Tome IV (Livres VII et VIII) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1969 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 150 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. |
Cda |
671 |
40fac3a6-0b97-4cad-9bff-ad9e7068119d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symeon den nye Teologen |
Simeon |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Hymnes 1-15. Tome I. Introduction, texte critique et notes par Johannes Koder. Traduction par Joseph Paramelle, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1969 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 156 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
799 |
dba41aaf-f712-452b-a9b3-454d46466e7f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur saint Jean. Tome II. (Livres VI et X)) Texte grec, avant-propos,traduction et notes par Cécile Blanc |
Paris: Cerf, 1970: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 157 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
653 |
84db7bae-a114-437e-8286-d023e7a8001f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Le pédagogue. Livre III. Texte grec.Traduction de Claude de Mondésert et Chantal Matray, notes de Henri-Irénée Marrou. Indices des Livres I, II, III. |
Paris: Cerf, 1970 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 158 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska. |
Cda |
605 |
c5f67b98-afdf-4692-969b-ff3eb7ba6616 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Basileios av Caesarea |
Basil; Basilius Casariensis |
Basile de Césarée. Sur l´origine de l´home. (Hom. X et XI de l´hexaéméron) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Alexis Smets, s.j. et Michel van Esbroek, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1970 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 160 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
581 |
6d920980-a7d5-4f8f-b9c0-3032152b2445 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur l´évangile selon Matthieu. Tome I (Livres X et XI) Introduction, traduction et notes par Robert Girod |
Paris: Cerf, 1970 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 162 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
650 |
dd48cb19-036a-4c80-8bfb-3efa02e2837a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Guiges II Le Chartreux |
Guigues II Le Chartreux. Lettre sur la vie contemlative. (L´échelle des moines) Douze méditations. Introduction et texte critique par Edmund Colledge, o.s.a. et James Walsh, s.j., traduction par Un Chartreux. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf,1970: rev 2001 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 163 |
2204066974 |
Tvåspråkig latin- franska. 2:a rev utgåvan |
Cda |
629 |
4a3906d7-80c9-4e6b-a8f4-a76e7be2c898 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Clemens av Rom |
Clemens Romanus |
Clément de Rom. Épître aux Corinthiens. Introduction, texte, traduction, notes et index par Annie Jaubert. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf,1971: rev 2000 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 167 |
2204064696 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
611 |
04cd7b31-4b3c-4e2f-99f7-f72313bb133e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barnabas |
Épître de Barnabé. Introduction, traduction et notes par Pierre Prigent. Texte grec établi et présenté par Robert A. Kraft. |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 172 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
572 |
675fd172-e98e-4a9d-a337-3d5cf2513304 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symeon den nye Teologen |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Hymnes 16-40. Tome II. Texte critique par Johannes Koder. Traduction et notes par Louis Neyrand, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 174 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
800 |
5deebd39-fca3-4dfa-97d6-d35a458c348a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Grégoire de Nysse. Vie de sainte Macrine. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par Pierre Maraval |
Paris: Cerf,1971 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 178 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
625 |
dc856928-842e-4389-a7ef-1d66904c64ac |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ambrosius |
Ambroise de Milan. La pénitence. Texte latin, introduction, traduction et notes de Roger Gryson. |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 179 |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
577 |
44cfd5f6-1c66-40e2-8e73-d71844975ae2 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
La règle de saint Benoît I. (prologue - ch. 7.) Introduction, traduction et notes par Adalbert de Vogüé. Texte établi et présenté par Jean Neufville |
Paris: Cerf, 1972 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 181; Serie des texts monastiques d´Occident, no XXXIV |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
587 |
4fd99914-84f2-4cd0-9b8e-adf741c2152e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
La règle de saint Benoît I. Prologue - ch. 7. Introduction, traduction et notes par Adalbert de Vogüé. Texte établi et présenté par Jean Neufville |
Paris: Cerf, 1972 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 181; Serie des texts monastiques d´Occident, no XXXIV |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
583 |
ce28270b-c829-47df-9156-ec1a3cb7cc8b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
La règle de saint Benoît II (ch. VIII - LXXII). Traduction et notes par Adalbert de Vogüé. Texte et concordance par Jean Neufville. Index et tables. |
Paris: Cerf, 1972 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 182; Serie des texts monastiques d´Occident, no XXXV |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
588 |
143cf420-b109-4672-aff6-577868b73046 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
La règle de saint Benoît III. Instruments pour l´étude de la tradition manuscrite par Jean Neufville. Index et tables. |
Paris: Cerf, 1972 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 182; Serie des texts monastiques d´Occident, no XXXVI |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
589 |
09e47845-f5d5-4c3e-8390-4bfcf329f21f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
La règle de saint Benoît. Tome IV. Commentaire historique et critique (parties I-III). Par Adalbert de Vogüé |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 184; Serie des texts monastiques d´Occident, no XXXVII |
Franska |
Cda |
590 |
54dade9b-a7d8-4d11-adcd-d07b7cddf275 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
La règle de saint Benoît Tome V. Commentaire historique et critique (parties IV-VI). Par Adalbert de Vogüé |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 185; Serie des texts monastiques d´Occident, no XXXVIII |
Franska |
Cda |
591 |
2bbf143b-bb74-4194-9415-3a969f485d9c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
La règle de saint Benoît.Tome VI. Commentaire historique et critique (parties VII-IX). Par Adalbert de Vogüé |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 186; Serie des texts monastiques d´Occident, no XXXIX |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
592 |
9d481a17-8af8-44db-8f72-78b644c2484d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symeon den nye Teologen |
Simeon |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Hymnes 41-58. Tome III. Texte critique et index par Johannes Koder. Traduction et notes par Joseph Paramelle, s.j. et Louis Neyrand, s.j. Réimpression de la première édition. |
Paris: Cerf, 1973, rev 2003 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 196 |
2204073725 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska Reviderad utgåva. |
Cda |
801 |
d333d7f7-cc51-4540-96cc-43d92d2aa5b7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den store. |
Gregorius Magnus |
Grégoire le Grand. Morales sur Job. Troisième partie. Livres (XI - XVI). Introduction, traduction et notes par Aristide Bocognano. I Introduction. Texte, traduction et notes des livres XI - XIV. |
Paris: Cerf, 1974: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 212 |
2204036471 |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
614 |
8ed9e3b7-d995-46d4-b4e3-3e004103e6e7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Contre Celse. Tome V Introduction générale, tables et index par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1976: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 227 |
2204010553 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. |
Cda |
672 |
16a24b8c-90c7-4755-8a01-87a0c67fd38e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ambrosius |
Ambroise de Milan. Des sacrements. Des mystères. Explication du symbole. 2:e réimpression de la seconde édition. Introduction, texte, traduction, notes et index par dom Bernard Botte. |
Paris: Cerf, 1950: rev 1961: tr 1994 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 25 bis |
2204016357 |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska. 3:e upplagan av reviderade utgåvan |
Cda |
579 |
df0c91ac-287f-4693-8e33-4c4a744c46ec |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den Store |
Gregorius Magnus |
Grégoire le Grand. Dialogues tome I. Introduction,bibliographie et cartes par Adalbert de Vogüe. |
Paris: Cerf,1978: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 251 |
220401320X |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
615 |
3f10ce1e-0fb7-4f2b-acba-a1354cfd4b43 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Traité des principes. Tome II (Livres I et II). Commentaire et fragments par Henri Crouzel et Manlio Simonetti. |
Paris: Cerf, 1978: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 253 |
2204013269 |
Franska |
Cda |
656 |
9cd51685-1aa0-43c4-a982-5276ea2993cf |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gertrud av Helfta |
Gertrude d´Helfta. Oeuvres spirituelles. Tome IV. Le Héraut. (Livre IV). Texte criticue, traduction et notes par Jean - Marie Clément, les Moniales de Wisques et Bernhard de Vregille. |
Paris: Cerf, 1978 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 255; Série des textes monastiques d´occident no XLVIII |
2204013463 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
623 |
b5bb1107-8eff-447d-b5b7-7f2ad58d795e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den Store |
Gregorius Magnus |
Grégoire le Grand. Dialogues tome II. (Livres I - III) Texte critique et notes par Adalbert de Vogüe, traduction par Paul Antin. |
Paris: Cerf,1979: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 260 |
2204014516 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
616 |
2459b254-b464-4eca-8cc2-edfc0cd836ab |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den Store |
Gregorius Magnus |
Grégoire le Grand. Dialogues tome III. (Livres IV) Texte critique et notes par Adalbert de Vogüe, traduction par Paul Antin. Index et tables. |
Paris: Cerf,1980: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 265 |
2204014516 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
617 |
2348d3cf-495a-42a1-a26a-01eab8705da1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Pseudo-Makarios |
Pseudo-Macarius |
Pseudo-Macarie. Oevres spirituelles I. Homélies propres à la collection III. Introduction, traduction et notes (avec le texte grec) par Vincent Desprez |
Paris: Cerf, 1980 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 275 |
2204016918 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
647 |
66ec853f-013d-4868-9a19-f010e9a2f2e2 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus, Clement of Alexandria, Titus Flavius Clemens |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Les Stromates. Stromate V tome II. Commentaire, bibliographie et index par Alain le Boulluec. |
Paris: Cerf, 1981 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 279 |
2204016861 |
Cda |
608 |
883c6735-b98c-48ad-a331-9d85e596d249 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Romanos Meloden |
Romanos le Mélode. Hymnes. Tome V. Nouveau testament. (XLVI-L) et hymnes de circonstance (LI-LVI) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par José Grosdidier de Matons. |
Paris: Cerf, 1981 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 283 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
794 |
ed9d32b7-deca-4090-be7c-8b66ddf906cd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Homélies sur le Lévitique. Tome I. (Homélies I - VII) Texte latin, introduction,traduction et notes par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1981 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 286 |
220401799 |
Tvåspråkig latin- franska |
Cda |
664 |
f1619cae-0257-4804-bab9-cdf3f8d6f2a1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Homélies sur le Lévitique. Tome II. (Homélies VIII-XVI) Texte latin, introduction, traduction, notes et index par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1981 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 286 |
2204018260 |
Tvåspråkig latin- franska |
Cda |
668 |
927616ea-55c5-4b95-a75a-ab438dd47a24 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur saint Jean. Tome IV. (Livres XIX et XX) Texte grec, introduction, traduction et notes par Cécile Blanc |
Paris: Cerf, 1982: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 290 |
2204018767 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
654 |
66da2f43-17d3-4888-8a69-142078bb5392 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Egeria |
Égérie |
Égérie. Journal de voyage. (Itinéraire) Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et cartes par Pierre Maraval; Valerius du Bierzo. Lettre sur la bse Égérie. Introduction, texte et traduction par Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf,1982; rev 1997: tr 2002 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 296 |
2204069906 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska. 2:a upplagan av 2:a reviderade utgåvan. |
Cda |
612 |
737faa61-c159-467a-a637-4a950ca43777 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
de Vogüe, Adalbert (red) |
Les règles des saints pères. Tome I. Trois règles de lérins au 5 siècle. Introduction, texte, traduction et notes par Adalbert de Vogüe. |
Paris: Cerf, 1982 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 297 |
2204019577 |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
789 |
eea61116-dc4d-4bd8-97c2-3739750788ce |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
de Vogüe, Adalbert (red) |
Les règles des saints pères. Tome II. Trois règles du 6 siècle incorporant des textes lériniens. Introduction, texte, traduction et notes par Adalbert de Vogüe. |
Paris: Cerf, 1982 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 298 |
2204019909 |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
790 |
c2938365-a444-4d82-8a0c-60750fcbe5da |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus, Clement of Alexandria, Titus Flavius Clemens |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Les Stromates. Stromate I. Introduction de Claude Montdésert, s.j., traduction et notes de Marcel Caster |
Paris: Cerf, 1951: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 30 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
606 |
53dc813b-154e-412a-92da-9b63e3d5fd48 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Philocalie, 1-20. Sur les écritures. Introduction, texte, traduction et notes par Marguerite Harl et La lettre à Africanus sur l ´histoire de Suzanne.Introduction, texte, traduction et notes par Nicholas de Lange. |
Paris: Cerf, 1983 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 302 |
2204020672 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
665 |
81d2c811-fc3c-4deb-b7b5-3c6ded5668f6 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes av Apamea |
Jean d´Apamée. Dialogues et traités. Introduction, traduction et notes par René Lavenant, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1984 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 311 |
2204021571 |
Franska |
Cda |
638 |
359fb234-2d6a-41ae-8935-a70834f2238e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Traité des principes. Tome V. Compléments et index par Henri Crouzel et Manlio Simonetti. |
Paris: Cerf, 1984 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 312 |
2204022098 |
Franska |
Cda |
674 |
66860dc5-1265-4a04-a245-268e652a4971 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den store. |
Gregorius Magnus |
Grégoire le Grand. Morales sur Job. Première partie. Livres I et II. Troisième édition revue et corrigée. Introduction et notes de Dom Robert Gillet, O.S.B., traduction de Dom André de Gaudemaris, O.S.B. |
Paris: Cerf,1952: rev 1975: rev 1989 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 32 |
2204040681 |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
613 |
5c344362-b107-4566-aa93-2acf71fff009 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Homélies sur l´Exode. Texte latin, introduction,traduction et notes par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1985: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 321 |
2204024546 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
666 |
1bf40baf-bb5b-4620-9ad5-5577851703bc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Homélies sur Samuel. Édititon critique, introduction, traduction et notes par Pierre et Marie- Thérèse Nautin |
Paris: Cerf, 1986 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 328 |
2204025879 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
659 |
b5c8fcb3-27be-4b01-b888-04dccf159f64 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Metzger. Marcel (red) |
Les constitutions apostoliques tome I, livres III-VI. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Marcel Metzger |
Paris: Cerf, 1986 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 329 |
2204026034 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
573 |
2e7933aa-6ae6-432a-ac8b-1022c1a3a027 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Marrou, Henri Irénée (red) |
Diognetsobrevet |
A Diognète. Introduction, édition critique, traduction et commentaire par Henri Irénée Marrou. Réimpression de la deuxième édition revue et augmentée |
Paris: Cerf, 1951: rev 1965: rev 1997: tr 2005 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 33 |
2204058203 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska. 2:tryckningen av 2.a reviderade upplagan. |
Cda |
597 |
7fbca2c4-c5a4-49a9-9336-1e057df43eba |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gertrud av Helfta |
Gertrude d´Helfta. Oeuvres spirituelles. Tome V. Le Héraut. (Livre V). Texte criticue, traduction, notes et index par Jean - Marie Clément, les Moniales de Wisques et Bernhard de Vregille. |
Paris: Cerf, 1986 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 331 |
2204013463 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
624 |
2b2763f9-1542-4623-a412-ff6d8863dffc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Metzger, Marcel (red) |
Les constitutions apostoliques. Tome III Livres VII et VIII. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Marcel Metzger. |
Paris: Cerf, 1987 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 336 |
2204028126 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
575 |
7e0905a5-05a2-4dc6-b9d9-d77a333fe541 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evagrios av Pontos |
Evagrios Pontikos, Evagrius Ponticus |
Évagre le Pontique. Scholies aux proverbes. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes, appendices et index par Paul Géhin |
Paris: Cerf, 1987 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 340 |
2204028851 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
643 |
a98fdbbc-da8b-45ed-a909-a4a3f7135f3f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palladios |
Palladios. Diaolgue sur la vie de Jean Chrysostome.Tome I. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Anne -Marie Mallingrey avec la collaboration de Philippe Leclercq. |
Paris: Cerf, 1988 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 341 |
2204027189 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
782 |
1dde41ef-04ce-4694-b6ee-56c51577e006 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palladios |
Palladios. Diaolgue sur la vie de Jean Chrysostome.Tome II. Histoire du texte, index et appendices par Anne -Marie Mallingrey. |
Paris: Cerf, 1988 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 342 |
220402920 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
783 |
5665c455-664b-46b5-8dad-9e18edde7e6a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Homélies sur Ézéchiel. Texte latin, introduction, traduction et notes par Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1989 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 352 |
2204040002 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
649 |
56baa745-d9e5-4282-911c-e85afb868d01 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evagrios av Pontos |
Evagrios Pontikos, Evagrius Ponticus |
Évagre le Pontique. Le gnostique, ou à celui qui est devenu digne de la science. Édition critique des fragments grecs. Traduction intégrale établie au moyen des versions syriaques et arménienne, commentaire et tables par Antoine Guillaumont et Claire Guillaumont. |
Paris: Cerf, 1989 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 356 |
2204031909 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
642 |
6c757b0f-c982-4289-bd43-59e12f23a089 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Origène. Comentaire sur le Cantique des cantiques. Tome I. Texte de la version latine de Rufin. Introduction, traduction et notes par Luc Brésard, o.c.s.o. et Henri Crouzel, s.j. avec la collaboration de Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1991:t r 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 375 |
2204043974 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
651 |
ed60859e-6def-46a4-b602-75c5655cdf59 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus, Clement of Alexandria, Titus Flavius Clemens |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Les Stromates. Stromate II. Introduction et notes de P. Th. Camelot, o.p,. texte grec et traduction de Cl. Montdésert, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1954: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 38 |
2204081639 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
607 |
3c62f2c0-4125-4fac-9888-50617e2a370c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den store |
Gregorius Magnus |
Grégoire le Grand. Règle pastorale tom I. Introduction, notes et index par Bruno Judic, texte critique par Floribert Rommel,o.s.b., traduction par Charles Morel, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf,1992 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 381 |
2204047333 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
618 |
5328a645-3c45-44d3-bbde-a51794b186fa |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den store |
Gregorius Magnus |
Grégoire le Grand. Règle pastorale tom II. Introduction, notes et index par Bruno Judic, texte critique par Floribert Rommel , o.s.b., traduction par Charles Morel, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf,1992 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 382 |
2204047341 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
620 |
7fa5e337-af27-4f9c-ab20-3bd22bc1c1b8 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hermias |
Hermias Philosphus |
Hermias. Satire des Philosophes païens. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes, appendices et index par R.P.C. Hanson, traduction francaise par Denise Joussot. |
Paris: Cerf, 1993 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 388 |
2204048577 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
631 |
c0e84db4-80c2-4802-9869-36f204ffcff2 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Origène. Homélies sur les Judges. Texte de la version latine de Rufin. Introduction,traduction, notes et index par Pierre Messié, s.j., Louis Neyrand, s.j., Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1993 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 389 |
2204048445 |
Tvåspråkig latin- franska |
Cda |
658 |
1ae6c4ac-fe7a-4d16-be6b-c9fbb7ce46bc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Athanasios av Alexandria |
Athanasius |
Athanase d´Alexandrie. Vie d´Antoine. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par G.J.M Bartelink. Réimpression de la première édition revue et augmentée |
Paris: Cerf, 1994: 2004 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 400 |
2204076767 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska. 2:a rev. utgåvan |
Cda |
576 |
dcba69c4-791c-4da0-a5a2-458070cda4a9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Nilos av Ankara |
Nilus Ancyranus |
Nil d´Ankyre. Commentaire sur le cantique des cantiques. Édition principes. Tome I. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Marie- Gabrielle Guérard |
Paris: Cerf, 1994 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 403 |
2204051411 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
644 |
c7613b5b-956e-4960-86b8-e3f026e5958a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Origène. Homélies sur les Psaumes 36 à 38. Texte critique établi par Emanuela Prinzivalli. Introduction,traduction et notes par Henri Crouzel, s.j. et Luc Brésard, o.c.s.o. |
Paris: Cerf, 1995 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 411 |
2204053384 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
660 |
9021ac80-ff1d-47a8-9d19-4df6a471e9e2 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Origène. Homélies sur les Nombres I. Homélies I - X. Texte latin de W. A. Baehrens (G.C.S.) Nouvelle édition par Louis Doutreleau, s.j. d´après l´édition d´André Méhat et les notes de Marcel Borret, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1996 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 415 |
2204053376 |
Tvåspråkig latin- franska. Ny utgåva byggd på André Méhats och Marcel Borrets utgåva. |
Cda |
662 |
ed414822-b56a-41f0-9ae1-f03b6e7373a9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Amat, Jacqueline (red) |
Passion de Perpétue et de Félicité, suivi des actes. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, commentaire et index par Jaqueline Amat. |
Paris: Cerf, 1996 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 417 |
2204053864 |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska |
Cda |
784 |
54e343a3-90a2-4dfd-aaa1-f4c28caed0c4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Isidoros |
Isidorus Pelusiota |
Isidore de Péluse. Lettres. Tome I. Lettres 1214-1413. Introduction générale, texte critique, traduction et notes par Pierre Évieux. |
Paris: Cerf, 1997 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 422 |
2204055573 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
637 |
85f67798-fd40-4b02-8f6f-58a559ae9435 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barsanufios och Johannes av Gaza |
Barsanuphius, Joannes |
Barsanuphe et Jean de Gaza. Correspondance volume I Aux solitaires. Tome I Lettres 1-71.Introduction, texte critique et notes par Francois Neyt, o.s.b. et Paula de Angelis-Noah. Traduction par L. Regnault, o.s.b. |
Paris: Cerf, 1997 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 426 |
2204059188 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
580 |
f61933e6-ec5b-4e91-89bf-35385dbe6733 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barsanufios och Johannes av Gaza |
Barsanuphius, Joannes |
Barsanuphe et Jean de Gaza. Correspondance volume I Aux solitaires. Tome II Lettres 72-223. Texte critique, notes et index par Francois Neyt, o.s.b. et Paula de Angelis-Noah. Traduction par L. Regnault, o.s.b. |
Paris: Cerf, 1998 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 427 |
2204060151 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
585 |
915e4cad-052a-4d0c-835a-3f08eb520344 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus, Clement of Alexandria, Titus Flavius Clemens |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Les Stromates. Stromate VII. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Allain le Boulluec. |
Paris: Cerf, 1997 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 428 |
2204058289 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
610 |
0424b9a1-7546-444c-98ab-f1f68996cc51 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Origène. Homélies sur les Nombres II. Homélies XI - XIX. Texte latin de W. A. Baehrens (G.C.S.) Nouvelle édition par Louis Doutreleau, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1999 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 442 |
2204062278 |
Tvåspråkig latin- franska. Ny utgåva. |
Cda |
667 |
f228048b-249e-4569-bad0-e67c1db9395d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Markos Eremiten |
Marcus Eremita, Mark the Hermit |
Marc le moine. Traités I. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par Georges - Matthieu de Durand, o.p. |
Paris: Cerf, 1999 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 445 |
2204063169 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska |
Cda |
648 |
6c3ca2f4-6f3b-4f98-9366-7ab9e5974af7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Les Stromates. Stromate VI. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Mgr Patrick Descourtieux. |
Paris: Cerf, 1999 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 446 |
2204063487 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
609 |
bf589dc3-745d-4639-8ae2-b0dae6893af6 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barsanufios och Johannes av Gaza |
Barsanuphius, Joannes |
Barsanuphe et Jean de Gaza. Correspondance volume II Aux cénobites. Tome I Lettres 224-398. Texte critique, notes et index par Francois Neyt, o.s.b. et Paula de Angelis-Noah. Traduction par L. Regnault, o.s.b. |
Paris: Cerf, 2000 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 450 |
2204064890 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
586 |
537a7d9a-37d9-49fe-88bd-891e0ad0efe0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dionysios Areopagiten |
Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita |
Denys l´Aréopagite . La hiérarchie céleste. Introduction par René Roques, étude et texte critique par Gunther Heil, traduction et notes par Maurice de Gandillac. 2:e édition. |
Paris: Cerf,1970: rev 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 58 |
0050184865 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska, 2:a något reviderad utgåvan |
Cda |
594 |
31702743-0de1-456c-9346-e53dd78def85 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Aelred av Rievaulx |
Aelred de Rievaulx: Quand Jésus eut douze ans. Introduction et texte critique par Dom Anselme Hoste, o.s.b. Traduction francaise par Joseph Dubois. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf, 2005 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 60 |
tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
522 |
ada23e3e-b777-410d-b00c-b24c14253580 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clemens Alexandrinus, Clement of Alexandria, Titus Flavius Clemens |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Le pédagogue. Livre I. Texte grec.Introduction et notes de Henri-Irénée Marrou, traduction de Marguerite Harl. |
Paris: Cerf, 1960: tr 1983 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 70 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
599 |
0f030256-cef3-4573-a657-829f3c40408e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Origène. Homélies sur Josué. Texte latin de W. A Baerhens (GCS 30). Introduction,traduction et notes par Annie Jaubert. Réimpression de la première édition, revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf, 1960; rev 2000 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 71 |
2204065072 |
Tvåspråkig latin - franska |
Cda |
661 |
b0cc0ad5-38b8-4e05-8546-357b6e29ac04 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Aelred av Rievaulx |
Aelred de Rievaulx: La vie recluse. La prière pastorale. Texte latin, introduction et notes par Charles Dumont, o.c.s.o. |
Paris: Cerf, 1961 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 76 |
tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
523 |
04f949ed-903a-468f-a855-6f6f583fdcd0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Rochais, H.-M |
Defensor de Ligugé. Livre d´étincelles I. (Ch 33-81)Texte latin, traduction et notes par H.-M. Rochais, O.S.B |
Paris: Cerf, 1962 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 77; Série des textes monastiques occident , no IX. |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
600 |
bfec7e40-af59-4c34-b998-1e9a1fc527fd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Rochais, H.-M |
Defensor de Ligugé. Livre d´étincelles I. (Ch 1-32) Introduction, texte, traduction et notes par H.-M. Rochais, O.S.B |
Paris: Cerf, 1961 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 77; Série des textes monastiques occident , no VII. |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
595 |
ae7aaa74-e6d1-41f7-afcd-6922285a2fd0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Narek |
Grégoire de Narek. Le livre de prières. Introduction, traduction et notes par Isaac Kéchichian. s.j., préface de Jean Mécérian, s.j., postface de Krikor de Bélédian. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf,1961: rev 2001 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 78 |
2204066451 |
Franska. 2:a rev utgåvan. |
Cda |
621 |
4cb6cdc5-954d-4ccc-bcdd-304d7cdd7bf9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Johannes Krysostomos |
Jean Chrysostome. Sur la providence de Dieu. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Anne-Marie Malingrey. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf,1961: rev 2000 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 79 |
2204065250 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. 2:a rev upplagan. |
Cda |
636 |
ffe6db4c-f8eb-43af-bb42-1e1b195fa7ad |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Damaskenos |
Johannes av Damaskos, Joannes Damascenus |
S. Jean Damascène. Homélies sur la nativité et la dormition.Texte grec, introduction, traduction et notes par Pierre Voulet, s.j. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf, 1960: rev 1998: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 80 |
2204062286 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. Nytryck av 2:a rev upplagan |
Cda |
641 |
45f61025-f070-414c-a650-cf8dfd64a915 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Guillaume de Saint-Thierrry |
Guillaume de Saint-Thierrry. Exposé sur le cantique des cantiques. Texte latin, introduction et notes par J.-M. Déchanet, o.s.b., traduction par M. Dumontier.Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf,1962: rev 1998: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 82 |
2204038733 |
Tvåspråkig latin- franska. 2 rev utgåvan, nytryck |
Cda |
630 |
0d8863ea-da31-4a30-9c85-71c607382913 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Didymos den blinde |
Didymus the Blind, Dedimus, Didymous |
Didyme l´Aveugle. Sur Zacharie. Texte inédit d´après un papyrus de Toura. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de Louis Doutreleau, s.j. Tome I. |
Paris: Cerf,1962 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 83 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
596 |
f7419291-b201-4598-b903-448f49aad05b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Didymos den blinde |
Didymus the Blind, Dedimus, Didymous |
Didyme l´Aveugle. Sur Zacharie. Texte inédit d´après un papyrus de Toura. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de Louis Doutreleau, s.j. Tome II. |
Paris: Cerf,1962 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 84 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
601 |
4002303f-b7b9-4eb2-bf34-ed4d9e5c4c7a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Didymos den blinde |
Didymus the Blind, Dedimus, Didymous |
Didyme l´Aveugle. Sur Zacharie. Texte inédit d´après un papyrus de Toura. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de Louis Doutreleau, s.j. Tome III. |
Paris: Cerf,1962 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 85 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
602 |
c071e4da-9956-4fc5-b81c-208da311c591 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Un Chartreux (red) |
Lettres des premiers chartreux I. S. Bruno - Guigues - S. Anthelme. Introductions, texte critique, traduction et notes par Un Chartreux. 2:e èdition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf, 1962: rev 1988: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 88 |
2204029785 |
Tvåspråkig Latin - franska. 2:a rev utgåvan |
Cda |
584 |
2bc530a5-d7cc-4fba-bbd7-426cea14c5b1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Maximos Bekännaren |
Maximus Confessor |
Maxime le Confesseur. Centuries sur la charité. Introduction, et traduction de Joseph Pegon, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1943: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 9 |
2204081574 |
Franska |
Cda |
646 |
a1cb6f36-7c80-4151-844f-260eed052c0c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gorce, Denys (red) |
Vie de sainte Mélanie. Texte grec, introduction, traduction et notes par Denys Gorce. |
Paris: Cerf, 1962 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 90 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
785 |
8df0e91c-70f0-46f5-85dd-5040f83d6eb6 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dorotheos av Gaza |
Dorotheus Abbas |
Dorothée de Gaza. Oeuvres spirituelles. Introduction, texte grec, traduction et notes par Lucien Regnault, o.s.b et Jaques de Préville, o.s.b. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée |
Paris: Cerf, 1963: rev 2001 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 92 |
2204069159 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska. 2:a rev upplagan |
Cda |
598 |
c5cd0fff-623c-4f02-87ff-76bf47803012 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Romanos Meloden |
Romanos le Mélode. Hymnes. Tome I. Ancien testament. (I-VIII) Péface de Paul Lemerle.Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par José Grosdidier de Matons. |
Paris: Cerf, 1964 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 99 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
791 |
94d8acb9-0a10-40de-a90a-50a5ddb15134 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hippolytos |
Hippolytus |
Homélies pascales I Une homélie inspirée du traité sur la pâque d´Hippolyte. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Pierre Nautin. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf, 2003 |
true |
Sources chrétiennes nr 27 |
2204072907 |
Tvåspråkig, grekiska- franska |
Cda(s) |
556 |
5cfdb1ac-74c3-4d58-893f-4a428b38ccc9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Homélies pascales II Trois homélies dans la tradition d´Origène Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Pierre Nautin. Réimpression de la première édition revue et corrigée. |
Paris: Cerf, 2003 |
true |
Sources chrétiennes nr 36 |
2204072974 |
Tvåspråkig, grekiska- franska |
Cda(s) |
555 |
eede08cf-df16-4c89-bf7b-19072270cbc4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Salles, A (red) |
Trois antiques rituels du baptême présentés par A. Salles |
Paris: Cerf, 1958: tr 2006 |
false |
Sources chrétiennes nr 59 |
22040816771 |
Franska |
Cda(s) |
568 |
32f1df4b-fe87-4b0d-9ece-70842c4b3230 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Origène. Traité des principes. Tome III. (Livres III et IV)Introduction, texte critique de la Philocalie et de la version de Rufin, traduction par Henri Crouzel et Manlio Simonetti. |
Paris: Cerf, 1980: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes: 268 |
2204015385 |
Trespråkig grekiska- latin -franska |
Cda |
673 |
5e556e5d-2446-4480-99bf-afc1de979eec |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Pseudo Dionysius |
Didymus the Blind, Dedimus, Didymous |
Pseudo Dionysius. The complete works. |
New York; Mahwah: Paulist press, 1987. |
true |
The classics of western spirituality |
0809128381 |
Translation by Colm Luibheid. Foreword, notes, and translation collaboration by Paul Rorem. Preface by Rene Roques. Introductions by Jaroslav Pelian, Jean Leclerq, and Karlfried Froehlich. |
Cda |
699 |
389ac4f4-fae7-48a0-a5c7-aa9a8a91f807 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symeon den Nye Teologen |
Simeon |
Symeon the New Theologian. The discourses. |
Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist press,1980 |
true |
The classics of western spirituality |
0809122308 |
Translation by C.J. de Catanzaro, Introduction by George Maloney s.j. Preface by Basile Krivocheine. |
Cda |
757 |
a549ca8f-a022-46b7-8b54-f1f31fb02ea3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Climacus |
The Ladder of divine acent. |
Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist press, 1982 |
false |
The classics of western spirituality |
08091233304 |
Translation by Colm Luibheid and Norman Russell. Notes on translation by Norman Russell.Introduction by Kallistos Ware. Preface by Colm Luibheid. |
Cda |
741 |
b579551d-f0c0-4595-a032-8b94b170c218 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Efraim Syriern |
Ephraem Syrus |
Ephrem the Syrian. Hymns. |
New York; Mahwah: Paulist press, 1989 |
false |
The classics of western spirituality. |
0809104296 |
Translated and introduced by Kathleen E. McVey. Preface by John Meyendorff. |
Cda |
695 |
cfc8deea-21f9-4dea-a1fa-9594d2cb35b3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Maximos Bekännaren |
Maximus Confessor |
Maximus confessor, selected writings. |
New York: Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1985 |
true |
The classics of western spirituality. |
0809126591 |
Translation and notes by George C. Berthold. Introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan. Preface by Irénée-Henri Dalmais, o.p. |
Cda |
733 |
dcea5d2f-222c-4528-8c6f-e9506eec9b72 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Pseudo- Makarios |
Pseudo-Macarius |
Pseudo-Macarius. The fifty spiritual homilies and the great letter. |
New york: Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1992 |
true |
The classics of western spirituality. |
0809104555, 0809133121 |
Translated, edited and with introductions by George A. Malones, s.j. Preface by Kallistos Ware. |
Cda |
734 |
b4d28101-cb64-477b-8323-47a81de5ac67 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Athanasios; Anatolios, Khaled (red) |
Athanasius |
Athanasius |
London; New York: Routledge, 2004 |
true |
The early church fathers |
0415202027/ 0415202035, 97804142020227/ 9780415202039 |
Cda |
685 |
1165bd91-c774-4abe-a136-12c52bfe8507 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Severus av Antiokia. Allen, Pauline; Hayward, C.T.R (red) |
Severus of Anthioch |
London, New York: Routledge, 2004 |
true |
The early church fathers |
0415234026 |
Allen, Pauline; Hayward, C.T.R (red) |
Cda |
758 |
62954bca-3e94-4abb-83a8-debcfd3799f9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Theodoros av Mopsuestia; McLeod, Frederick G. (red) |
Theodore of Mopsuestia |
London; New York: Routledge, 2009 |
true |
The early church fathers |
0415434084, 9780415434089 |
Cda |
763 |
96c6e79c-8f84-4c7a-aab8-a7467445f9d1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Theophilos av Alexandria, Russell, Norman (red) |
Theophilus of Alexandria |
London; New York: Routledge, 2007 |
true |
The early church fathers |
0415289157, 9780415289153 |
Cda |
762 |
7be43344-7a83-47ae-b2f8-f7ed6cb4b94f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nazianz (förf); Brian E. Daley, S.j. (red) |
Gregory of Nazianzus. |
London; New York: Routhledge, 2006 |
true |
The early church fathers. |
0415121809, 041512817, 9780145121804, 9780415121811 |
Cda |
711 |
bb5f2014-4386-43f7-806f-014dbf80d7db |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dunn, Geoffrey D. (red) |
Tertullian |
London; New York: Routledge, 2004 |
true |
The early church fathers. |
0415282314, 9780415282314 |
Introduktion av Geoffrey D. Dunn |
Cda |
754 |
5dea55b0-ed5d-4aea-8b4f-91a650e34be3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Pástztori-Kupán, István(red) |
Theodoret of Cyrus. |
London; New York: Routledge, 2006 |
true |
The early church fathers. |
0415309611, 9780415309615 |
Introduktion av István Pástztori-Kupán |
Cda |
753 |
e9cb1c57-8e6e-4080-aa94-d55af6b676f1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barsanufios och Johannes av Gaza |
Barsanuphius, Joannes |
Barasanuphius and John. Letters volume 1. |
Washington, D.C.: The catholic university of America press, 2006 |
true |
The fathers of the church. A new translation. |
0813201136, 9780813201139 |
Övers: Chryssavgis, John. |
Cda |
690 |
9bbac5c2-f5dd-4f47-a30a-54a800e16a84 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barsanufios och Johannes av Gaza |
Barsanuphius, Joannes |
Barasanuphius and John. Letters volume 2. |
Washington, D.C.: The catholic university of America press, 2007 |
true |
The fathers of the church. A new translation. Övers: Chryssavgis, John. |
08132011344, 9780813201146 |
Övers: Chryssavgis, John. |
Cda |
691 |
b4efbea9-2116-4143-b895-187c6756ec5e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Arseniev, Nicholas |
Russian piety |
Leighton Buzzard: The Faith press, 1964, tr 1975 |
true |
The library of orthodox theology: 3 |
0716403145 |
2:a upplagan. Översatt från franska |
Ckama |
63 |
be96e9ba-51b5-45d2-9c97-868725778f7b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evagrios av Pontos |
Evagrius Ponticus |
Evagrius of Pontus. The greek ascetic corpus. |
Oxford: Universtiy press, 2003 |
true |
The Oxford early christian studies. |
0199259933, 0199297088, 9780199259939, 9780199297085 |
Translation, introduction and commentary by Robert E. Sinkewicz |
Cda |
728 |
e687a588-ab66-423f-b38e-c65c16807cde |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Augustinus (förf); Rotelle, John E., o.s.a. (red) |
On Genesis. On Genesis: A refutation of the manichees. Unfinished literal commentary on Genesis. The literal meaning of Genesis. I/13. |
New York: New City Press, 2002 |
true |
The works of saint Augustine. A translation for the 21st century. Part I - Books. Volume 13: On Genesis. |
1565480554; 1565481755 |
Introductions, translation and notes by Edmund Hill, o.p. |
Cda |
680 |
e96fbafc-473b-4446-9436-aef462141b8c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Cunningham, Agnes |
The bishop in the church. Patristic texts on the role of the episkopos |
Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1985 |
true |
Theology and life 13 |
0894532952 |
Cda (s) |
538 |
bf0b7b4c-94c2-45e8-ab8a-633bbeeb43a0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ware, Kallistos |
The Inner Kingdom |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000, tr 2001 |
true |
Volume 1 of the Collected Works |
0881412090 |
Ce |
442 |
4b1a180f-c8ff-47ad-a7d9-d6961762e3fc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Peisker, Carl Heinz. |
Evangeliesynops. Evangelierna i jämförande sammanställning. |
Stockholm: Westerbergs Bokförlags AB, 1982 |
true |
9185774243 |
Redigering: Jonsson, Johnny. 1981 års översättning av evangelierna. |
Cb |
619 |
b1870836-298c-4221-83f6-0cd747b48966 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Doresse, Jean |
The secret books of the egyptian gnostics. An introduction to the gnostic coptic manuscripts discovered at Chenoboskion with an english translation and critical evaluation of the Gospel according to Thomas. |
Rochester, Vermont: Inner traditions international, Ltd, 1986 |
false |
0892811072 |
Cbc |
663 |
4a24e380-0c3b-41cd-8ee2-5e4768209d3e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Strack, L Hermann; Billerbeck, Paul |
Kommentar zum neuen testamen aus Talmud und midrasch. Vierter band. Exkurse zu einzelnen stellen des neuen testments. Zweiter teil |
Munchen: CH Beck`she verlagsbuchhandlung 1928:1986 |
true |
3406027296 |
8:e uppl. |
Ccb |
528 |
46cc7b00-a9b9-4e94-b7a5-b7170dfd62b8 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Strack, L Hermann; Billerbeck, Paul |
Kommentar zum neuen testament aus Talmud und midrasch. Dritter band. Die briefe des neuen testaments und die offenbarung Johannis |
Munchen; CH Beck`she vrlagsbuchhandlung 1926;1985 |
true |
340602727X |
8:e uppl. |
Ccb |
526 |
3fa32263-d7a5-4996-93cc-5545aebb39a7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Strack, L Hermann; Billerbeck; Paul |
Kommentar zum neuen testament Aus Talmud und midrasch. Erster Band Das Evangelium nach Matthäus |
Munchen; CH Beck`sche verlagsbuchhandlung:1926: 1986 |
true |
3406027237 |
9:e uppl. |
Ccb |
524 |
9a7ec58d-1236-46ef-a84b-7fa3ada53726 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Strack, L Hermann; Billerbeck,Paul |
Kommentar zum neuen testament aus Talmud und midrasch. Vierter band. Exkurse zu einzelnen stellen des neuen testaments |
Munchen: CH Beck, 1928:1986 |
true |
3406027296 |
8:e uppl. |
Ccb |
527 |
eb5aa06c-b110-4a3a-9705-e93ba07afb49 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Strack, L Hermann; Billerbeck,Paul |
Kommentar zum neuen testament aus Talmud und midrasch. Zweiter band Das Evangelium nach Markus, Lukas und Johannes und die Apostelgeschichte |
Munchen: CH Beck 1924; 1983 |
true |
3406027253 |
8:e uppl. |
Ccb |
525 |
d7cd10ee-d33c-4149-9c16-c98d657def26 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Strack, L Hermann; Billerbeck,Paul |
Kommentar zum neuen testaments. Funfter band. Rabbinischer index sechster band verzeichnis der schriftgelehrten geographisches register |
Munchen: CH Beck`she verlagsbuchhandlung 1956(funfte band)1961(sechster band) |
true |
3406027318 |
6:e uppl.1986 |
Ccb |
529 |
36eb2c3c-83e7-47c8-a651-93b1b3f0b787 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Augustinus |
Bekännelser |
Örebro: Bokförlaget Libris, 2002 |
true |
9171956166 |
Texter i urval av Caroline White |
Cd |
682 |
742e71d4-c737-4f28-a498-8524597135d7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Athanasios av Alexandria. |
Athanasius |
Mot hedningarna och Om inkarnationen. |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma bokförlag, 2006 |
true |
9175803232 |
Olof Andrén, översätting. Folke T. Olofsson, inledning. |
Cd |
684 |
1e330b97-2de6-422e-8bb5-9650f3c8737a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Augustinus |
Tretton brev |
Skellefteå: Artos o Norma Bokförlag, 2007 |
true |
9789175803371 |
Laato, Anni Maria; Hagman, Patrik redaktörer. Beskow, Per fackgranskning, |
Cd |
681 |
63e6d756-022d-4ffe-8dc9-ac44b43875e4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Athanasios av Alexandria |
Athanasius |
Antonios liv |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1991, 2003 |
true |
9175802503 |
2:a upplagan |
Cda |
686 |
6ea74be4-25db-4dd0-a186-4a6d7f64ec47 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Augustinus |
Bekännelser |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2003 |
true |
9175802392 |
Cda |
679 |
0d8855cb-1f0c-4e25-bd92-b8860411a4f0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Irenaeus av Lyon |
Bevis för den apostoliska förkunnelsen. |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma bokförlag, 2007 |
true |
9789175803623 |
Översättning Olof Andrén |
Cda |
722 |
808030f5-7d42-4c64-947a-73ba345b169a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Moschos |
Den andliga ängen |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2002 |
true |
9175802147 |
Svenska översättning av Olof Andrén, fackgranskning av Per Beskow. |
Cda |
742 |
a4ef9c47-f2fe-4436-bf33-82e3db1499c3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hippolytos |
Hippolytus |
Den apostoliska traditionen. |
Stockholm: Katolska bokförlaget, 1994 |
true |
9185530131 |
Översatt och kommenterad av Anders Ekenberg |
Cda |
724 |
099817f7-361a-47e6-976d-0d32f3d1925a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Den heliga Makrinas liv och Om själen och uppståndelsen |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1999. |
true |
9175801906 |
Översättning med inledning av Sten Hidal |
Cda |
706 |
6b716a8a-664d-48a5-bc7f-f85da7ba2d92 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorius den store |
Gregorius Magnus |
Den helige Benedikts liv. Andra boken av påven Gregorius dialoger: Om den vördnadsvärde abboten Benedikts liv och underverk. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1998 |
true |
9175801655 |
Översatt och utgiven av Bengt Högberg. Med en efterskrift oom Dialogernas tillkomst och syfte av Michaela Puzicha |
Cda |
713 |
756d60cc-74c1-4cdc-bcd3-ffcf421a733b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Benediktus |
Benedictus, Benedikt |
Den helige Benedikts regel. |
Stockholm: Verbum förlag, 2008 (2:a omarbetade upplagan) |
true |
9789189684492 |
Översättning från latinet med inledning och förklarande noter av Bengt Högberg och Alf Härdelin. 2:a omarbetade upplagan |
Cda |
705 |
657db7ff-faae-4d44-97ce-4c0bc1a64eec |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Nomura, Yushi (red) |
Desert wisdom. Sayings from the desert fathers. |
Maryknoll, New York: Orbis books,1982, 2001 |
false |
Translation and art by Yushi Nomura. Introduced by Henri J. M. Nouwen. (En tidigare version utgiven av Doubleday and company 1982) |
Cda |
764 |
9278dd6e-015f-44b2-9393-20ee3c67c870 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Cassianus |
Johannes Kassianos |
Det rena hjärtat. Om själens djärvhet i kampen för hjärtats renhet. Del I. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2001 |
true |
9175802066 |
Urval och kommentarer av Gertrude och Thomas Sartory. Översättning, förord och inledning av Ingemar Svantesson, osb, och Georg Wallerstein. |
Cda |
716 |
e1863ca8-2ff4-4c67-a61d-e727fa5b8119 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Cassianus |
Johannes Kassianos |
Det vidgade hjärtat. Om själens fortsatta väg mot glödande bön och ren kärlek. Del II. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2002 |
true |
9175802244 |
Urval , inledning och kommentarer av Gertrude och Thomas Sartory. Förord och till svenska av Ingemar Svantesson, osb, och Georg Wallerstein. |
Cda |
717 |
11960ece-bedd-4281-b8de-3c3446912078 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Eusebios |
Eusebius Caesariensis |
Eusebios kyrkohistoria. |
Skellefteå: Norma och Artos bokförlag, 2007 |
true |
9789175803531 |
Översättning och inledning Olof Andrén. |
Cda |
700 |
e4870c27-e611-47ad-bd38-5f5e81fe9d36 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nazianzos. |
Gregorios Nazianzos; Gregorius Nazianzenus |
Fem teologiska tal. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2002 |
true |
9175802058 |
Svensk översättning av Olof Andrén. Fackgranskad av Per Beskow. Inledning av Peter Halldorf. |
Cda |
712 |
2c3af7dc-6935-476d-ab6c-a33ee73cb343 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
From glory to glory. Texts from Gregory of Nyssa´s mystical writings. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 1979: tr 2001 |
true |
0913836540 |
Selected and with an introduction by Jean Daniélou, s.j. Translated and edited by Herbert Musurillo. 3:e tryckningen på st Vladimir´s. First published 1961 by Charles Scribner´s Sons. |
Cda |
708 |
cde5c3b9-88e2-48ce-96cc-579a99e5a546 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Basileios av Caesarea. |
Basil; Basilius Casariensis |
Hexaemeron. Nio homilier om skapelsen av Basilius den store. |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1998 |
true |
917580154x |
Inledning, översättning: Stig Y. Rudberg. |
Cda |
689 |
adca73eb-45b4-48fc-a58a-4b0a32ca6ccc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Paphnutius |
Paphnutios |
Histories of the Monks of Upper Egypt and The Life of Onnophrius |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1993 |
true |
0879075406 |
Cda |
515 |
384392ef-5f53-4827-84aa-bf4dbbf56874 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Cassianus |
Johannes Kassianos |
Hjärtats ro. Om själens långa men hoppfulla väg till vila. Del III. |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma bokförlag. 2004 |
true |
9175802597 |
Urval, kommentarer och avslutning av Gertrude och Thomas Sartory. Översättning och inledning av Ingemar Svantesson och Georg Wallerstein. |
Cda |
715 |
5550bd42-5c06-4d6c-bc05-58b3ebcf0372 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Efraim Syriern |
Ephraem Syrus; Ephrem the Syrian |
Hymnerna om Paradiset. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1985 |
true |
9175800306 |
Översättning och inledning: Sten Hidal. |
Cda |
692 |
5900b578-ac46-4d83-b501-e52a09914209 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Efraim Syriern |
Ephraem Syrus; Ephrem the Syrian |
Hymns on paradise. |
New York: St Vladimis´s seminary press, 1990. |
true |
0881410764 |
Introduction and translation by Sebastian Brock |
Cda |
693 |
98a1e4ca-9f0a-458b-90e4-02f50168b7ea |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kyrillos av Jerusalem |
Cyril |
Katekeser. Prokatekes. Dopkatekeser i urval. De mystagogiska katekeserna. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1992 |
true |
9175800705 |
Översättning från grekiskan med inledning och kommentar av Per Beskow. |
Cda |
736 |
ac190a29-048c-47b8-8e55-355510ffb34d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kyrillos av Scythopolis |
Cyril |
Lives of the monks of Palestina. |
Kalamazoo: Cistercian publications, 1991 |
true |
087907714x, 0879079142 |
Translated by R.M Price, with an introduction and notes by John Binns |
Cda |
735 |
65d5f91c-d755-41a7-8b38-b0a0db595cfb |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symenon den Nye Teologen |
Ljusets källa. Trettio andliga hymner av Symeon den nye teologen. |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma bokförlag, 2006 |
true |
9175803003 |
På svenska av Olof Andrén. Inledning av Peter Halldorf. |
Cda |
755 |
4eee2aa7-926f-47f2-b43c-dbe2208e54f3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
Origen |
Om bönen. |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma bokförlag, 2009 |
true |
9789175804095 |
Svenska översättning av Olof Andrén. Förord av Per Beskow. |
Cda |
776 |
ca9759eb-589b-456d-9b2e-f62c64f5b817 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Johannes Krysostomos |
Om prästämbetet. Dialog och homilia. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1993 |
true |
9175800896 |
Svensk översättning av Olof Andrén |
Cda |
703 |
8d45b1a5-037a-43ef-9a3b-e917213cb551 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Melito av Sardes |
Om påsken |
Skellefteå: Artos , |
true |
9175800241 |
Översatt från grekiskan och kommenterad av Per Beskow |
Cda |
739 |
9ff1649e-a80b-4885-8a4d-5aecab7d60c0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ambrosius av Milano |
Om Sakramenten. Om mysterierna. |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 1989 |
true |
9175800594 |
Översättning och inledning, Per Beskow |
Cda |
675 |
e0b03a5d-678c-4b3b-a0e4-b2898e878aac |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Isak Syriern |
Isak av Nineve |
On ascetical life. |
New York: St Vladimirs seminary press, 1989, tr1998 |
true |
Translated from the syraic by Mary Hansbury |
Cda |
720 |
cc7faf31-3fa5-4542-be7e-51d02412b1fb |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Irenaeus av Lyon |
On the apostolic preaching. |
New York: St Vladimirs seminary press, 1997 |
false |
0881411744 |
Translation and introduction by John Behr |
Cda |
730 |
8cb68069-1cc6-4d4d-8cf3-d44e372bb0d8 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Maximos bekännaren |
Maximus the Confessor |
On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 |
true |
088141249X |
Cda |
511 |
86a8fb94-a7cf-4075-a0c7-538d446e4835 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Germanus av Konstantinopel |
On the divine liturgy. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 1984, tr 1999 |
true |
The greek text with translation, introduction and commentary by Paul Meyendorff |
Cda |
714 |
b5b54fbc-5dbd-449f-9a56-a00bfc71a509 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Theodoros Studiten |
On the holy ikons. |
New York: St Vladimir´s semenary press, 2001 |
true |
0913836761 |
Translated by Catahrine P. Roth |
Cda |
760 |
87450eb2-99f1-43cf-911c-a1d67084ea9c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Basileios av Caesarea |
Basil; Basilius Casariensis |
On the holy Spirit. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 1980 |
false |
0913836745 |
Cda |
688 |
b2213628-1e7c-4dfa-9504-9ae0a469b16b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
St. Athanasius |
Athanasios |
On the Incarnation |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1944: tr 1993 |
false |
0913836400 |
Introduction by C.S. Lewis |
Cda |
512 |
cfb9093c-c6f2-43aa-ba58-9eae71316df4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Jakob av Serug |
Jakov av Sarug; Jakob av Serugh |
On the mother of God. |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 1998 |
false |
0881411841 |
Translation by Mary Hansbury. Introduction by Sebastian Brock. |
Cda |
718 |
d5e30f25-c41f-49d2-b257-c1cde4431a80 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Symeon den Nye Teologen |
Simeon |
On the mystical life. The ethical discourses. Vol I: The church and the last things. |
New York: St Vladimir´s semenary press, 1995 |
true |
0881411426 |
Translated from the greek and introduced by Alexander Golitzin |
Cda |
756 |
57866418-b0f4-4033-8f15-5f066c984321 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
On the soul and the resurrection. |
New York: St Vladimir´s press, 2002 |
false |
00881411205 |
Translated from the greek and introduced by Catharine P. Roth. |
Cda |
707 |
002ba9d2-1f62-4b01-b622-abda68f114ad |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kyrillos av Alexandria |
Cyril of Alexandria |
On the unity of Christ. |
New York: St Vladimir´s semenary press, 1995 |
true |
0881411337 |
Translated and with an introduction by John Anthony McGuckin |
Cda |
738 |
36575f57-43d1-4fce-8e97-0bce19d1c205 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Johannes Krysostomos |
On welth and poverty. |
New York: St Vladimir´s press, 1984 |
false |
18002042665 |
Translated and introduced by Catharine P. Roth |
Cda |
704 |
e4f55245-691f-456e-b32c-513c94126d1e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Egeria |
Resebrev från det heliga landet. |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma bokförlag, 2007 |
true |
9789175803425 |
Översättning och textintroduktion av Christina Sandquist Öberg. Historisk inledning och kommentar av Per Beskow |
Cda |
697 |
6775f7ea-27e0-40bc-9e43-f7e99b2ff663 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kyrillos av Jerusalem |
St Cyril of Jesusalem´s Lectures on the christian sakraments. The procatechesis and The five mystagogical catechesis. |
New York: St Vladimir´s semenary press, 1977, tr 2000 |
true |
0913836397 |
3:e upplagan. Edited by F. L. Cross. First published in 1951 by S.P.C.K. |
Cda |
737 |
51d82333-2c1d-43eb-b94d-2311550b9deb |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Isak Syriern |
Isak av Nineve |
The ascetical homilies of saint Isac the syrian. |
Brokline, Massachusetts: Holy Transfiguration monastery. 1984, 2011 (rev) |
false |
9780943405162 |
Translated from the greek and syraic by the Holy transfiguration monastery. 2:a rev utgåvan |
Cda |
719 |
4f9a1799-401d-47d5-97b2-d152287579c8 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hansbury, Mary T., (red) |
The letters of John of Dalyatha. |
Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias press, 2006 |
false |
1593333412 |
Cda |
740 |
898ef3ea-f0d8-4463-8d87-d2a53c8b73fb |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ökenfädernas tänkespråk |
The Paradise of the Holy Fathers - Volume II |
Putty, NSW: St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Monastery, 2008 |
false |
9780980517125 |
Hyllplats ÖKE (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk). |
Cda |
513 |
cd426e8a-cb67-4813-8e73-676ab394779a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Wallis Budge E. A. (övers) |
The paradise of the holy fathers. Vol II. |
Putty, NSW: St Shenouda monastery, 2008 |
false |
9780980517125 |
Först publicerad av Chatto and Windus, London 1907. |
Cda |
749 |
0fb406ba-b220-4b2e-b324-966910d1c824 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Origenes |
The Philocalia of Origen. The text revised with a critical introduction and indices by Armitage Robinson. |
Cambridge: The university press, 1893: tr ??? Kessinger Publishing reprint. |
false |
1417974095 |
Tvåspåkig engelska - grekiska. Kessinger |
Cda |
726 |
1ae0ecf4-28ec-42bc-afd2-796a5dbc0fdd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Zosimas |
The reflections of Abba Zosimas. |
Oxford: SLG press, 2004, tr 2006 |
false |
0728301634 |
Translated by John Chryssavagis |
Cda |
767 |
cc7653d9-7dac-49da-825c-55c6dd785766 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Isak Syriern |
Isak av Nineve |
The wisdom of saint Isaac the syrian. |
Oxford: SLG press, convent of the incarnation, 1997, tr 2007 |
false |
0728301458, 9780728301450 |
Translated by Sebastian Brook |
Cda |
723 |
f089f60d-de03-4010-8e49-1f1f8d2b48f0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Brock, Sebastian P. (red) |
The wisdom of St Isaac of Nineveh. |
New Jersey: Gorgias press, 2006 |
false |
1593333358 |
Tvåspråkig engelska - syriska |
Cda |
721 |
7dcad1eb-7587-4ee5-a21c-61999c2ee2e0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ward, Sister Benedicta SLG. (övers) |
The wisdom of the desert fathers. Systematic sayings from the anonymous series of the apophtegmata patrum. |
Oxford: SLG press, convent of the incarnation, 1975, rev 1986, tr 2001 |
true |
0728301091 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas).4:e upplagan. Translated with an introduction by Sister Benedicta Ward, SLG. Foreword by Anthony Bloom. |
Cda |
765 |
41079f54-c2d3-4336-a7af-6c337ba70c5c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Merton, Thomas (red) (övers) |
The wisdom of the desert. Sayings from the desert fathers of the fourth century together with selections from the protreptikos of Clement of Alexandria and The spiritual father in the desert tradition. |
Tunbridge Wells, Kent: Burns and Oates, 1997 |
false |
08612276x |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas). Essays and translation by Thomas Merton. |
Cda |
773 |
b41e4460-002a-48f5-a883-0c133272fbeb |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palladios |
Palladius |
Ökenfäderna |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 1998 |
true |
9175801582 |
Inledning och översättning av Sture Linnér |
Cda |
514 |
3ec78e83-15d7-41e4-b478-2110e45fda33 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palladios |
Palladius |
Ökenfäderna |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1998 |
true |
9175801582 |
Översättning, inledning och kommentar av Sture Linnér. |
Cda |
748 |
93df3661-a22a-487b-b3c8-7ef9a1d856bd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Beskow, Per (övers) |
Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Apophtegma patrum, den alfabetiska samlingen i urval. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2003 (4:e uppl) |
true |
9175800152 |
Översatt av Per Beskow i sammarbete med Birgit Lindkvist-Markström. Inledning Helladius Siljanus. 4:e uppl. 1:a uppl Storuman 1982 |
Cda |
769 |
c58bff33-f07d-4973-a5ee-f412c6c80a99 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Beskow, Per (övers) |
Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Apophtegma patrum, den alfabetiska samlingen i urval. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1993 (3:e uppl) |
true |
9175800152 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas). Översatt av Per Beskow i sammarbete med Birgit Lindkvist-Markström. Inledning Helladius Siljanus. 3:e uppl. 1:a uppl Storuman 1982. |
Cda |
770 |
11a5bdf9-8bc8-49ea-b0f2-4755dfb43751 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Grünewald (red) (övers) |
Ørkenfædrene |
Köpenhamn: Forlaget Anis, 2004 |
false |
8774573268 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk). |
Cda |
774 |
27d34408-d883-477a-908f-f9dd05c11a1f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Leemans, Johan; Mayer, Wendy; Allen, Pauline; Dehandschutter, Boudewijn |
`Let us die that we may live` Greek homilies on christian martyrs from Asia minor, Palestine and Syria (c AD 350-450) |
London; New York: Routledge, 2003 |
true |
0415240417, 0415240425 |
Cda(s) |
552 |
762e570c-5b89-48ff-aad7-247339e7ccb6 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Theodoret; Evagrius |
A history of the church from A.D. 322 to the death of Theodore of Mopsuestia A.D. 427. History of the church. From A.D. 322 to the death of Theodore of Mopsuestia, A.D. 427 by Theodoret, Bishop och Cyprus, and from A.D. 431 to A.D. 594 by Evagrius. |
London: Kessinger Publishing, ? |
false |
1430443995 |
Translated from the greek, with memoirs of the authors. A reprint from an old and scarce book |
Cda(s) |
549 |
98b4469d-e97d-4129-849a-f92f7b310f1d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Andrén, Olof; Beskow, Per (övers) |
De apostoliska fäderna. |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1992 |
true |
9152618242 |
Inledning och förklaringar av översättarna. |
Cda(s) |
677 |
2cba69b3-7b2a-4052-a183-6c6eb602411a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bettenson, Henry (red) |
Documents of the christian church selected and edited by Henry Bettenson |
London; New York; Oxford: Oxford universtity press,1967 |
true |
2:a häftade upplagan |
Cda(s) |
539 |
8ac2e934-56f2-4a19-9757-c5fc641454dc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Fader Benedikt (övers) |
Filokalia 1 |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma, 2006 |
true |
9175803216 |
Cda(s) |
535 |
20ca8fca-41e3-40a5-aec5-24f94e3209a3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Brook, Sebastian P.; Harvey, Susan Ashbrook (red) (Övers) |
Holy women of the syrian orient |
Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California press, 1987: tr 1998 |
true |
0520213661 |
Häftad, reviderad upplaga |
Cda(s) |
554 |
37a628a1-f010-41c6-ad1b-92747102a38d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Halldorf, Peter (red) |
Kyssa spår. Daglig läsning från den tidiga kristna kyrkan. |
Göteborg: Cordia, 2000 |
true |
9170852251 |
Cda(s) |
557 |
6223f77c-2fc3-403e-9839-7998d5fd63c0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hidal, Stig (red) |
Svenskt patristiskt bibliotek 4. Bibel och predikan. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2003 |
true |
917580218x |
Huvudredaktör Samuel Rubenson. Översättare: Alveteg, Kristina; Beskow, Per; Ellenberger, Bengt; Gebremehdin, Ezra; Hidal, Sten; Holmberg, Bo; Piltz, Anders; Rubenson, Samuel. |
Cda(s) |
565 |
cfdebd0d-6458-4ad7-8c12-1e233d5b0d7e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Rubenson, Samuel (red) |
Svenskt patristiskt bibliotek 5.Asketer och munkar. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2008 |
true |
9789175803890 |
Huvudredaktör Samuel Rubenson, Översättare: Beskow, Per; Borgehammar, Stephan; Dahlman, Britt; Ellenberger, Bengt; Göransson, Elisabeth; Hallding, Birgitta; Holmberg, Bo; Hägg, Tomas; Johnsén, Henrik Rydell; Lundin, Jonas; Rubenson, Samuel; Rönnegård, Per; Steppa, Jan-Eric |
Cda(s) |
566 |
b3ea0e12-3e2d-482a-92c4-5c205ca2f088 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Beskow, Per (red) |
Svenskt patristiskt bibliotek band 1 Gudstjänst och kyrkoliv |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1998 |
true |
9175801671 |
Huvudredaktör Samuel Rubenson. Översättare: Beskow, Per; Ekenberg, Anders; Ellenberger, Bengt; Holmberg, Bo; Montgomery, Hugo. |
Cda(s) |
562 |
5157db76-987c-4fe5-a990-9d37bedc5ff5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Rubenson, Samuel (red) |
Svenskt patristiskt bibliotek band 2. Martyrer och helgon. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2000 |
true |
9175801965 |
Huvudredaktör Samuel Rubenson. Översättare: Beskow, Per; Borgehammar, Stephan; Dagemark, Siver; Ellenberger, Bengt; Holmberg, Bo; Hägg, Tomas. |
Cda(s) |
563 |
76a056db-fb29-42be-92e6-7b86f0bb7d7d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Borgehammar, Steohan (red) |
Svenskt patristiskt bibliotek band 3. Ur kyrkofädernas brev. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 2001 |
true |
9175802031 |
Huvudredaktör Samuel Rubenson. Översättare:Beskow, Per; Ellenberger, Bengt; Heldt, Johan; Mitternacht, Dieter; Plaza, Maria; Rudberg, Stig Y.; Sjöberg, Cajsa, Vidén, Gunhild. |
Cda(s) |
564 |
88b01abc-e61d-44fb-8a0a-3322267f185b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Roberts, Alexander; Donaldson, James (red) |
The Ante-Nicene fathers.vol. 1 The apostolic fathers - Justin Martyr. - Irenaeus. |
Edingburgh: T &T Clark; Grand Rapids, Michigan: WM. B. Eerdmans publishing company |
true |
0567093743, 0802880878 |
American reprint of the Edingburgh Edition. Revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes by A. Cleveland Coxe, DD. 2:a utgåvan 1989. |
Cda(s) |
567 |
8eaad940-df62-4cac-8c0e-dd32f89bc11c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lightfoot, J. B |
The apostolic fathers Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp 1 Clement vol 2 |
Michigan: Grand Rapids,1981 |
true |
0801056128 |
Revised texts with introductions, notes dissertations, and translations. From the Macmillian edition 1889-1890 2:a upplagan |
Cda(s) |
533 |
b491ecd4-9008-40d8-9fca-34ba1e015747 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lightfoot, J. B. |
The apostolic fathers Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp 2 Ignatius and Polycarp vol 3 |
Michigan: Grand Rapids,1981 |
false |
08010556128 |
Revised texts with introductions, notes, dissertations, and translations. From the Macmillian edition 1889-1890 2:a upplagan |
Cda(s) |
534 |
fb1ea91d-f1bf-4606-ba9d-9da7d8d08ba3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lightfoot, J. B |
The apostolic fathers Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp I, Clement vol 1 |
Michigan: Grand Rapids,1981 |
true |
0801056128 |
Revised texts with introductions. notes, dissertations, and translations. From the Macmillian edition 1889-1890 2:a upplagan |
Cda(s) |
532 |
dc1a3003-8db2-43b2-bedb-e44ed9090369 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ware, Timothy (red) |
The art of prayer. An orthodox anthology compiled by Igumen Chariton of Valamo |
London: Faber and Faber 1966 : tr1977 |
false |
0571191657 |
Häftad upplaga |
Cda(s) |
545 |
15f6337d-0368-44a1-ac45-56f882d7870d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Barrois, Georges A. (red) (övers) |
The Fathers speak.St Basil the great, St Gregory Nazianzus, St Gregory of Nyssa |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 1986 |
false |
0881410373 |
Selected letters and life-records translated from the greek and introduced by G. Barrois |
Cda(s) |
546 |
492fb877-9fce-450b-8e8b-3f8ba82f3aab |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Manley, Johanna |
The lament of Eve |
Menlo Park, California: Monastery books, 1993 |
false |
0962253626 |
Cda(s) |
553 |
b45d9691-368d-421e-9fe2-34ae03b97cc2 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bettenson, Henry (red) (övers) |
The later christian fathers. A selection from the writings of the fathers from St Cyril of Jerusalem to St Leo the Great. |
New York; Oxford:1970: tr 1982 |
true |
0192830120 |
Cda(s) |
544 |
bf1f3eea-80e4-4683-aafc-d329c097d2ce |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palmer, G.E.H; Sherrard, Philip; Ware, Kallistos (red) |
The philokalia. The complete text compiled by St Nikodimos of the holy mountain and St Makarios of Corinth vol 2 |
London: Faber and Faber, 1981: tr 1990 |
false |
978057154661, 0571154662 |
Häftad upplaga |
Cda(s) |
541 |
25eb7501-0549-47dc-971d-c5ef60a43a7c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palmer, G.E.H; Sherrard, Philip; Ware, Kallistos (red) |
The philokalia. The complete text compiled by St Nikodimos of the holy muntain and St Makarios of Corinth vol 1 |
London: Faber and Faber, 1979: tr 1983 |
true |
9780571130139, 0571130135 |
Häftad upplaga |
Cda(s) |
540 |
099718ad-597b-4007-9efb-949f628e0385 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palmer, G.E.H; Sherrard, Philip; Ware, Kallistos (red) |
The philokalia. The complete text compiled by St Nikodimos of the holy mountain and St Makarios of Corinth vol 3 |
London: Faber and Faber, 1984: tr 1995 |
false |
9780571175253, 0571175252 |
Häftad upplaga |
Cda(s) |
542 |
dcb89ae5-7ec4-4eac-bb8f-ffae7c57862d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Palmer, G.E.H; Sherrard, Philip; Ware, Kallistos (red) |
The philokalia. The complete text compiled by St Nikodimos of the holy mountain and St Makarios of Corinth vol 4 |
London: Faber and Faber, 1995: tr 1998 |
false |
9780571193820, 057119382x |
Häftad upplaga |
Cda(s) |
543 |
01680e7e-d921-4abf-a855-b09125e0e04a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Toal, M. F. (Övers) (red) |
The sunday sermons of the great fathers 1. From the first sunday of advent to Qunquagesima. Translated and edited by M.F. Toal, DD |
Chicago: Henry Regnery Co; London: Longmans, Green, 1957: tr 1960 |
true |
2:a revierade upplagan. Patristic homilies on the gospels Mercier press, 1955 . |
Cda(s) |
558 |
990b7843-5db4-4c14-8464-5e8c09c627ca |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Toal, M. F. (Övers) (red) |
The sunday sermons of the great fathers 2. From the first sunday in lent to the sunday after the ascension. Translated and edited by M.F. Toal, DD |
Chicago: Henry Regnery co; London: Longman, Green, 1958: tr 1960 |
true |
2:a reviderade upplagan |
Cda(s) |
559 |
d9f37087-6955-4151-b7de-312e2616d259 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Toal, M. F. (Övers) (red) |
The sunday sermons of the great fathers 3. From pentecost to the tenth sunday after pentecost. Translated and edited by M.F. Toal, DD |
Chicago: Henry Regnery: London: Longmans, Green, 1959: tr 1960 |
true |
2:a upplagan |
Cda(s) |
560 |
2af7f008-35f7-4367-91cd-93c5eae567bd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Toal, M. F. (Övers) (red) |
The sunday sermons of the great fathers 4. From the eleveth sunday after pentecost to the twenty-fourth and last sunday after pentecost. Translated and edited by M.F. Toal, DD |
Chicago: Henry Regnery co; London Longmans: 1963 |
true |
Cda(s) |
561 |
3854bd1f-669b-45a8-a5f3-9a7b04fcc2e0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Brook, Sebastian (red) (övers) |
The syraic fathers on prayer and the spiritual life. |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications, 1987 |
true |
0879076011, 0879079010 |
Introduced and translated by S. Brook |
Cda(s) |
550 |
69afe980-7232-4854-af11-e278ebc04840 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Every, Georges; Harries, Richard; Ware, Kallistos. (red) |
The time of the spirit. Readings through the christian year. Slected and edited by Every, Georges; Harries, Richard; Ware, Kallistos. |
New York: St Vladimir´s Press, 1984 |
false |
0881410357 |
Cda(s) |
570 |
9789d14e-b859-414d-9063-264f2fe82b58 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Baynes, Norman H.; Dawes, Elisabeth (övers) |
Three Bysantine Saints. Contemporary biografies of St. Daniel the stylite, St. Theodore of Sykeon and John the Almsgiver |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press 1977: tr 1996 |
false |
0913836443 |
Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1948 |
Cda(s) |
569 |
b08ef6cd-3554-4f73-ab75-ca9d91d801be |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Shahovskoy, Archbishop John |
A Guide To Pastoral Theology: The Orthodox Pastor |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1966: tr 2008 |
false |
9780913836033 |
Ce |
430 |
21c15ce0-2577-46bb-8dde-8f33a7532334 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Behr, John (red.); Louth, Andrew (red.); Conomos, Dimitri (red.) |
Abba: the tradition of orthodoxy in the west. Festschrift for bishop Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 |
true |
0881412481 |
Ce |
397 |
6377c23f-b993-44d2-8560-2f1e797854d5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evdokimov, Paul |
Ages of the spiritual life |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press,1998, tr 2002 |
false |
0881411752 |
Revised translation; Le Ages de la Vie Spirituelle |
Ce |
387 |
34c443e3-8c5c-4307-9f76-be1452c0e366 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sofrony, Arkimandrit |
Anteckningar om det inre livet |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1998 |
true |
9175801647 |
Ce |
446 |
d28e9bf4-bf60-4b1b-ba36-595eecef858c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
El-Meskeen, Father Matta |
Ascension & pentecost |
Cairo: The Monastery of St Macarius,1994 |
false |
8247320977 |
The ascension of Christ, 1980; Pentecost: the descent of the holy Spirit on Pentecost day - the promise of the father, 1980 |
Ce |
384 |
bf56b504-65df-4aa8-8bf3-0f8c3dff258b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Asketernas väg |
Helsingfors: Söderströms, 1952 |
true |
Ce |
381 |
e1c4a4cf-97f2-4e31-ab10-ed3c802b5863 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Rybarczyk, Edmund J |
Beyond Salvation |
Waynesboro: Paternoster Theological Monographs, 2004 |
false |
184227144X |
Ce |
427 |
c1eb3dd0-e205-4223-ba94-fc24628f8142 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
Bysantinsk teologi. Historik och lära |
Skellefteå: Artos,1995, tr 2008 |
true |
9789175803814 |
3:e upplagan; Byzantine theology, historical trends and doctrinal themes |
Ce |
412 |
eeddb14c-7416-4f51-b592-528160c87496 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
Catholicity and the church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1983 |
true |
0881410063 |
Ce |
413 |
91b07ce3-2478-4a80-af67-d76ad70715b1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bulgakov, Sergius |
Churchly joy. Orthodox devotions for the church year |
Grand Rapids, Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2008 |
false |
9780802848345 |
Radost' tserkovnaia, 1938 |
Ce |
373 |
94511a8a-51fa-4568-ac4f-45ee81a508a5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Zizioulas, John D. |
Communion & Otherness |
London; New York: T & T Clark, 2006 |
true |
0567031489 |
Ce |
443 |
8df265dc-1e52-4fce-ab74-70fa6abb4c20 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Jalics S.J., Franz |
De andliga övningarna i kontemplativ form. En introduktion till den kontemplativa livshållningen och Jesusbönen |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2009 |
true |
9789175804286 |
Kontemplative Exerzitien, 2009 |
Ce |
398 |
76e51245-0668-4e77-b72c-cde964a1e86d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evdokimov, Paul; Thunberg, Lars (red.) |
Den dåraktiga gudskärleken |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2001 |
true |
9175802023 |
Ce |
388 |
98a45263-2e43-4c95-b609-89bb22c0509f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Thunberg, Lars |
Den gudomliga ekonomin |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 2001 |
true |
9175802120 |
Ce |
440 |
d041e3ad-54d7-4605-8ab6-f65fb7f5aebe |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ware, Kallistos |
Den Helige Ande i den kristnes personliga liv |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 1996 |
true |
917580008x |
Ce |
441 |
cdacc006-edc4-4d55-9320-cfd9fab39021 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Olsen, Harald |
Den østlige pilgrimsvei. Oppbrud og vandring i russisk-ortodoks tradisjon |
Oslo: Verbum, 2000 |
false |
8254308209 |
Ce |
419 |
4b7c3d6c-7c60-4894-9ea3-1a6abd83da92 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Louth, Andrew |
Discerning the mystery. An essay on the nature of theology |
Oxford: Claredon, 1983 |
true |
019826657X |
Ce |
407 |
f275d589-acc1-442d-a163-1e29f5625703 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Paul of Finland, Archbishop |
Feast of Faith |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1988: 2000 |
false |
0881410721 |
Ce |
425 |
284f0d84-93cc-4938-b8af-f5f464716d96 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Saliba, Philip |
Feed My Sheep |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1987 |
false |
0881410667 |
Ce |
429 |
ed91b9f7-12b2-4ecf-9fb3-2d36a7349753 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Breck, John |
God with us. Critical issues in christian life and faith |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 |
true |
088141252X |
Ce |
369 |
a64e915c-bdcc-40f3-bba4-6d15f671658d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Raphaela, Mother |
Growing in Christ: Shaped In His Image |
New York: St Vladimir'sSeminary Press, 2003 |
false |
0881412538 |
Ce |
428 |
a098161e-5e0e-4c28-8411-3f5426cc6c2a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sakharov, Nicholas V. |
I Love Therefore I Am |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2002 |
false |
0881412368 |
Ce |
445 |
a078f263-c1bd-45fe-9a84-a2e63d89d42a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lossky, Vladimir |
In the image and likeness of God |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1974, tr 2002 |
true |
0913836133 |
A l'Image et á la Ressemblance de Dieu, 1967 |
Ce |
405 |
9153d9b6-a6f2-4afa-8ffd-86a292eaa649 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evdokimov, Paul (förf.); Plekon, Michael (red.); Vinogradov, Alexis (red.) |
In the world, of the church. A Paul Evdokimov reader |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
false |
0881412155 |
Ce |
386 |
31f98413-4cc1-4b02-85f3-2bd95f2f45ae |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sjögren, Per-Olof |
Jesusbönen |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1992 |
true |
9152618226 |
Ce |
448 |
106be091-ad1f-4065-9c26-346df7c06eb6 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Olsen, Harald |
Keltisk andlighet |
Örebro: Cordia, 2000, tr 2002 |
true |
9170852529 |
2:a tryckningen, pocket; Ilden fra vest, 1999 |
Ce |
416 |
be4b6370-e5eb-4233-b7f5-0ac8e94f3896 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Clément, Olivier |
Källor. Den kristna spiritualitetens ursprung |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2004 |
true |
9175802589 |
Sources - Les mystiques chrétiens des origines, 1982 |
Ce |
376 |
4b346c40-6acd-4efe-96fd-7f07cb2c41e0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Fiskå Hägg, Henny (red.) |
Language and negativity. Apophaticism in theology and literature |
Oslo: Novus, 2000 |
true |
8270993328 |
Ce |
389 |
0eef98df-49da-423d-9463-7c5f7d834dde |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Zizioulas, John D. |
Lectures In Christian Dogmatics |
London; New York: T & T Clark |
true |
9780567033154 |
Ce |
444 |
169ac2f8-624c-4eee-8348-214ec55bed94 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Fudel, Sergei |
Light in the darkness. Recollections and reflections of an orthodox christian in Russia today |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989 |
false |
0881410756 |
Översatt från ryska |
Ce |
390 |
0f445b45-759a-42c8-b991-39e0350b76a9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Mayers, Gregory |
Listen to the desert. Secrets of spiritual maturity from the desert fathers and mothers |
Liguori: Triumph Books, 1996 |
false |
0892439300 |
Ce |
410 |
a1c9decd-bbb9-4717-9b24-3308d81572a1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Walker, Andrew; Carras, Costa |
Living Orthodoxy in the Modern World |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1996 |
true |
0881412120 |
Ce |
437 |
ddc25113-701f-4e7b-9b85-86afe1c2922b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kälvemark, Torsten |
Låset av ull. Utsikter över andliga landskap |
Skellefteå: Norma, 2001 |
true |
9172170425 |
Ce |
403 |
1ddf6dbc-f9cf-469f-acc4-2f9b72f3c361 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Stinissen, Wilfrid; en munk från Östkyrkan |
Mitt namn är i dig. Om Jesusbönen |
Örebro: Libris, 1998 |
true |
9171952365 |
Ce |
423 |
dbb93adf-5626-45af-86d7-a1c763129a38 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Shenouda III |
Nyttiga ord |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 2007 |
true |
9789175803586 |
Ce |
435 |
4c100205-d2b4-469b-848c-2077952262f3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Of Water & The Spirit |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1974 |
true |
0913836109 |
Ce |
431 |
e5b6e2af-9a9c-4f26-a9c8-0387c5b06356 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bianchi, Enzo |
Ord av spiritualitet. Ett andligt lexikon |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2007 |
true |
9789175803487 |
Ce |
372 |
b387de06-09bc-4153-9062-ebddbceb5b2b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kimbrough jr, S T (red.) |
Orthodox and wesleyan ecclesiology |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2007 |
true |
9780881412680 |
Ce |
395 |
e78b1937-9c8c-441c-9e3b-2e79ef35e6fe |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gillet, Lev / A monk of the eastern church |
Orthodox spirituality. An outline of the orthodox ascetical and mystical tradition |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1987, tr 1996 |
false |
0913836516 |
SPCK, 1945 |
Ce |
421 |
ce26fac0-9a2f-4378-9934-c31c11cfec16 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Allen, Joseph J. (red.) |
Orthodox synthesis. The unity of theological thought |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1981 |
true |
0913836842 |
An anthology published in commrmoratin of the fifteenth anniversary of Metropolitan Philip as primate of the Antiochian orthodox christian archdiocese of North America |
Ce |
422 |
cbb3e292-19de-4c54-9a8f-41f727a651a0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lossky, Vladimir |
Orthodox theology: an introduction |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1978, tr 2001 |
true |
0913836435 |
3:e tryckningen |
Ce |
406 |
563b6042-923e-4b3b-a55c-27fb996fd7aa |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Christensen, Michael J. (red.); Wittung, Jeffery A. (red.) |
Partakers of the divine nature. The history and development of deification in the christian traditions |
Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008 |
false |
9780801034404 |
Cranbury: Associated University Presses, 2007 |
Ce |
378 |
547106a9-9802-4c18-8a63-59842b2471da |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Jamison, Christopher |
Rummet inom dig. Klostervisdom för vardagslivet |
Örebro: Libris, 2008 |
true |
9789171959157 |
Finding sanctuary - monastic steps for everyday life, 2006 |
Ce |
391 |
3073c325-5e45-4d54-992c-0e9c63a13d3f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hägglund, Bengt |
Sanningens regel, regula veritatis. Trosregeln och den kristna traditionen |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2003 |
true |
9175802511 |
Ce |
399 |
3b81584f-1150-4885-9b96-23eacd154cba |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Radcliffe OP, Timothy |
Sing A New Song: The Christian Vocation |
Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1999: 2001 |
true |
1871552702 |
Ce |
426 |
3da2d7e3-c006-49fb-9a22-48d4fcf76fe9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hopko, Thomas |
Speaking the truth in love. Education, mission, and witness in contemporary orthodoxy |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2004 |
false |
0881412635 |
Ce |
392 |
f6c614f0-8efe-4cd0-86cb-3c4a0bae25c0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bulgakov, Sergius |
The bride of the lamb |
Grand Rapids; Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2002 |
false |
9780802839152 |
Ce |
374 |
182bce7d-608b-41ff-958e-e2fd15a0bb0a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
The Poor, Matthew / El-Meskeen, Matta |
The communion of love |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press |
true |
0881410365 |
Ce |
408 |
c87c6101-40ca-4d94-b9e7-f119098229ee |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
The Poor, Matthew / El-Meskeen, Matta |
The communion of love |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984, tr 1989 |
true |
0881410365 |
Ce |
409 |
966d0661-ed57-4543-bd9b-d0f949b53f4e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bobrinskoy, Boris |
The compassion of the father |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985 |
false |
0881412511 |
La compassion du Père, 2000 |
Ce |
364 |
84a9b792-927b-46bc-a304-8c444db3a65d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Pulkkanen, Johannes |
The dark night. St. John of the cross and eastern orthodox theology |
Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 2009 |
true |
9789150620733 |
Ce |
420 |
145eec60-fd86-4cec-917e-cd2c90c5344c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Zacharias, Archimandrite |
The Enlargement of the Heart |
South Canaan: Mount Thabor Publishing, 2006 |
false |
0977498328 |
Ce |
438 |
9d28a4cc-59a1-4f41-813f-10584be47387 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Paul of Finland, Archbishop |
The Faith We Hold |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1978: tr 1999 |
false |
091383663X |
Ce |
424 |
dd986812-f362-4a6a-ad35-10777095e36d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kesich, Veselin |
The first day of the new creation. The resurrection and the christian faith |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982 |
true |
0913836788 |
Ce |
396 |
292a3397-093b-4950-8064-56c2a14867a3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Daley, Brian E. |
The hope of the early church. A handbook of patristic eschatology |
Peabody: Hendrickson, 2003 |
false |
1565637372 |
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991 |
Ce |
379 |
51f1d0c9-e9b4-404d-938f-bb66d3be1b82 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gillet, Lev / A monk of the eastern church |
The Jesus prayer |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1987 |
true |
0881410136 |
Revised edition with a foreword by Kallistos Ware; La Prière de Jésus |
Ce |
370 |
41fea4c4-191b-46eb-a862-118a0779ab41 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hopko, Thomas |
The lenten spring. Readings for great lent |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1983, tr 2003 |
false |
0881410144 |
3:e tryckningen |
Ce |
393 |
648b7619-fcc0-4eac-bc7f-181a848ec727 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
The living God. Volume 1. A catechism for the christian faith |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989, tr 2004 |
true |
0881410403 |
Dieu est Vivant; Dunlop, Olga (övers.) |
Ce |
400 |
fa7c9076-e425-4d22-a897-a0e07268b774 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
The living God. Volume 2. A catechism for the christian faith |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989, tr 2004 |
true |
0881410403 |
Dieu est Vivant; Dunlop, Olga (övers.) |
Ce |
401 |
88de1548-5a74-481f-b552-7f699f910545 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bobrinskoy, Boris |
The mystery of the trinity. Trinitarian experience and vision in the biblical and patristic tradition |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999 |
true |
0881411825 |
Le mystère de la Trinité: cours de théologie orthodoxe, by Éditions du Cerf, 1986 |
Ce |
368 |
90a27473-4f0d-49b4-8512-054bda0d2f04 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Meyendorff, John (red.) |
The primacy of Peter. Essays in ecclesiology and the early church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1992 |
true |
0881411256 |
Faith Press, 1963 |
Ce |
415 |
1c6cee9b-07e4-47ff-a475-0c76bb709eb4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ignatus IV, Patriarch of Antioch |
The resurrection and modern man |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985 |
false |
0881410489 |
La Résurrection et l'homme d' aujourd'hui, 1981 |
Ce |
383 |
009a4f14-b9fd-43cb-b5a3-c85e4528d80d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Breck, John |
The sacred gift of life. Orthodox christianity and bioethics |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1998, tr 2000 |
true |
0881411833 |
Second printing |
Ce |
371 |
edf3ec97-f5a6-4df3-838c-2d8406ffb6b0 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Larchet, Jean-Claude |
The theology of illness |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2002 |
true |
0881412392 |
La Théologie de la Maladie, 1991 |
Ce |
402 |
54f8ab31-b681-4098-bf21-05b5497a182e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
The vision of unity |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1987 |
true |
0881410683 |
Ce |
414 |
bc2af51f-6f1e-4519-bfe0-0c542106c64c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Louth, Andrew |
The Wilderness of God |
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1997 |
false |
0687057701 |
London: Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd., 1991 |
Ce |
449 |
dfc5b117-7872-4d69-85e7-b4dc2168eade |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hopko, Thomas |
The winter pascha. Readings for the Christmas - Epiphany season |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984, tr 1997 |
false |
088141025X |
Ce |
394 |
0c9e4f6e-8391-49d0-a08b-9daa19c52a0c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Staniloae, Dumitru |
Theology and the Church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1980 |
true |
0913836699 |
Ce |
436 |
a017b67a-5ce7-48d0-9187-89db73601eda |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Clément, Olivier |
Three prayers. The Lord's prayer, O heavenly king, Prayer of saint Ephfrem |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000 |
false |
0881411973 |
Trois prières, 1993 |
Ce |
375 |
232e69e9-d89f-4cb6-8353-2b113e658238 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sofrony, Arkimandrit |
Vi skall se honom sådan han är |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 2003 |
true |
9175802430 |
Ce |
447 |
af72ac9a-6941-44ff-8b79-eb37ce5feacf |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Way of the ascetics. The ancient tradition of discipline and inner growth |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985, tr 2003 |
false |
08814104957 |
4:e tryckningen; Asketernas väg, 1952 |
Ce |
382 |
38dea276-507a-4972-8c9e-835cf345fe3d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Evdokimov, Paul |
Woman and the salvation of the world. A christian anthropology on the charisms of woman |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1994 |
true |
0881410934 |
Femme et le salut du monde, 1983 |
Ce |
385 |
de6ab9b2-30ce-41a2-9851-461048de4302 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bloom, Anthony |
Ärkebiskopens böneskola |
Uppsala: Pro veritate, 1972 |
true |
School for prayer, 1970 |
Ce |
367 |
7bf39ca3-f333-40c2-8e0b-08e2e644f318 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Olsen, Harald |
Ørkenvind. Arven fra ørkenens fedre og mødre |
Oslo: Verbum, 2008 |
false |
9788254311066 |
Ce |
418 |
b8ddc03d-8181-4b8d-a8df-d7abd9ba0205 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lossky, Vladimir |
Östkyrkans mystiska teologi |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1997 |
true |
9175801604 |
Ce |
404 |
a9d72dae-51ec-4d6f-8bbb-106d6c2dc1a6 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Malaty, Fr. Tadros Y. |
Christ in the Eucharist |
California: Coptic Orthodox Christian Center, 2001 |
false |
977500568x |
Cha |
506 |
d31ec1f6-078d-4eda-8cc8-3be6a8052009 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Wahba, Fr. Matthias F. (red.) |
Coptic Liturgies & Hymns |
Hayward, California: Jonathan Center, 1995 |
false |
9770091065 |
Cha |
509 |
28e6f369-0fe7-4255-b219-6a837b118b53 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Frostenson, Anders |
De första kristnas böner |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1975 |
true |
2121317 |
Cha |
504 |
f4c3e6fe-05fe-447c-a9ca-169a4b4c93d7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Azmy, Fader Abraham (red.) |
Den koptiska liturgin enligt Hel. Basileos i bilder |
Connecticut: Koptia förlag |
true |
9789197396738 |
Cha |
508 |
3b289e7e-29ad-40ed-b24f-73f25cf1bfea |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gouzes O.P., André |
Det eko som blir kvar när flamman gått förbi |
S Sandby: Kloster Förlag, 2003 |
true |
9197424315 |
Cha |
496 |
a68a5154-aa4d-4055-8fca-eb6c65cd5a0c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bradshaw, Paul F. |
Eucharistic Origins |
London: Oxford University Press, 2004 |
false |
0195222229 |
Cha |
500 |
eb28c22c-41e7-40e8-80ea-8b19b37b2204 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
Eukaristin. Så som den firas i Övre salen i Nya Slottet Bjärka-Säby. |
Bjärka-Säby: Silentium Liturgia, 2005 |
true |
9197403946 |
Cha |
499 |
5f220923-7a73-459f-8d94-180b433c8d80 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bradshaw, Paul; Melloh, John (red.) |
Foundations in Ritual Studies |
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2007 |
true |
9780801034992 |
Cha |
501 |
e5e2f590-2b6b-44ea-8ac5-b78d82d583ec |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gudstjänstboken |
Örebro: Bokförlaget Libris, 2005 |
true |
9171957588 |
Cha |
491 |
445549a6-3654-4569-8854-effd63672495 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Manns, Frédéric |
Jewish Prayer in the Time of Jesus |
Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press |
false |
Cha |
495 |
a76cd1ba-7fe1-4db2-b44b-109b88a93f1e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Moberg, Kristina; Boules, Sobhi (övers.) |
Koptiska Ortodoxa Kyrkans liturgier enligt helgonen Basilios, Gregorios och Kyrillos, på svenska, koptiska och arabiska språken med kommentar och i översikt av Hans höghet Biskop Anba Abakir |
Stockholm: Koptia, 2011 |
false |
9789197396753 |
felaktig titel på bokrygg: Den gudomliga liturgin |
Cha |
516 |
3bd74835-2e45-42a4-9e79-b8885b8bf7a9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sjögren, Per-Olof |
Kyrkans lovsång |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1987 |
true |
9152614824 |
Cha |
489 |
958f0b5f-e6c3-44f9-bd3b-161cce83fd66 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Kyrkans år och dagar |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1993 |
true |
9152621324 |
Cha |
494 |
bec22101-5953-4830-8e5e-f3b31fb56f0f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Liturgik - en introduktion |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1996 |
true |
9152623874 |
Cha |
493 |
fd67d777-2733-4c0e-bceb-c2b1080eb1d1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Byström, Jan; Norrgård, Leif |
Mer än ord |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1996 |
true |
9152622444 |
Cha |
505 |
728da7f1-f977-46c3-87fa-090cf54fa9b2 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Passion och påsk i S:t Matteus |
Mikaelskapellet |
true |
Cha |
490 |
edb4a590-44ce-4bb8-b6fa-3b4a170c6300 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Farrow, Michael G. (red.) |
Psalm Verses of the Orthodox Liturgy |
Torrance: Oakwood Publications, 1997 |
false |
1879038935 |
Cha |
497 |
160fa982-6d28-4561-8416-72a6afc57758 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Daniélou, Jean S.J. |
The Bible and the Liturgy |
Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1966, tr 2008 |
false |
139780268003739 |
Cha |
498 |
11fa93ac-9791-4d2f-ab38-510f2b218f90 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
The Coptic Liturgy of St. Basil |
Cairo: St. John the Beloved Publishing House, 1993 |
false |
Cha |
510 |
40cf43f1-5bb4-4017-a8cb-987f45d06400 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gregorios, Hieromonk |
The Divine Liturgy |
Mount Athos: Cell of St John the Theologian Koutloumousiou Monastery, 2009 |
false |
9789608906792 |
Cha |
502 |
5c0cba30-5b39-40c6-a1c5-402e0a302bf5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Puglisi, James F. |
The Process of Admission to Ordained Ministry |
Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1996 |
false |
0814661289 |
Cha |
492 |
1a433c64-f282-4e6e-985e-097efc80d30b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dix, Dom Gregory |
The Shape of the Liturgy |
London; New York: Continuum, 1945, tr 2003 |
false |
0826455174 |
Cha |
507 |
494a005e-77d9-424c-bc65-50b840109731 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johansson, Hans; Fahlgren, Sune (red.) |
Tidebönsboken |
Örebro: Bokförlaget Libris, 2004 |
true |
9171956913 |
Cha |
503 |
492f4e53-4773-471f-87f5-5c68c2332739 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Vasileios, Archimandrite |
Hymn of Entry |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984: tr 1998 |
true |
0881410268 |
Chc |
485 |
6bad3d55-666b-4238-9019-771e3e6f467c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne; Sandgren, Folke; Abel, Ulf (red.) |
Kristus är uppstånden |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 1998 |
true |
917580140X |
Chc |
483 |
e6632147-890e-47e7-b41e-2a136a62ae67 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Coggan, Donald |
Nya testamentets böner |
EFS-förlaget, 1976 |
true |
917080317X |
Chc |
484 |
441b57da-162e-4b8b-a38e-2c3a66708597 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Strinnholm Lagergren, Karin |
Ordet blev sång |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag, 2009 |
true |
9789175804293 |
Chc |
488 |
368aff51-f16c-4216-8b58-af3562060c74 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Velimirovic, Milos (red.) |
Studies in Eastern Chant - Vol IV |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1979 |
false |
0913836575 |
Chc |
487 |
17eaef5d-bb7c-4576-80c8-181a696e9d22 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dimitri Conomos (red.) |
Studies in Eastern Chant - Vol V |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990 |
false |
0914836769 |
Chc |
486 |
1f494684-47be-4bb0-b717-f87d447fe2f5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
A History of Icon Painting |
Moskva: Grand-Holding Publishers |
false |
9780955008900 |
Chd |
477 |
679a0bd8-92d1-4c77-9dc4-e9b19ff9ebff |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gerdmar, Lars |
Ansikte mot ansikte - om de heliga ikonerna |
Lund: Sekel, 2007 |
true |
9789197652940 |
Chd |
455 |
ea9c7da1-426d-418f-a8c7-3477ee5e7ad7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne; Abel, Ulf; Sandgren, Folke |
Det ofattbara undret |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag, 2003 |
true |
9175802325 |
Chd |
473 |
83c567c1-5119-443a-93b7-31704e8371f5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lowden, John |
Early Christian & Byzantine Art |
London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1997: tr 2008 |
true |
9780714831688 |
Chd |
453 |
00aea4c7-2959-4d8c-8ea6-91cf195a73ba |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Baggley, John |
Festival Icons for the Christian Year |
London: Mowbray, 2000 |
false |
026467488X |
Chd |
481 |
e18d1669-700c-46a0-8d13-93235247f0f8 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Grierson, Roderick (red.) |
Gates of Mystery - The Art of Holy Russia |
Cambridge: The Lutterworth Press, |
true |
071882900X |
Chd |
465 |
c3f5d6fb-9375-4cb2-8b07-7b957cd53b3f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bigham, Fr. Steven |
Heroes of the Icon |
Torrance: Oakwood Publications, 1998 |
false |
1879038919 |
Chd |
478 |
91ced436-ac17-4528-bc62-3a798a5e236a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Florensky, Pavel |
Iconostasis |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1996: tr 2000 |
true |
0881411175 |
Chd |
452 |
4e53fb10-8f4f-4330-b632-21de89031fed |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Skrobucha, Heinz |
Ikonen |
Dortmund: Harenberg Kommunikation, 1982 |
false |
3883793159 |
Chd |
459 |
ab580d6b-cfe0-4576-815a-93f6285ff571 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lönnebo, Martin |
Ikonens spiritualitet |
Sveriges Kyrkliga Förbund, 1997 |
true |
Chd |
463 |
3d070912-0178-4156-8af1-3d4cb7adff36 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ouspensky, Leonid |
Ikonens teologi |
Skellefteå: Artos Bokförlag, 2000 |
true |
9175801973 |
Chd |
457 |
912c4c61-2ab4-49d5-8f22-89aa9ab666a4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ikoner - från Novgorod till Ishavet |
Raster Förlag, 1994 |
true |
9187214512 |
Chd |
456 |
ab1413a9-599c-4666-9f4f-faf4141467bd |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Sirota, Ioann B. |
Ikonographie der Gottesmutter |
Würzburg: Verlag Der Christliche Osten, 1992 |
false |
3927894109 |
Chd |
475 |
3c4eecce-2686-4ac1-a48e-9b6faafc1686 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Pohjanen, Monika |
Inför din bild. Ortodoxa ikoner |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2010 |
true |
9789175804637 |
Chd |
520 |
f0695649-f479-43bf-b96b-879d184ab4f3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Beskow, Per |
Maria i kult, konst, vision |
Bokförlaget Åsak, 1991 |
true |
9178300819 |
Chd |
480 |
3e01acf3-53aa-41f6-be0b-c6f8dade8dd8 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Lönnebo, Martin |
Människan som ikon |
Sandelin Förlag, 2006 |
true |
9197611115 |
Chd |
476 |
f3ccf4f6-55a4-44ad-9217-5c10fcf14bf5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Forest, Jim |
Praying with Icons |
Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1997: tr 2008 |
false |
9781570757587 |
Chd |
468 |
5e55f7c3-f263-4e79-a6ba-07eeed413c02 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Krogh, Grigorij |
Tankar om ikonen |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag 2004 |
true |
9175802406 |
Chd |
466 |
1ec9182e-773c-47a3-8ef7-689f2cb13068 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bychkov, Victor |
The Aesthetic Face of Being |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1993 |
true |
0881411272 |
Chd |
474 |
0f619430-7f0b-4847-8387-dad9412b7e91 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Williams, Rowan |
The Dwelling of the Light |
Grand Rapids; Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003: tr 2004 |
false |
0802827780 |
Chd |
451 |
87b632dd-e915-4684-aed3-06ec4fe5ab83 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Quenot, Michel |
The Icon - Window on the Kingdom |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991: tr 2002 |
false |
0881410985 |
Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1987 |
Chd |
461 |
a6e5f3a5-4b1f-4fab-b4e3-57cac5f76778 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bigham, Fr. Steven |
The Image of God the Father |
Torrance: Oakwood Publications, 1995 |
true |
1879038153 |
Chd |
479 |
dc2f5196-2cba-4b13-ba6e-e26692b52969 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Tregubov, Andrew |
The Light of Christ. Iconography of Gregory Kroug |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990 |
false |
0881410969 |
Chd |
467 |
fa73d8df-c2ca-4be3-80db-64c3a280c695 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ouspensky, Leonid; Lossky, Vladimir |
The Meaning of Icons |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982: tr 1999 |
true |
0913836990 |
Bern; Olton: URS Graf Verlag, 1952; Boston: Boston Book and Art Shop, 1969 |
Chd |
462 |
208adfde-27cc-4c62-9fb4-b3b0f046050a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hetherington, Paul (red.) |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 |
Torrance: Oakwood Publications |
false |
1879038013 |
Chd |
470 |
fe2d4ac3-40cc-4ec6-a4fa-1546b09d4cea |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Quenot, Michel |
The Resurrection and the Icon |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1997 |
true |
0881411493 |
Chd |
458 |
e0ed0f91-7594-4c0e-a583-b8e20a0efc23 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bunge, Gabriel |
The Rublev Trinity |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2007 |
false |
9780881413106 |
Chd |
482 |
08d83e66-bfd0-4719-aa0a-b5463613fa83 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Nes, Solrunn |
The Uncreated Light |
Grand Rapids; Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002: tr 2007 |
false |
9780802817648 |
Chd |
460 |
5a27dd2f-722c-4635-8c94-522721c4067a |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Johannes Damaskenos |
Johannes av Damaskos. Joannes Damascenus |
Tre försvarstal mot dem som förkastar de heliga bilderna |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag, 2008 |
true |
9789175803722 |
Chd |
464 |
eed1fc89-30c1-4343-b683-e5435efe962e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Chitty, Derwas J. |
The Desert a City. An introduction to the study of Egyptian and Palestinian Monasticism under the Christian empire |
Crestwood: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999. |
true |
0913836451 |
Nytryck. Första utg: Oxford: Blackwell 1966 |
Cj.2 |
519 |
35e09e9a-5188-4c81-ad64-842c74d03e9f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Leclercq, Jean |
The Love of Learing and the Desire for God |
New York: Fordham University Press, 1961 |
true |
9780823204076; 0823204073 |
översatt från L'amour des lettres at le désir de Dieu (Paris 1957). Eng övers av Catharine Misrahi |
Cj.3 |
518 |
3bc5ebb6-b2d9-4942-b720-2f36ff09b641 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ball, Hugo |
Dionysios Areopagita |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1997 |
true |
9175801507 |
Natur och Kultur, 1960. Boken ingår som ett avsnitt i Byzantinisches Christentum |
Cjz.2 |
5 |
275d1872-f5e0-40d0-8df9-e553d8e81cc7 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
McGuckin, John A. |
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus. An intellectual biography |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
true |
0881412228 |
Cjz.2 |
39 |
19d2c512-0adc-4e17-8d6c-182bba1bc5c1 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Milavec, Aaron |
The Didache. Faith, hope & life of the earliest christian communities, 50-70 C.E. |
New York; Mahwah, N.J.: Newman Press, 2003 |
true |
0809105373 |
Cjz.2 |
4 |
a1d4a74d-4af9-4e75-ad50-4093ba8a4de3 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Church, world, mission. Reflections on orthodoxy in the west |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1979 |
true |
0913836494 |
Cka |
55 |
5c47ff6a-618b-426f-8d8b-2ce4a810d6d6 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Clément, Olivier |
Conversations with ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1997 |
true |
0881411787 |
Vérité vous rendre libre, 1996 |
Cka |
61 |
a802281f-6349-4120-addb-97e8604b4dde |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hackel, Sergij |
Den gömda pärlan - Moder Maria Skobtsova |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2000 |
true |
9175801922 |
Cka |
48 |
48ecaf3d-c1f1-4488-95b1-2c0d75595d33 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ware, Kallistos |
Den ortodoxa kyrkans väg |
Stockholm: Verbum, 1993 |
true |
9152619559 |
The orthodox way, 1979 |
Cka |
59 |
03fa4521-a6ca-4308-a9c2-4e6ee6d82721 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dragas, George Dion |
Ecclesiasticus I. Introducing eastern orthodoxy |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2004 |
true |
0974561835 |
Cka |
44 |
a7c27ccd-a1e9-4725-9fa9-8bbd8e37617c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dragas, George Dion |
Ecclesiasticus II. Orthodox icons, saints, feast and prayer |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute, 2005 |
true |
0974561800 |
Cka |
45 |
68708be7-e7fe-4d57-9db0-aa337eb219f2 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Klasson, Christofer |
Ortodoxa kyrkan |
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell,1973 |
true |
9120034520 |
Cka |
49 |
1e7ee1e9-ef6c-468c-bd76-b6c9b0cf300c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
The byzantine legacy in the orthodox church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982, tr 2001 |
true |
0913836907 |
2:a upplagan |
Cka |
51 |
4b63b0dd-da04-470c-bdb1-f5f1bd1b375c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Erickson, John H |
The challenge of our past. Studies in orthodox canon law and church history |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991 |
true |
0881410861 |
Cka |
46 |
d708deee-25c8-468a-98e7-24933815556d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Verhovskoy, Serge S. |
The light of the world. Essays on orthodox christianity |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982 |
false |
0881410047 |
Cka |
60 |
075db17d-755f-4e01-a4b8-8721b5277a96 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
The orthodox church. Its past and its role in the world today |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1981, tr 1996 |
true |
0913836818 |
4:e reviderade upplagan.L'Eglise Orthodoxe: hier et aujourd'hui, 1996. |
Cka |
52 |
2a97947e-4a45-4978-b645-69100bdb5dcf |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ware, Kallistos |
The orthodox way |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1995 |
true |
0913836583 |
Reviderad upplaga. A.R Mowbray & Co.: 1979 |
Cka |
58 |
52442db8-e36e-42d7-b52a-3b6789a35e68 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Goettmann, Alphonse and Rachel |
The Power of the Name. The History and the Practices of the Jesus Prayer |
Rollinsford: Orthodox Research Institute 2008 |
false |
0974561899, 9780974561899 |
Ny reviderad utgåva av Prayer of Jesus, prayer of the heart. 2:a reviderade utgåvan, Paulist Press, 1991. Översättning av Prière de Jésus: prière de Coeur. Éditions Dervy, 1988; Albin Michel, 1995 |
Cka |
47 |
68d3cc22-7c06-4b88-b757-27e2edc89120 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bogolepov, Alexander |
Toward an American orthodox church.The establishment of an autocephalous orthodox church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
false |
0881412279 |
Oreviderad upplaga 1963 |
Cka |
43 |
84ba7139-56da-4017-bb94-f8258fecd166 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Meyendorff, John |
Witness to the world |
St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1987 |
true |
0881410691 |
Cka |
50 |
0d954490-057a-4775-bddd-0ff5b4c01d01 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Cunningham, James W |
A vanquished hope. The movement for church renewal in Russia 1905-1906 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1981 |
true |
0913836702 |
Ckama |
72 |
96518ff2-f4ca-4b97-91ac-10c7d5dc138d |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Hamant, Yves |
Alexander Men. A witness for contemporary Russia (a man for our times) |
Torrance: Oakwood Publications, 1995 |
true |
1879038129 |
Alexandre Men: un temoin pour la Russie de ce temps, 1993 |
Ckama |
76 |
348b3fb8-1173-415d-b7c5-80bd13cb7ea5 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne |
Den oväntade glädjen. Sju studier i den rysk-ortodoxa andliga traditionen |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1991 |
true |
9175800659 |
Ckama |
67 |
237d7dd4-5ed5-4b90-8504-64d8817f2480 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Berdjajev, Nikolaj |
Den ryska idén. De grundläggande problemen i det ryska tänkandet under 1800-talet och början av 1900-talet |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1996 |
true |
9175801280 |
Russkaja ideja, 1946 |
Ckama |
64 |
daf9dd5c-c423-4d37-8a9f-a2cc74c6d35c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bouteneff, Vera (övers.) |
Father Arseny 1893-1973. Priest, prisoner, spiritual father |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1998, tr 2004 |
false |
0881411809 |
6: upplagan. Otets Arsenii: 5, 2000. Finns även utgiven på engelska under titeln: Father Arseny. A cloud of witnesses |
Ckama |
71 |
ac5b1359-6f92-49d7-b60f-03234552ad7b |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bouteneff, Vera (övers.) |
Father Arseny. A cloud of witnesses |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
false |
0881412325, 9780881412321 |
Otets Arsenii: 5, 2000. Finns även utgiven på engelska under titeln: Father Arseny 1893-1973. Priest, prisoner, spiritual father |
Ckama |
70 |
e9d046ac-b3aa-46b6-8670-f2df83b20351 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Blane, Andrew (red.) |
Georges Florovsky. Russian intellectual and orthodox churchman |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1993 |
true |
088141137X |
Ckama |
74 |
e8d21f2e-9813-4aa8-a92c-2698e7e7076e |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne |
Kyssen i Ryssland. Och andra essäer om rysk litteratur och kultur |
Skellefteå: Norma, 2002 |
true |
9172170387 |
Ckama |
65 |
25c80048-05f6-41ba-9e7c-5adc912732d8 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Koulomzin, Sophie |
Many worlds: a Russian life |
New York: St Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1980 |
false |
0913836729 |
Ckama |
78 |
9b286c4c-b7e3-4c17-ae3a-2840df6b7c87 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
House, Francis |
Millennium of faith. Christianity in Russia 988-1988 A.D. |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1988 |
false |
088141073X |
Ckama |
77 |
abd46a92-bc91-469e-a04d-f17a6bf29563 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne |
Ryssland och Europa. En kulturhistorisk studie. |
Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1993 |
true |
912703593X |
Ckama |
68 |
cf16c92e-87c1-4f3a-8d28-cb5be410a574 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne |
Ryssland. Idéer och identiteter |
Skellefteå: Norma, 2000 |
true |
9172170220 |
Ckama |
66 |
2c0d82a6-8f83-48aa-9bea-e22e3d3e4b08 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Kovalevsky, Pierre |
Saint Sergius and Russian spirituality |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1976 |
true |
0913836249 |
Saint Serge et la spiritualité russe, 1958 |
Ckama |
79 |
683a1d7e-1dc9-4584-906a-d1ba6cfc71fc |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gorodetzky, Nadejda |
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. Inspirer of Dostoevsky |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1976 |
true |
091383632X |
Saint Tikhon Zadonsky: inspirer of Dostoevsky. London: SPCK , 1951 |
Ckama |
75 |
477bc718-7840-4e34-add4-9ebccdc4bdb9 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Elchaninov, Alexander |
The diary of a Russian priest |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press,1982, tr 2001 |
true |
0881410004 |
2:a upplagan. London: Faber, 1967 |
Ckama |
73 |
865db14e-872e-4c57-b157-f65673e50d42 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Breck, J.; Meyendorff, J.; Silk, E. |
The legacy of St Vladimir. Byzantium, Russia, America.Papers presented at a symposium commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Vladimir's orthodox theological seminary, Crestwood, NY |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990 |
true |
0881410780 |
Ckama |
80 |
1eb01f68-bf20-4479-8e40-fad7c499f62c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Wretmark, Astrid Andersson |
Tito Colliander och den ryska heligheten |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2008 |
true |
9789175803869 |
Ckama |
62 |
58b10771-f590-40e5-8e2c-f8ab7624458f |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Mikhail, Mages S.A.; Moussa, Mark (red.) |
Christianity and Monasticism in Wadi al-Natrun. Essays from the 2002 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society |
Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2009 |
true |
9774162609 |
Ckop |
517 |
dd19ccd2-3b1a-4234-88da-6d098e74768c |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Ljung, Magnus; Ohlander, Sölve |
Allmän grammatik |
Malmö: Gleerups, 1971, tr 1982 |
true |
9140607453 |
6:e upplagan |
F |
7 |
ea901cd9-7c04-4beb-b33b-4093202bb892 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Bevarat |
Helsingfors: Schildt,1964 |
true |
H |
57 |
18d6939e-ca3a-4345-ab70-f7049e9a1037 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Colliander, Tito |
Gripen |
Helsingfors: Schildt,1965 |
true |
H |
56 |
3e98ac45-d5b0-4a86-907d-f6c008bedb25 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Dalrymple, William |
Från det heliga berget. En resa i skuggan av det bysantinska riket |
Örebro: Cordia, 2001 |
true |
9170852294 |
From the holy mountain,1997 |
K |
42 |
db095d91-2dbd-4e75-809a-d77fdd377361 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gibbon, Edward |
Romerska rikets nedgång och fall Del 1 |
Stockholm: Forum, 1994 |
true |
9137104403 |
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 1960. Del I-II |
K |
37 |
6dde8a95-9608-4fd6-ab08-e5c5382bdcb4 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Gibbon Edward |
Romerska rikets nedgång och fall Del 2 |
Stockholm: Forum, |
true |
9137104403 |
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 1960. Del III-IV |
K |
38 |
67ec1924-53c4-4362-bea1-61c861987f87 |
11/04/2015 08:46 AM |
Koefoed-Petersen, Otto |
Koptisk kunst |
Köpenhamn: Rosendahl & Jörgensen,1944 |
true |
Allverdens kunst II |
Ckop |
98 |
f1e4fb83-8e50-43a1-9992-dd5d5529784d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Elowsky, Joel C. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament IVb John 11-21 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2007 |
true |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament IVb |
9788830810994 |
Cc:k |
912 |
77278eec-dc48-4ad5-b5b9-4a4a3ecf29ef |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Gorday, Peter (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament IX. Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon |
Chicago; London: Fitzroy Dearborn publishers, 2000 |
true |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament IX |
157958134x |
Cc:k |
917 |
19c21a75-b6dc-41d5-91b0-28cff81d5df3 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Martin, Francis (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament V. Acts |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2006 |
true |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament V |
0830814906; 9780830814909 |
Edited in collaboration with Smith, Evan |
Cc:k |
913 |
d55b1080-5b93-4405-9aa6-9e650a1875ec |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bray, Gerald (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament VI. Romans |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 1998 |
false |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament VI |
083081356x |
Cc:k |
914 |
04423652-febe-4867-af1c-aaf2658d0198 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bray, Gerald (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament VII. 1-2 Corinthians |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 1999 |
false |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament VII |
0830824928; 9780830824922 |
Cc:k |
915 |
eff54a16-9d1e-48a8-9679-7a11d752fa13 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bray, Gerald (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament VIII. Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 1999 |
true |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament VIII |
0830824936; 9780830824939 |
Cc:k |
916 |
6b8cf57f-6b80-4875-ae6a-9a803c19c8e4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Heen, Erik M.; Krey, Philip D. W. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament X. Hebrews |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2005 |
true |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament X |
0830814957 |
Cc:k |
918 |
74546d56-5ad5-4369-a2f2-ae25b63c4e2e |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bray, Gerald (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament XI. James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2000 |
true |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament XI |
0830814965 |
Cc:k |
919 |
4b3fad42-7e3b-4e08-81e6-66099a11473a |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Weinrich, William C. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament XII. Revelation |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2005 |
true |
Ancient christian comentary on scripture. New testament XII |
0830814973; 9780830814978 |
Cc:k |
920 |
46916f53-8f38-4523-ade7-fa1b19af5e91 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Simonetti, Manlio (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament Ia Matthew 1-13 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2001 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament Ia |
0830814868; 9780830814862 |
Cc:k |
908 |
841cf762-caef-4dfd-a434-c09b4b638187 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Christopher A. Hall, Oden, Thomas C., (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament II Mark |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 1998 |
false |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament II |
0830814183 |
Cc:k |
909 |
3c8ee15e-bb31-4717-b5c1-c32f2c1bae1c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Just, Arthur A. Jr. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament III Luke |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2003 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament III |
0830814884; 9780830814886 |
Cc:k |
910 |
eed060c9-d886-4a8f-9fd0-5c15f8addc8e |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Elowsky, Joel C. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament IVa John 1-10 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2006 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. New testament IVa |
0830814892; 9780830814893 |
Cc:k |
911 |
40c765e7-fcbd-41e6-92dd-dcc534892488 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Louth, Andrew (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament I. Genesis I-II |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2001 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament I |
083081471x; 9780830814718 |
Edited in collaboration with Conti, Marco. |
Cc:k |
890 |
1432aae0-01c3-437f-9f7c-a0952f5bd836 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Sheridan, Mark (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament II. Genesis 12-50 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2002 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament II |
0830814728 |
Cc:k |
891 |
16b80c69-a481-4cc6-8575-5008cbb34c31 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Lienhard, Joseph T, s.j. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament III. Exodus, Leviticus. Numbers, Deuteronomy |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2001 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament III |
0830814736; 9780830814732 |
Cc:k |
893 |
4ad70a93-1729-4f4b-9fcc-d0806ece8bb8 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Franke, John R. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament IV. Joshua, Judges, Ruth. 1-2 Samuel |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2005 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament IV |
0830814744 |
Cc:k |
894 |
9959ecd2-9bb0-4a7e-bcca-4cfa60d7d789 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Conti, Marco (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament V. Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2006 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament V |
9780830814756 |
Edited in collaboration with Pilara, Gianluca |
Cc:k |
895 |
11892312-d1e9-49b3-b2ac-3e76f6d866e4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Conti, Marco; Simonetti, Manlio(red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament VI. Job |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2006 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament VI |
0830814760; 9780830814763 |
Cc:k |
896 |
32ce6211-04d6-4732-a594-b61996143af5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Blasing, Craig A; Hardin, Carmen S.(red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament VII. Psalms 1-50 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2008 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament VII |
9780830814770 |
Cc:k |
897 |
f2b6e870-3ff6-4adb-9764-3ca97d7a788d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Wright, Robert J. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament IX Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs of Solomon |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2005 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament VIII |
0830814795; 9780830814794 |
Cc:k |
899 |
f00db55f-880a-4ac1-a3da-e02dc00067bd |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Wesselschmidt, Quentin F. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament VIII. Psalms 51-150 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2007 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament VIII |
0830814787; 9780830814787 |
Cc:k |
898 |
eeb38cc7-5620-4981-9d8a-ac4a38025bf0 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
McKinion, Steven A.( red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament X Isaiah 1-39 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2004 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament X |
0830814809 |
Cc:k |
900 |
5e9f1a4d-c312-4b97-8382-af3e9ed9d995 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Elliot, Mark W. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XI Isaiah 40-66 |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2007 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XI |
9780830814817 |
Cc:k |
901 |
93a12e38-ab11-4b0d-8d8b-cc37f3c58460 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Wenthe, Dean O. (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XII Jeremiah, Lamentations |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2009 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XII |
9780830814824 |
Cc:k |
902 |
eec83762-cbab-4c79-b1bb-f4da19bba58c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Glerup, Michael; Stevenson, Kenneth (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XIII Ezekiel, Daniel |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2008 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XIII |
9780830814831 |
Introduction to Daniel by McCollough C. Thomas. |
Cc:k |
903 |
efe0dddf-8ac8-4bd6-a996-e786820e057e |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Ferreiro, Alberto (red) |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XIV The twelve prophets |
Dovners Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity press, 2003 |
true |
Ancient christian commentary on scripture. Old testament XIII |
0830814841 |
Introduction to Daniel by McCollough C. Thomas. |
Cc:k |
904 |
9cb5c345-c690-45e0-a879-41f0fdf013f5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Härdelin, Alf (red.) |
In quest of the kingdom. Ten papers on medieval monastic spirituality. |
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1991 |
true |
Bibliotheca Theologiae Practicae, Kyrkovetenskapliga studier: 48 |
9122014527 |
Cj.3 |
989 |
c35c7843-5560-4253-9301-72035b06f250 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Brock, Sebastian |
The luminous eye. The spiritual world vision of saint Ephrem the syrian |
Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1992 |
false |
Cistercian studies series: 124 |
0879076240 |
C.I.I.S, 1985 |
Cjz.2 |
90 |
a1ea02dc-dc29-4e4d-895f-46c17560ac74 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Saint John of Kronstadt |
Counsels on the priesthood. Selected passages from My live in Christ. |
false |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1994 |
0881411361 |
Översättning och introduktion: Grisbrooke, W. Jardine |
Cdb |
857 |
878bfa8a-38a0-4c8c-ba7f-9142409eba83 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Williams, Daniel H. |
Williams, D. H. |
Evangelicals and tradition. The formative influence of the early church. |
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2005 |
false |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 |
0801027136 |
Ce |
967 |
8de84073-830a-41ca-985f-6af774d7fdbf |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Thurian, Max (red.) |
Churches respond to BEM. Official responses to the Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry text, vol. I |
Genevé: World Council of Churches, 1986 |
true |
Faith and Order Paper: 129 |
282540845X |
Cg |
974 |
276d5cdc-9daf-454b-8607-9fb8f3ebaccd |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Thurian, Max (red.) |
Churches respond to BEM. Official responses to the Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry text vol. II |
Genevé: World Council of Churches, 1986 |
true |
Faith and Order Paper: 132 |
2825408689 |
Cg |
975 |
2ab6f712-acaa-4767-8da4-b7556d6eaafc |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Thurian, Max (red.) |
Churches respond to BEM. Official responses to the Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry text vol. IV |
Genevé: WCC Publications, 1987 |
true |
Faith and Order Paper: 137 |
2825408964 |
Cg |
976 |
9393f20a-4887-444e-9c94-972f91b028d0 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Thurian, Max (red.) |
Churches respond to BEM. Official responses to the Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry text vol. V |
Genevé: World Council of Churches, 1988 |
true |
Faith and Order Paper: 143 |
2825408867 |
Cg |
977 |
038173ff-0fa0-4756-8339-1b59c7c7a649 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Thurian, Max (red.) |
Churches respond to BEM. Official responses to the Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry text vol. VI |
Genevé: WCC Publications, 1988 |
true |
Faith and Order Paper: 144 |
2825409197 |
Cg |
978 |
9870376b-a54f-416f-bb80-69f525a9a6b7 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Brightman, E.E; Hammond C.E.(red) |
Ancient liturgies of the east. |
Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias press, 2006 |
false |
Gorgias theological library 13 |
1593335016 |
A facsimile reprint of the texts by Brightman (1896) och Hammond (1878). Grekiska, engelska och latin |
Cha |
947 |
fd3a7799-c025-4ac7-99d9-51212fa987f6 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
White, L. Michael |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985 |
Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1990 |
true |
Harvard Theological Studies: 42 |
156338180X |
J |
995 |
d70303b2-23d4-4261-9b67-fea67846e63b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
di Berardino, Angelo (red) |
Patrology. The eastern fathers fom the council of Chalcedon (451) to John of Damascus () |
Cambridge: James Clarke &Co Ltd, 2006, tr 2008 |
true |
Institutum patristicum augustinianum |
9780227172643 |
Engelsk översättning: Walford, Adrian. |
Cda(x) |
848 |
e5b8a6de-f97d-4bce-a2e0-a4ef6e6c2818 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Eriksson, LarsOlov |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 11. Filipperbrevet. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1994 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 11 |
9170850984 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
819 |
3407cd7b-79d1-4659-9fe4-49f25058b088 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Hartman, Lars |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 12. Kolosserbrevet. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1985 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 12 |
9170806950 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
820 |
4c60b884-145b-4f83-acd7-98543aa8ccca |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Ragnarsson, Per-Erik |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 13. Thessalonikerbreven. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1983 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 13 |
9170806063 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
821 |
03568e38-91d1-4831-bec4-7e9bb9d565b3 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Baasland, Ernst |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 16. Jakobsbrevet. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1992 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 16 |
9170850542 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
822 |
5024c66e-68d9-402c-a7c4-64e087a138a4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Olsson, Birger |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 17. Första Petrusbrevet. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1982 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 17 |
9170805261 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
823 |
7d524242-b553-44f0-bdd6-2ed12814fd5d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kieffer, René |
Kommentar till nya testamentet. 18. Filemonbrevet, Judasbrevet och Andra Petrusbrevet. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 2001 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 18 |
9170851158 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
824 |
3034451f-6508-4940-be99-b5174b7040b3 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Olsson, Birger |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 19. Johannesbreven. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 2008 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 19 |
9789170851049 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
825 |
a0369ffd-fc10-49a5-a6ae-9412e0b9bd3b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Hartman, Lars |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 2a. Markusevangeliet 1:1- 8:26 |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 2004, tr 2008 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 2a |
9789170851063 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
811 |
e13fcc8c-1a3a-4b8e-9548-c98b99fef7fa |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Hartman, Lars |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 2b. Markusevangeliet 8:27-16:20 |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 2005, tr 2008 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 2b |
9789170851162 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
810 |
901fbb49-eb98-4fbe-ad63-d2fd1dbe091f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kieffer, René |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 4a. Johannesevangeliet 1-10. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1987, tr 2008 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 4a |
9789170807565 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
809 |
96a2ab51-799f-40bf-9903-8be2f2a7e81d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kieffer, René |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 4b. Johannesevangeliet 11-21. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1988, tr 2007 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 4b |
9170808104, 9789170808104 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
954 |
8f5301e6-bc28-4939-8c86-9542d2a93a46 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Larsson, Edvin |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 5a. Apostlagärningarna 1-12 |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1983 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 5a |
9170805776 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
812 |
182ba1b0-013f-4881-82fb-fe932dff093a |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Larsson, Edvin |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 5b. Apostlagärningarna 13-20 |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1987 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 5b |
9170807701 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
813 |
a9602daa-899f-486a-91a5-2b99535b55a1 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Larsson, Edvin |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 5c. Apostlagärningarna 21 - 28. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1996 |
false |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 5c |
917080100x |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
814 |
9cd390ac-495e-4dd7-9861-f1c38b78880f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Byrskog, Samuel |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 6a. Romarbrevet 1-8. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 2006, tr 2010 |
false |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 6a |
9789170801124 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
815 |
99942f2f-0e2a-4242-b1e3-470b3086fae7 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Johansson, Hans |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 8a. Andra Korinthierbrevet 1-7. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1990 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 8a |
9170850119 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
816 |
de128748-709e-412c-b197-d741e2a9b0ad |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Johansson, Hans |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 8b. Andra Korinthierbrevet 8-13. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 2003 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 8b |
9170851077 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
817 |
08a90ea1-92f8-4047-a1a1-5a59f8d4f25d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Gärtner, Bertil |
Kommentar till nya testamentet 9. Galaterbrevet. |
Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1998, tr 2007 |
true |
Kommentar till Nya testamentet 9 |
9789170851018 |
Hyllplacering KNT |
Ccb |
818 |
ccd41d83-93b2-4f94-a3a1-79d074f5cb2f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Crow, Gillian (red) |
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, essential Writings. |
Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010 |
false |
Modern Spiritual Masters Series |
9781570758669 |
Selected with an introduction by Gillian Crow |
Ce |
963 |
8a384151-ad07-4cf9-9ddd-bc5e1df36083 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Clines, D. J. A. |
New century bible commentary. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther |
Grand Rapids: Wm.B. Eerdmans Publ.Co; London,: Marshall, Morgan and Scott Publ. Ltd, 1984 |
true |
New century bible commentary |
0551011181 |
Cc:k |
877 |
b45f887a-4716-40ef-b986-7956172ed982 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Wasserman, Tommy |
Med blicken fäst på Jesus. Hebreerbrevet. |
Örebro: Libris, 2010 |
true |
Nya testamentets budskap 13 |
9789173870528 |
Hyllplacering NTB |
Ccb |
844 |
3a9cd17f-b22c-4a0b-aefe-b198919357ff |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Tarazi, Paul Nadim |
Galatians. A commentary |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1994, tr 1999 |
true |
Orthodox biblical studies |
0881410837 |
2:a upplagan |
Ccb |
826 |
bb228206-0025-47bb-85e3-bdbca6326c18 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Tarazi, Paul Nadim |
1 Tessalonians. A commentary. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982 |
false |
Ortodox biblical studies |
0913836974 |
Ccb |
836 |
7986ade9-451b-4625-a5c0-356473c9f655 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Nicholl, Donald |
Talking with St. Seraphim. A meditation with St. Seraphim shared in the context of the St. Theosevia centre for christian spirituality, March 1992 |
Cambridge: SFT Press, 1997 |
false |
Saint Francis Trust Publication: 001 |
1902307003 |
Cjz.4 |
992 |
35e882ac-078a-4570-ad3f-3d62b6ac21d5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Young, Frances M |
Brokenness and blessing. Towards a biblical spirituality. |
London: Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd, 2007 |
false |
Sarum theological lectures |
0232526567, 9780232526561 |
Cc:k |
876 |
4809c3c3-bad5-4298-9d2a-111cf0a597e2 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
Eukaristin. Så som den firas i övre salen i Nya slottet, Bjärka-Säby. En utläggning av den heliga måltidens spiritualitet. |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2005 |
true |
Silentium liturgia 1 |
9197403946 |
Cha |
949 |
2f709b6a-ab9e-4f26-a38a-9eb496be7f02 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Stinissen, Wilfrid |
Eukaristin i prästens liv. Föredrag i Vårdnäs kyrka under Pilgrims präst- och pastorsmöte den 28 mars 2007. |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2007 |
false |
Silentium Liturgia: 3 |
9789197403962 |
Cha |
981 |
a7dbb113-3a4d-4c85-bf6d-07bc42364b31 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Fjärstedt, Biörn; Halldorf, Peter |
Biblos psalmon. Ett källsprång för fromhet och teologi. Idag är frälsningens dag. Om gudstjänsten som levande minne. |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2009 |
true |
Silentium Liturgia: 4 |
9789197403986 |
Cha |
980 |
70a56e64-e21e-44d3-8e40-54cb77d1e9b7 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Palmblad, Christer (red) |
Skaramissalet. Studier, edition, översättning och faksimil av handskriften i Skara stifts- och landsbibliotek. |
Stiftelsen för utgivande av Skaramissalet, 2006 |
true |
Skarra stiftshistoriska sällskaps skriftserie 27 |
9185980277 |
Hyllplacering FOL (folianter) |
Cha |
943 |
43d81c01-7d3d-46c4-904b-bcc48bad20e7 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Larsson, Göran |
Fönster mot Gud. Ikonernas budskap i Svenska teologiska institutets kapell i Jerusalem. |
Lund: Arcus förlag, 2011 |
true |
Skrifter om judisk och kristen tro och tradition: 4 |
9789188552952 |
Chd |
982 |
eff94e29-5f21-4f77-91ed-3c3b691ae0b9 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Symeon den nye Teologen |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Traités théologiques et éthiques. Tome II. Éth. IV-XV. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Jean Darrouzès, A.A. |
Paris: Cerf, 1967 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 129 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
803 |
f2bb406e-4c86-4691-8d23-405075b50bef |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Martine, Francois (red) |
Vie des pères du Jura.Introduction, texte critique, lexique, traduction et notes par Francois Martine. Réimpression de la première édition revue et augmentée. |
Paris: Cerf, 1968, rev 2004 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 142 |
2204076775 |
Tvåspråkig Latin-franska. Réimpression de la première édition revue et augmentée. |
Cda |
806 |
09147145-abb4-4506-818d-d3ce0262c88e |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Theodoretos av Kyrrhos |
Théodoret de Cyr. Histoire des moines de Syrie. Historie philothée I-XII. Tome I. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Pierre Canivet et Alice Leroy-Molinghen. |
Paris: Cerf, 1977, tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 234 |
2204011444 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
805 |
66ee11ca-94b0-4034-9bb3-eace508ceedf |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Guy, Jean- Claude, s.j. (red) |
Les Apophtegmes des pères. Collection systématique. (Chapitres I-IX) Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Jean- Claude Guy, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 1993 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 387 |
9782204048088 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
807 |
5f8efbd9-8f68-4ae9-954f-f84806a84d4d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Cabasilas, Nicolas |
Nicolas Cabasilas. Explication de la divine liturgie. Traduction et notes de Sévérin Salaville, a.a. 2e édition munie du texte grec, revue et augmentée par René Bornert, o.s.b., Jean Gouillard, Pierre Périchon, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf,1967, tr 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 4 |
2204035106 |
2:a utgåvan. Tvåspråkig grekiska - franska. 2e édition munie du texte grec, revue et augmentée. |
Cdb |
855 |
fcfa522c-4e3c-4123-8a51-4a26f1fe2e80 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Guy, Jean- Claude, s.j. (red) |
Les Apophtegmes des pères. Collection systématique. (Chapitres XVII-XXI) Texte critique, traduction et notes par Jean- Claude Guy, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 2005 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 498 |
2204072524 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska |
Cda |
808 |
85b53bd4-b47a-4cdb-bdc7-b7dc3f97a8e8 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Symeon den nye Teologen |
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Chapitres théologiques, gnostiques et pratiques. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de Jean Darrouzès, A.A., Louis Neyrand, s.j. Réimpression de la deuxieme édition. |
Paris: Cerf, 1957, rev 1980, rev 1996 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 51 |
2204053937 |
Tvåspråkig Grekiska-franska. Nytryck av andra utgåvan, med korrigeringar och tillägg. |
Cda |
804 |
ab1d9277-2b61-426c-a7d7-39981c7bd886 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Froehlich, Karlfried (red) (övers) |
Biblical interpretation in the early church. |
Philadelphia: Fortress press, 1984 |
true |
Sources of early christian thought |
0800614143 |
Cc:k |
882 |
1b620f85-6d13-49a3-bad5-62c5bff2664d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Matta el-Miskîne |
Prière, Esprit Saint et unité chrétienne |
Bégrolles-en-Mauges (Maine et Loire): Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1990 |
false |
Spiritualité orientale 48 |
2855890489 |
Franska |
Ce |
950 |
ffb575d5-688f-4241-90ab-b48e5f0ed615 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Matta el-Miskîne |
La communion d´amour. |
Bégrolles-en-Mauges (Maine et Loire): Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1992 |
false |
Spiritualité orientale 55 |
2855893550 |
Franska |
Ce |
951 |
d0458f3a-431c-422d-8171-614d10e7bc27 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Martling, Carl-Henrik |
Kyrkans år och dagar. |
Stockholm: Verbum Förlag, 1993 |
true |
Stiftelsen kyrkovetenskapliga institutets skriftserie 4 |
9152621324 |
Cha |
945 |
79c6e7a0-7a18-4a1d-af18-b6dd25283cda |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Koen, Lars |
The saving passion. Incarnational and soteriological thought in Cyril of Alexandria's commentary on the gospel according to St. John |
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1991 |
true |
Studia Doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia: 31 |
9155426964 |
Cjz.2 |
990 |
768f0134-fcf6-4e4c-bf5b-d704170f7768 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Elliot, Mark W. |
The Song of songs and christology in the early church 381-451 |
Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2002 |
true |
Studien und texte zu antike und christentum 7 |
3161473949 |
Ccb |
833 |
22b28dbd-7ddf-4282-9edf-3f6859d93a17 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Shenouda Maher Ishak (Emile Maher Ishak) |
Liturgical and ritual issues and proposals concerning the restoration of communion. |
Al-ambra Ruweis, 2000 |
false |
Studies in comparative ritual theology 1 |
9771701142 |
Submitted to the joint liturgical sub-committee between the oriental orthodox and the byzantine ortodox churches (Athens, march 15-19, 1995) |
Cha |
942 |
6c222ebf-b4ba-4132-bd9e-3a3ceb9ffc82 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Gill, David W. J.; Gempf, Conrad (red) |
The book of Acts in its Graeco-Roman setting. |
Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2000 |
false |
The book of Acts in its first century setting 2 |
1579105262 |
Originalpublicering: Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans publishing company; Carlisle, Cumbria UK: The paternoster press, 1994 |
Ccb |
835 |
169f92d2-f379-4db7-9bf2-c3c26f9b850c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Malaty, Tardos Y. |
Christ in the eucharist |
Orange, California: Anba Reuis printing house, 2001 |
false |
The othodox concept 2 |
977500568x |
3 utgåvan |
Cha |
948 |
8b8ff840-e368-465e-b98c-faec7b766621 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Davis, Stephen J. |
The early coptic papacy. The Egyptian church and its leadership in late antiquity |
Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004, tr 2005 |
true |
The popes of Egypt I |
9774248309 |
2:a upplagan |
Ckop |
95 |
1fcaa723-3847-4a8c-8744-8c6bdc1a2270 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Brodd, Sven-Erik; Ignestam, Eva (red) |
Tidegärdens tillskyndare. |
Uppsala: Tro och tanke, 1991 |
true |
Tro och tanke 1991:5 |
Cha |
944 |
c5a3df0d-f89d-419a-93f0-04c5da65065b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Lee, Aquila H. I. |
From Messiah to preexistent son. Jesus´self-consciousness and early christian exegesis of messianic psalms. |
Tübingen: Mohr Siegbeck, 2005 |
true |
Wissenschaftliche untersuchungen zum neuen testament 2. Reihe 192 |
3161486161 |
Ccb |
834 |
a55ba810-a981-406f-8a64-7acbf2517452 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kohlenberger III, John R. (red) |
The interlinear NIV hebrew-english old testament. |
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan publishing house 1979, 1987 |
true |
Zondervan hebrew reference series |
031040200x |
Cb |
939 |
2fdf49b4-994d-4e4a-b4f6-1414c0938f79 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Wright, Benjamin G.; Pietersma, Albert (red) |
A new english translation of the Septuagint and other greek translations traditionally included under that title. |
New York; Oxford: Oxford university press, 2007 |
true |
9780195289756 |
Cb |
937 |
05529436-e6bb-4e12-8b98-05513960101e |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Bibeln eller den heliga skrift. Åkessons översättning |
- : HF:s förlag, 1993 |
true |
9172181486 |
Cb |
927 |
1c56b300-5d63-4f36-aa83-10b02b96fea6 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Bibeln. Bibelkommissionens översättning utan noter. |
- : Origo, 1999 |
true |
9178901669 |
Ex 1 |
Cb |
921 |
37d0cc2e-ebb8-4e0b-96ba-a70475c0583e |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Bibeln. Bibelkommissionens översättning utan noter. |
- : Origo, 1999 |
true |
9178901669 |
Ex 2 |
Cb |
922 |
0d510172-0f17-44ad-a367-dd988b6111f5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Bibeln. Bibelkommissionens översättning utan noter. |
- : Bokförlaget Origo, 1999 |
true |
9178901669 |
Ex 3 |
Cb |
923 |
c78cb88c-6384-4bb5-afa1-0a238cb22730 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Bibeln. Bibelkommissionens översättning. |
Örebro: Bokförlaget Libris, 2000, tr 2006 |
true |
9171955690 |
6e tryckningen |
Cb |
924 |
56aac1ee-0dc8-44d5-9871-e7994ae813da |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Bibeln. Den heliga skrift. Gamla och Nya testamentets kanoniska böcker. Svenska folkbibeln 98. |
XP media, 1998, 2007 |
true |
9189299078 |
7:e upplagan |
Cb |
925 |
54e09f8d-6a2c-46d0-8c77-d2723621f60b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Den hellige skrift. Bibelen. Det gamle og det nye testamentet. Bibelselskapet |
- ; Bibelselskapet, 2011 |
false |
9788254107935 |
Bokmål. Norska bibelsällskapets översättning 2011. |
Cb |
930 |
be61f403-eca4-488f-b406-971bff34e3ec |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Det nye testamentet. |
- ; Det norske Bibelselskap, 2005 |
false |
8254106363 |
Norska |
Cb |
928 |
50180c2a-43f0-46c7-bf49-3e6d6c431f30 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Nestle - Aland (red) |
Greek-english New Testament. |
Stuttgart: Deutche Bibelgesellschaft, 1981, rev 2001, tr 2005 |
true |
3438054086 |
10:e upplagan |
Cb |
938 |
d7d4ac79-ac22-4c83-843d-1f00f7f8d464 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Heyman, Viveka (red.), (övers.) |
Profeterna. Jesaja, Jeremia, Hesekiel, de tolv profeterna. Band 1 |
Eslöv: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, 1996 |
true |
9171393110 |
Cb |
932 |
768aae0a-83d4-4673-92a9-a342829676b4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
Psaltaren enligt Septuaginta. |
Skellefteå: Artos och Norma bokförlag, 2008 |
true |
9789175804118 |
Översättning från grekiskan. |
Cb |
892 |
55fe8c22-638f-4ac4-9b7c-a3458adf1124 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
The holy Bible containing the Old and New testaments with the apocryphal/deuterocanonical books. New revised standard version. |
New York: American Bible society, 1991 |
false |
9781585160393; 1585160393 |
Cb |
958 |
8b7849d9-c1ae-4c88-8526-282e12bfd5b2 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
The holy Bible containing the old and new testaments. Translated out of the original tongues; with the former translations diligently compared and revised conformable to the edition of 1611, commonly known as the authorized or king James version. |
Cleveland; New York: The world publishing company, - |
true |
Self-pronouncing edition, illustrated, red- letter edition. King James version. |
Cb |
926 |
c3de1f95-c40c-4cdc-953c-5076ded4d171 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Peterson, Eugene |
The message på svenska. Nya testamentet. |
Örebro: Libris förlag, 2012 |
true |
9789173872492 |
Översättning; Larsson, Felix |
Cb |
929 |
5feccca9-28bb-48ce-b22a-07d2050f0c6f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Douglas, J.D. (red) |
The new greek-english interlinear. New Testament. |
Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale house publishers, inc, 1990 |
true |
0842345647; 9780842345644 |
A new interlinear translation of the greek New Testament. United Bible societies´fourth, corrected edition with the new revised standard version, New Testament. Översättning: Brown, Robert K.; Comfort, Philip W. |
Cb |
933 |
18ea8399-f296-4d10-bccd-529205322cbe |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
The new Jerusalem Bible. |
London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1985 |
true |
0232516502 |
Cb |
935 |
b7aa39de-672d-412f-b3f5-c53f9752b177 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
The revised english Bible. |
Cambridge, UK: Oxford university press; Cambridge university press: 1989, rev 1996, tr 2005 |
false |
0521513189 |
Cb |
934 |
ffccd244-2081-4d98-9a26-e240ea609160 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
The septuagint with apocrypha: Greek and english. |
- , USA: Hendrickson publishers, 1986, tr 2005 (11:e upplagan) |
true |
0913573442 |
English translation by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton, first published in London 1851. |
Cb |
936 |
b2f8e9bc-82e5-4be7-9577-48bb5d4ef9b6 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
- |
The system Bible study. Being an effort to give the most complete, the most concise, and the most useful book of classified Bible helps. |
Chicago, Illinois: The system Bible company, 1922, rev 1938 |
false |
Revised and enlarged edition of 1938. The gems, the masterpieces - the crown-juwels of the Bible by many of the worlds greatest bible scolars. |
Cb |
940 |
92d8f701-7dcb-412e-bca7-496a778c6d08 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Magnusson, Jörgen |
Judasevangeliet. Text, budskap och historisk bakgrund. |
Lund: Arcus förlag, 2008 |
true |
9789188552792 |
Cbc |
907 |
463c515e-fc3e-4c3f-aa36-90996bc5c4ff |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Hauser, Alan J.; Watson, Duane F. (red) |
A history of biblical interpretation. Volume 1. The ancient period. |
Grand Rapids; Cambridge: William B Eerdmans publishing company, 2003 |
false |
9780802863959 |
Cc:k |
870 |
6f8699b7-9d2c-4159-9a7b-4a300f1495de |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Pelikan, Jaroslav |
Divine rhetoric. The sermon on the mount as message and as model in Augustine, Chrysostom, and Luther. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000 |
true |
0881412147 |
Cc:k |
880 |
07f7fdd6-3b81-4357-83aa-c6ba77be8a85 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Andrén, Olof (övers) |
Evangeliets gryning. Kyrkofädernas skrifttolkning. Utläggningar av de gammaltestamentliga läsningarna i 1983 års evangeliebok. |
Uppsala: Bokförlaget pro veritate, 1994 |
true |
- |
Cc:k |
875 |
288fb8cc-240b-469a-974d-f641606e6cb5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Manley, Johanna (red) |
Grace for grace. The Psalter and the holy fathers. Patristic christian commentary, meditations, and liturgical extracts relating to the psalms and odes. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1992, 2003 |
false |
0962253618 |
Förord: Archimandrit Todor Mika |
Cc:k |
868 |
0184ba5e-d26c-4c33-b91e-bd6e2036c30c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Manley, Johanna (red) |
Isaiah through the ages. |
California: Monastery books,1995 |
false |
0962253634 |
Cc:k |
866 |
780fde6b-18ab-4733-a0fd-b602f60d20fc |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Clark, Elizabeth A. |
Reading renunciation. Asceticism and scripture in early christiany. |
Princetown: Princeton university press, 1999 |
true |
0691005125 |
Cc:k |
872 |
187f1111-5c75-4dab-895c-e61aede9f3a1 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Breck, John |
Scripture in tradition. The Bible and its interpretation in the orthodox church. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
true |
0881412260 |
Cc:k |
869 |
19de85d7-05c0-4489-8306-3c7aed4f7694 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Manley, Johanna (red) |
The Bible and the holy fathers for orthodox. Daily scripture readings and commentary for orthodox christians. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990 |
false |
096225360x |
Förord: Ware, Kallistos. |
Cc:k |
867 |
524e022d-199d-4e19-af82-f4dbecebe468 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Brock, Sebastian |
The Bible in the syraic tradition. |
Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias press, 2006 |
true |
1593333005 |
2:a rev utgåvan |
Cc:k |
874 |
91cb0ed1-d8a5-4cc6-91e9-d33fa1112513 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Cronk, George |
The message of the Bible. An orthodox christian perspective. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982, tr 1990 |
true |
091383694x |
Cc:k |
881 |
64e1f53d-13c0-4f6b-a795-fada59b4a5f0 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Breck, John |
The power of the word in the worshiping church. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1986 |
false |
089281536 |
Cc:k |
873 |
653da77b-4a66-4223-a345-b72d6f2d04b0 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Rönnegård, Per |
Threads and images. The use of scripture in Apophthegmata patrum. |
Lund: Centre for theology and religious studies, 2007 |
true |
9789197489751 |
Cc:k |
871 |
1dc09141-a35b-4eed-9079-68897f3d8374 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Wassén, Cecilia (red) |
Dödahavsrullarna. Innehåll, bakgrund och betydelse. |
Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlantis AB, 2011 |
true |
9789173534734 |
Cca |
960 |
0cfbabbb-fa77-4568-994b-4cab08b07c61 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Walvoord, John F.; Zuck, Roy B. (red) |
The Bible knowledge commentary. An exposition of the scriptures by Dallas seminary faculty. New testament edition. |
Wheaton, Illinois: Sp publications Victor books, 1984 |
false |
0882078127 |
4:e upplagan |
Cca |
885 |
fd4819ee-1337-4f69-b783-859d9d48b95f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Walvoord, John F.; Zuck, Roy B. (red) |
The Bible knowledge commentary. An exposition of the scriptures by Dallas seminary faculty. Old testament |
Wheaton, Illinois: Sp publications Victor books, 1985 |
false |
08820781235 |
Cca |
886 |
d596a39f-c5fc-4734-bccb-ae322fd2a499 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Flegg, Columba Graham |
An introduction to readning the Apocalypse. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999 |
false |
0881411310 |
Ccb |
838 |
7063c80d-83d3-4812-b766-908604a2ec01 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Hurtado, Larry W. |
How on earth did Jesus become a God? Historical questions about earliest devotion to Jesus. |
Cambridge, UK; Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans publishing copany, 2005 |
true |
0802828612, 9780802828613 |
Ccb |
828 |
acb73705-457e-4e3d-b3f4-d66f9156a7a1 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Razinger, Joseph, Benedikt XVI. |
Jesus fra Nasaret Del II. Fra inntoget i Jerusalem til oppstandelsen. |
Oslo: Avenir forlag, 2011 |
false |
9788249400966 |
Hadland, Anne Bente (övers) |
Ccb |
845 |
5d960550-c4f0-4401-81c7-eb3dcc68fbfa |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Mitternacht, Dieter: Runesson, Anders (red) |
Jesus och de första kristna inledning till Nya testamentet. |
Stockholm: Verbum förlag, 2006 |
true |
9789152647219 |
Första upplagans andra tryckning |
Ccb |
837 |
6f4a7f88-a980-4906-a05f-d3a6772b4211 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander |
Our father. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2002, tr 2003 |
false |
0881412341 |
Vinogradov, Alexis (övers) Andra tryckningen. |
Ccb |
840 |
c665626d-8cb5-44d8-ad98-fbf38649ad68 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Lennartsson, Göran |
Refreshing and restoration. Two eschatological motifs in Acts 3:19-21 |
Lund: Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap, 2007 |
true |
9789197489768 |
Ccb |
829 |
c365aebe-39d3-4741-884e-479f66b36b86 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Breck, John |
Spirit of truth. The holy spirit in johannine tradition. Volume 1. The origins of johannine pneumatology. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991 |
true |
0881410810 |
Ccb |
832 |
8544523b-d3e5-4714-939e-57da4dcbd6f4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kesich, Veselin |
The gospel image of Christ |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991, tr 1992 |
true |
0881411027 |
Ccb |
830 |
50858397-2dbe-4c89-bb4a-c6d4d11b58cc |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Royster, Dmitri |
The miracles of Christ. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999 |
false |
0881411930 |
Ccb |
827 |
5de927c5-a85e-4276-ba67-fb5d4857ac02 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Tarazi, Paul Nadim |
The new testament: An introduction. Volume 1 Paul and Mark. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1999 |
true |
0881411884 |
Ccb |
841 |
a9456557-c24d-47ca-b6fe-10d1a828e217 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Tarazi, Paul Nadim |
The new testament: An introduction. Volume 2 Luke and Acts. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2001 |
true |
0881411892 |
Ccb |
842 |
acecca02-fba7-4062-8365-78f16bbed955 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kesich, Veselin |
The passion of Christ |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2004 |
false |
091383680x |
Ccb |
831 |
30829156-acd1-44eb-89ed-709456f36371 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Reicke, Bo |
Tro och liv i den kristna urförsamlingen. |
Stockholm: Svenska kyrkans diakonistyrelses bokförlag, 1958 |
true |
Ccb |
843 |
d6282f70-8443-48f8-8b02-519aeb20eefb |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Johannes Krysostomos |
Den outgrundlige |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2012 |
true |
9789175805856 |
Svensk översättning av Olof Andrén. |
Cda |
969 |
4d2dbff9-1f76-422c-bf29-93d62df38036 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Kateketiska föreläsningar |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2012 |
true |
9789175806075 |
Svensk översättning av Olof Andrén. Inledning av Per Beskow. |
Cda |
968 |
e8a53aa4-ca2a-40a7-834d-fc10a359e534 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Andrén, Olof (red) |
Makarios andliga homilier. |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2001 |
true |
9175802007 |
Inledning: Samuel Rubenson |
Cda |
879 |
eddac62e-27e3-4f7f-bcfd-cfb0d7c5ac51 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Augustinus |
Tolkning och retorik. De doctrina christiana. |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2006 |
true |
9175802694 |
Cda |
999 |
50a02eb2-5070-4238-9bc6-a37747c7be62 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Quasten, Johannes (red) |
Patrology. Volume I. The beginnings of patristic literature from the Apostles creed to Irenaeus. |
Allen, Texas: Christian classics, - |
false |
0870610848 |
Del 1 av 4 |
Cda(x) |
849 |
8e69b76c-8cf3-4933-8e71-a827a0568733 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Quasten, Johannes (red) |
Patrology. Volume II. The ante-nicene literature after Irenaeus. |
Allen, Texas: Christian classics, - |
false |
0870610856 |
Del 2 av 4 |
Cda(x) |
850 |
fa612909-d2d1-49d9-ade0-7cb2fa8d4927 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Quasten, Johannes (red) |
Patrology. Volume III. The golden age of greek patristic literature from the council of Nicaea to the council of Chalcedon. |
Allen, Texas: Christian classics, - |
false |
0870610864 |
Del 3 av 4 |
Cda(x) |
851 |
66c52b4f-5157-4353-9458-bc52a3f29b0b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
di Berardino, Angelo (red) |
Patrology. Volume IV. The golden age of latin patristic literature from the council of Nicaea to the council of Chalcedon. |
Allen, Texas: Christian classics, - |
true |
0870611275 |
Del 4 av 4. With an introduction by Quasten, Johannes. Översatt till engelska av Solari, Placid, O.S.B. |
Cda(x) |
852 |
fe88278c-d352-4b56-9223-817a7cf9a16b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bettenson, Henry (red) (övers) |
The early christian fathers. A selection from the writings of the Fathers from St. Clement of Rome to St. Athanasius. |
Oxford: Oxford university press, 1956, tr 1982 |
true |
0192830090 |
5:e tryckningen |
Cda(x) |
847 |
7a20b1bc-3df9-4f65-9bd5-c60b74290869 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Drobner, Hubertus R. (red) |
The fathers of the church. A comprehensive introduction. |
Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson publishers, 2007 |
true |
9781565633315 |
Translated by Siegfried S. Schatzmann with bibliographies updated and expanded for the English edition by William Harmless, sj, and Hubertus R Drobner. |
Cda(x) |
846 |
97a6da7c-01f2-4769-ae52-e8b0a4a3b708 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Guyon, Madame Jeanne Marie de la Mothe |
Andliga strömmar. |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1991 |
true |
9175800683 |
Översättning och inledning Ljungman, Ulrika. |
Cdb |
859 |
04417b91-2d30-417a-b58e-e5b1d0b804a6 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Serafim av Sarov |
Den helige Serafims råd för det andliga livet. |
Delsbo: Bokförlaget Åsak, 1988 |
true |
9178300150 |
Översättning: Oxenstierna, Gabriella. Förrord: Norström. Mattias. |
Cdb |
865 |
8fe00b35-f5f3-44cf-9b82-5341024893b6 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Berdjajev, Nikolaj |
Den ryska idén. De grundläggande problemen i det ryska tänkandet under 1800-talet och början av 1900-talet. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1996 |
true |
9175801280 |
Översättning: Rundgren, Christina. |
Cdb |
863 |
b3f4aafc-e961-4741-a70e-1ada7394041a |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Thérèse av Lisieux |
General correspondence volume I 1877-1890. |
Washington D.C: Institute of carmelite studies, 1982 |
false |
0960087699 |
Översättning: Clarke, John o.c.d |
Cdb |
905 |
e05ca027-0d90-4c73-a096-9b502292d356 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Thérèse av Lisieux |
General correspondence volume II 1890-1897. |
Washington D.C: Institute of carmelite studies, 1988 |
false |
0935216103 |
Översättning: Clarke, John O.C.D |
Cdb |
906 |
1d091f5a-494c-47c9-86a0-f05fd5b60249 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Berdjajev, Nikolaj |
Historiens mening. Ett försök till en filosofi om det mänskliga ödet. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1990 |
true |
9175800578 |
Översättning: Borg, Stefan |
Cdb |
862 |
7a8a6688-7dfe-43c1-b110-39a761bde63c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Makarius, starets of optino |
Russian letters of spiritual direction 1834-1860. Makarius, starets of Optino |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1975 |
false |
0913836230 |
Selection, translation, and foreword by Iulia de Beausobre |
Cdb |
878 |
9bae4813-b885-4fb6-8d4c-fac98d3f1328 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Cabasilas, Nicholas |
The life in Christ |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1974 |
true |
0913836125 |
Övers. de Catanzaro, Carmino J. Introduktion av Bobrinskoy, Boris |
Cdb |
856 |
ae3d4376-0390-4a65-92db-d8edab744479 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Nicodemus of the holy mountain (red); Theophan the Recluse (rev) |
Unseen warfare. The spiritual combat and path to paradise of Lorenzo Scupoli edited by Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and revised by Teophan the recluse. |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1987 |
true |
0913836524 |
Översättning Kadloubovsky, E ; Palmer, G. E. H. Inledning: Hodges, H. A. |
Cdb |
853 |
d48b214f-a9fa-4c56-a24c-322dc739b71e |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Berdjajev, Nikolaj |
Vägar till sjävkännedom |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1994 |
true |
9175800977 |
Översättning: Borg, Stefan |
Cdb |
861 |
3fcea803-b229-4fbb-b2ea-181b96e62d3f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Archimandrite Sophrony |
Wisdom from mount Athos. The writings of Staretz Silouhan 1886-1938 |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1974, rev 1995 |
true |
0913836176 |
Översatt från ryskan av Edmonds, Rosemary. 2a rev. upplagan. |
Cdb |
854 |
7919f2e7-5946-46e9-9c1b-97188d883a36 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Archimandrite Sophrony |
Wisdom from mount Athos. The writings of Staretz Silouhan 1886-1938 |
Crestwood, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1974, rev 1995, 2001 |
true |
0913836176 |
Översatt från ryskan av Edmonds, Rosemary. 2a rev. upplagan. |
Cdb |
864 |
f6646d97-0497-4ef6-93e2-0056d6a907b2 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Påve Shenouda III |
Den Helige ande och hans verk i oss |
Göteborg: Gabriel Yalgin, 2007; Kairo: S:t Markus Stift, 1992 |
true |
Tredje utgåvan. |
Ce |
970 |
ff7ed744-a0fd-42a0-89eb-8b67a6bccf3d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Matthew the poor (Matta el- Meskeen) |
Orthodox prayer life. The interior way. |
New York: St Vladimirs seminary press, 2003 |
true |
0881412503 |
Translated in the monastery of St Macarius the great, Wadi El- Natroun, Egypt. |
Ce |
952 |
644cdcbb-f02a-41f3-a5ab-91c74f2a22a5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Anatolios, Khaled |
Retrieving Nicaea. The development and meaning of trinitarian doctrine. |
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011 |
true |
9780801031328 |
Ce |
971 |
d935b52f-793b-4e3d-83fe-3387a65c942b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Afanasiev, Nicholas |
The church of the Holy spirit. |
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame, 2007 |
true |
0268020302, 9780268020309 |
Tserkov Dukha Sviatogo, 1971 |
Ce |
972 |
c049ab30-97f0-4425-b77d-a9bc9af24537 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Andreopoulos, Andreas |
The sign of the cross. The gesture, the mystery, the history. |
Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2006 |
false |
1557254966, 9781557254962 |
Ce |
998 |
4fab4570-70a8-414e-a0d2-b69c89e95388 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
Andens folk. En lärjungavandring genom Apostlagärningarna. |
Örebro: Cordia, 2006 |
true |
9170853215 |
Cg |
889 |
f3751b7d-cc4b-4726-a177-7b05af0790b1 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
Du brinnande kärlekslåga. Nio betraktelser om den helige Ande. |
Örebro: Bokförlaget Cordia AB, 2004 |
true |
9170852871 |
Cg |
888 |
3e39aa92-1588-4c75-a7f9-0933c3191b66 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Halldorf, Peter |
Helighetslängan, en lärjungabok för ungdomar och andra vuxna. |
Örebro: Bokförlaget libris, 2001 |
true |
9171954236; 951550564x |
Cg |
887 |
8f53e8e3-243d-4723-b8cb-7d42dcd88ed8 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Hjälm, Michael |
Liberation of the ecclesia. The unfinished project of liturgical theology. |
Södertälje: Anastasis Media, 2011 |
true |
9789197871921 |
Cha |
979 |
f72bc142-df16-4f3a-aebd-6ab919a4874c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kavanagh, Aidan |
On liturgical theology. The Hale memorial lectures of Seaburn-Western theological seminary, 1981. |
Collegeville, MN: Order of Saint Benedict, 1992; New York: Pueblo, 1984 |
false |
0814660673, 9780814660676 |
Cha |
965 |
808333d6-6e97-4ccf-b695-de9ce4b518c5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Daoud, Marcos (övers.) |
The liturgy of the Ethiopian church |
The Egyptian Book Press |
true |
Reviderad av Blatta, H. E.; Hazen, Marsie |
Cha |
983 |
5a8d1703-960e-49b7-b843-8dbfc1971ff4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Härdelin, Alf |
The tractarian understanding of the eucharist. |
Uppsala: Almqvist och Wiksells, 1965 |
true |
Cha |
946 |
86d47746-eb0e-434b-8d24-bcc689c7217c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Halldorf, Peter; Åkerlund, Per (red) |
Tidegärd. Dagliga böner ur Bibeln. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1996, tr 1999 |
true |
9175801353 |
3:e t ryckningen |
Cha |
941 |
4feb2c8f-269c-405d-8ad7-9b7aff1330c9 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Stapert, Calvin R. |
A new song for an old world. Musical thought in the early church. |
Grand Rapids, Michigan; Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdmans publishing company, 2007 |
true |
9780802832191 |
Chc |
959 |
15662c1f-9ca4-436b-a9f5-d1ca97edf065 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bodin, Per-Arne; Sandgren, Folke (övers) |
Kristus är uppstånden. Ortodoxa hymner för stora fastan och påsken. |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1998 |
true |
917580140x |
Ikonkommentar: Abel, Ulf |
Chc |
883 |
9e0ab521-ee76-4ebe-be1a-ec695d9942d7 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Orylski, Tomas |
Moderna franska teologer. En introduktion |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag, 2009 |
true |
9789175804309 |
Cj |
987 |
bd80ce30-1405-4f45-90eb-861b5ce5761c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Härdelin, Alf (red.) |
Symfoniska röster. Kyrklig trosförmedling genom tiderna. |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag, 2012 |
true |
9789175805726 |
Cj |
985 |
9560e323-8cdd-43ee-aa46-c9ffb51a26ca |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Theodorou, Evangelos D. |
Ur den grekiska kyrkans historia |
Stockholm: Riksförbundet Kyrklig Ungdom, 1961 |
true |
The Church of Greece, 1959 |
Cj |
984 |
ca8e2d0d-9eda-46d7-a102-f69d99c0eaca |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Manns, Fréderic |
Fr. Fréderic Manns, O.F.M. |
John and Jamnia: How the break occured between Jews and Christians c. 80-100 A.D. |
Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1988: tr. 1997 |
false |
Översättning av Mildred Duel & Marina Riadi |
Cj.2 |
988 |
93a2ff38-3148-4bc3-ad32-e6af7243cee8 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Stewart, Columba |
Cassian the monk |
Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, tr 1999 |
false |
0195134842 |
Cjz.2 |
89 |
24925504-4a51-4ada-9b87-ea64aa57cd1c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Florenskij, Pavel |
Jordens salt. Levnadsberättelsen om starets Isidor, prästmunk vid Getsemane-sketen |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1994 |
true |
917580106x |
Översättning från ryskan av Anna Smidhammar |
Cjz.4 |
991 |
6e6f8c8b-8f62-4e44-ba96-1fb4051b9d4d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Pyman, Avril |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985 |
London: The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd., 2010; New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc., 2010 |
true |
9781441187000 |
Cjz.4 |
993 |
2bc22720-cf26-4c82-a11c-f5921dd2d676 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Elworth, Kerstin; Grahm, Matthias; Lindroth, Hélène-Dominique |
Guld rökelse myrra. De orientaliska katolikerna i Sverige. |
Stockholm: Veritas Förlag, 2009 |
true |
9789189684546 |
Ck |
966 |
6054b587-43cf-49a8-aa3e-71fea8edda9f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Hopko, Thomas (red.) |
Women and the priesthood |
New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1983 |
false |
0881410055 |
Ck |
996 |
ece26ab6-cfe1-4320-a0bd-103dbaf11b78 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Alfeyev, Hilarion |
The mystery of faith. An introduction to the teaching and spirituality of the orthodox church. |
Pavel Florensky: A quiet genius. The tragic and extraordinary life of Russia's unknown Da Vinci. |
true |
0232524726 |
Tainstvo Beri, 1996 |
Cka |
997 |
db792999-7118-4835-b233-0b8841df640d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Olsen, Harald |
Pilgrimer i öst. Eremiter och heliga dårar i den rysk-ortodoxa traditionen |
Örbro: Cordia, 2001 |
true |
9170852340 |
Den østlige pilgrimsvei, 2000 |
Ckama |
81 |
f7f42c95-76a9-46e2-85e2-f12b032b4d90 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Meyendorff, Paul |
Russia ritual & reform. The liturgical reforms of Nikon in the 17th century |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991 |
true |
088141090X |
Ckama |
82 |
032d4ae4-fff4-433e-80e4-8a27001d8329 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Pearce, Joseph |
Solzhenitsyn. A soul in exile |
London: HarperCollins, 1999 |
true |
0002740400 |
Ckama |
85 |
4d091f8e-adf5-4d77-be4c-404b5835adb2 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Schmemann, Alexander; Schmemann, Juliana (övers.) |
The journals of father Alexander Schmemann 1973-1983 |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000, tr 2002 |
false |
0881412007 |
2:a upplagan |
Ckama |
87 |
a678a8e4-27b6-424d-8dfe-a517442fe031 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Pospielovsky, Dimitry |
The orthodox church in the history of Russia |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1998 |
true |
0881411795 |
Ckama |
83 |
09da54bf-9940-48fd-8e77-720fbc2d1ace |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Pospielovsky, Dimitry |
The Russian church under the Soviet regime 1917-1982. Volume I |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1984 |
true |
0881410152, 0881410330 |
Ckama |
84 |
db3ad42d-436c-490a-989f-439a801b0c15 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Pospielovsky, Dimitry |
The Russian church under the Soviet regime 1917-1982. Volume II |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984 |
true |
0881410160, 0881410330 |
Ckama |
86 |
2a2689c8-6a12-4db4-91e3-3318aa577641 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Zernov, Nicolas |
The Russians and their church |
New York: St Vladimir's Seminary press, 1978, tr 1994 |
true |
0913836362 |
3:e utgåvan. SPCK, 1945 |
Ckama |
91 |
7987e25a-d8a0-4c5b-86a2-6fc22d85d796 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Zernov Nicolas |
Vishet i exil. Den ryska religiösa revolutionen i det 20:e århundradet |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1993 |
true |
9175800926 |
The Russian religious renaissance of the twentieth century, 1963 |
Ckama |
92 |
f69d4c71-d4cc-408a-afd0-6df95803372f |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Motjulskij, K. |
Vladimir Solovjov - liv och lära |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1997 |
true |
9175801426 |
Översatt från ryska |
Ckama |
93 |
2ca48678-112b-42bf-a635-403dee69f8e4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Werner, Yvonne Maria |
Världsvid men främmande. Den katolska kyrkan i Sverige 1873-1929 |
Uppsala: Katolska bokförlaget, 1996 |
true |
918553031X |
Ckb |
994 |
5d99c8a8-8f59-4077-8532-39d9816c7d0b |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Gabra, Gawdat; Alcock, Anthony |
Cairo the coptic museum & old churches |
Dokki, Cairo: Egyptian International Pub. Co., Longman 1993 |
true |
9771600818 |
Ckop |
96 |
16fc2678-fb40-4687-91e2-dce5a3d60eb5 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Kamil, Murad |
Coptic Egypt |
Cairo: Le scribe Egyptien, 1968 |
false |
Ckop |
99 |
24b516b0-4ce2-4b30-8712-74bcc27a89cf |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Chaillot, Christine |
The coptic orthodox church. A brief introduction to its life and spirituality |
Paris: Inter-Orthodox Dialogue, Orthdruk, 2005 |
false |
8389396157 |
Ckop |
97 |
4795e2a5-85a5-499c-a3a7-1df24cdeb426 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Påve Shenouda III |
Vänd om till Gud |
St Markus Stift, 2006 |
false |
Ckop |
94 |
3db0dd7e-d699-4eba-b213-e8d5e51c2416 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Solovjev, Vladimir |
Tre samtal |
Skellefteå: Artos bokförlag, 1993 |
true |
917580090x |
Översättning från ryskan av E. Weer, språklig revidering av Stefan Borg, inledning Lars Gyllensten |
D |
961 |
1fdabb29-2824-4ae2-b51b-eb93e3d4d39d |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Sjestov, Lev |
Sola fide (tron allena) |
Reboda: Nimrod, 1995 |
true |
9197228516 |
Övers. Stefan Borg |
Db |
962 |
bf7f60e2-6e14-4269-a480-affcc100bc48 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Blomqvist, Jerker |
Grekiska för teologer. En introduktion |
Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1993, tr 2002 |
true |
9789144384818 |
6:e upplagan |
F |
9 |
b87ae503-7e67-4570-8dca-e9587affdbbb |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Solsjenitsyn, Alexander |
En kalv med eken stångades |
Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand, 1975 |
true |
9146123997 |
Bodal?sja telenok s dubom, 1975 |
H |
88 |
c897e7dc-9e4f-466a-a77f-90fb252227cc |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Shmeljov, Ivan |
Pilgrimsresan. En dokumentär skildring i romanens form an en pilgrimsresa år 1879 till Sergius-Treenighetsklostret utanför Moskva. |
Delsbo: Bokförlaget Åsak, Sahlin och Dahlström, 1990 |
true |
9178300495 |
Översättning från ryska av Gabriella Oxenstierna |
H |
957 |
e5ada083-2a11-48fc-912e-8bd06c025e0c |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bowersock, G. W. ; Brown, Peter; Grabar, Oleg (red): |
Interpreting late antiquity. Essays on the postclassical world. |
Cambridge; London, The Belknap press of Harvard university press, 2001 |
true |
0674005988 |
K |
953 |
c2efe1b7-0f17-4503-a48f-de66319c4bb4 |
11/04/2015 08:47 AM |
Bexell, Peter |
Kyrkan som sakrament. Henri de Lubacs fundamentalecklesiologi |
Stockholm: Brutus Östlings bokförlag Symposion, 1997 |
true |
Moderna franska tänkare: 28 |
Ce |
00cfe87b-a0d1-4689-a50d-a97aff9c6356 |
00cfe87b-a0d1-4689-a50d-a97aff9c6356 |
16/04/2015 01:14 PM |
Origenes |
Origène. Homélies sur Jérémie. Tome I. Homélies I-XI. Traduction par Pierre Husson, Pierre Nautin. Édition, introduction et notes par Pierre Nautin |
Paris: Cerf, 1976: tr 2006 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 232 |
2204010898 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
e0b81bb0-5b4e-46d3-99f6-82734b2a450d |
e0b81bb0-5b4e-46d3-99f6-82734b2a450d |
21/04/2015 07:39 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur l´épitre aux Romains. Tome III. (Livres VI-VIII) Texte critique par C P Hammond Bammel. Introduction par Michel Fédou. Traduction et notes par Luc Brésard et Michel Fédou. Index par Luc Brésard |
Paris: Cerf, 2011 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 543 |
9782204096577 |
Cda |
add8245b-5dee-407a-af9b-066b784daea7 |
add8245b-5dee-407a-af9b-066b784daea7 |
21/04/2015 08:08 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur l´épitre aux Romains. Tome I. (Livres I-II) Texte critique par C P Hammond Bammel. Introduction par Michel Fedou. Traduction, notes et index par Luc Brésard. |
Paris: Cerf 2009 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 532 |
9782204091640 |
Cda |
32ec88be-3d50-4373-add4-126446fbae0c |
32ec88be-3d50-4373-add4-126446fbae0c |
21/04/2015 08:45 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur l´épitre aux Romains. Tome II. Texte critique par C P Hammond Bammel. Introduction par Michel Fédou. Traduction, notes et index par Luc Brésard. |
Paris: Cerf, 2010 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 539 |
9782204094177 |
Cda |
db1e08b5-dafc-45a5-89a5-9b86596f4c60 |
db1e08b5-dafc-45a5-89a5-9b86596f4c60 |
21/04/2015 08:54 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Homélies sur les nombres III. (Homélies XX-XXVIII) Texte latin de W A Baehrens. Nouvelle édition par Louis Doutreleau, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf 2001 |
false |
2204067083 |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
7d90670a-f52c-4b65-8b99-54bfc22637ec |
7d90670a-f52c-4b65-8b99-54bfc22637ec |
21/04/2015 09:08 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Quel riche sera sauvé? Texte grec O Stählin et L Früchtel. Introduction, notes et index par Carlo Nardi et Patrick Descourtieux. Traduction Patrick Descourtieux. |
Paris: Cerf, 2011 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 537 |
9782204095303 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
1bb0e849-999f-4335-b1bf-0dea58623a84 |
1bb0e849-999f-4335-b1bf-0dea58623a84 |
21/04/2015 09:33 AM |
Klemens av Alexandria |
Clément d´Alexandrie. Les Stromates. Stromate IV. Introduction, texte critique et notes par Annewies van den Hoek. Traduction de Claude Mondésert, s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 2001 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 463 |
2204067334 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
d182acfc-7622-42c6-8980-e52bb5d373f1 |
d182acfc-7622-42c6-8980-e52bb5d373f1 |
21/04/2015 09:43 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Grégoire de Nysse. Contre eunome I. 1-146. Texte grec de W Jaeger. Introduction, traduction et notes par Raymond Winling |
Paris: Cerf, 2008 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 521 |
9782204087162 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
e17a353c-e32a-4b91-8ebb-cd9f8c0145ae |
e17a353c-e32a-4b91-8ebb-cd9f8c0145ae |
21/04/2015 09:54 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Grégoire de Nysse. Contre eunome I. 147-691. Texte grec de W Jaeger. Traduction, notes et index par Raymond Winling. |
Paris: Cerf, 2010 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 524 |
9782204092111 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
669a9237-ad0b-4665-9c97-6c3149943dbf |
669a9237-ad0b-4665-9c97-6c3149943dbf |
21/04/2015 10:06 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Grégoire de Nysse. Sur les titres des Psaumes. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par Jean Reynard. |
Paris: Cerf, 2002 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 466 |
2204068519 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
a8ae1b78-6737-408e-b770-cd09a02759ba |
a8ae1b78-6737-408e-b770-cd09a02759ba |
21/04/2015 10:21 AM |
Evagrios av Pontos |
Evagrios Pontikos, Evagrius Ponticus |
Évagre le Pontique. Chapitres des disciples d´Évagre. Édition princeps du texte grec. Introduction, traduction, notes et index par Paul Géhin |
Paris: Cerf, 2007 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 514 |
9782204084680 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
e34402a1-369b-4848-993c-49906b5e348d |
e34402a1-369b-4848-993c-49906b5e348d |
21/04/2015 10:31 AM |
Evagrios av Pontos |
Evagrios Pontikos, Evagrius Ponticus |
Évagre le Pontique. Traité pratique ou Le moine. Tome II. Édition critique du texte grec. Traduction, commentaire et tables par Antoine Guillaumont et Claire Guillaumont. |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 171 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
cfd0eb50-f833-49ab-8591-9a58ff09c6af |
cfd0eb50-f833-49ab-8591-9a58ff09c6af |
21/04/2015 10:49 AM |
Evagrios av Pontos |
Evagrios Pontikos, Evagrius Ponticus |
Évagre le Pontique. Traité pratique ou Le moine. Tome I. Introduction par Antoine Guillaumont et Claire Guillaumont. |
Paris: Cerf, 1971 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 170 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
45dfb300-7adf-4b09-8a43-8dfe3251004f |
45dfb300-7adf-4b09-8a43-8dfe3251004f |
21/04/2015 10:51 AM |
Johannes Damaskenos |
Johannes av Damaskos. Joannes Damascenus |
Jean Damascène. La foi orthodoxe. 1-44. Texte critique B Kotter. Introduction, traduction et notes P Ledrux, V Kontouma-Conticello, G-M de Durand. |
Paris: Cerf, 2010 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 535 |
9782204091510 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
1bf965cc-b6d8-4598-9531-3f4db9eb91ed |
1bf965cc-b6d8-4598-9531-3f4db9eb91ed |
21/04/2015 11:54 AM |
Johannes Damaskenos |
Johannes av Damaskos. Joannes Damascenus |
Jean Damascène. La foi orthodoxe. 45-100. Texte critique B Kotter. Traduction et notes P Ledrux, G-M de Durand. |
Paris: Cerf, 2011 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 540 |
9782204095457 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
e8aa97ce-321e-43df-b414-080642536056 |
e8aa97ce-321e-43df-b414-080642536056 |
21/04/2015 12:03 PM |
Symeon Studiten |
Syméon le studite. Discours ascétique. Introduction, texte critique et notes Hilarion Alfeyev. Traduction L Neyrand s.j. |
Paris: Cerf, 2001 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 460 |
2204066761 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
7daa2ee8-026f-4e2e-8b95-433eeabea942 |
7daa2ee8-026f-4e2e-8b95-433eeabea942 |
21/04/2015 12:26 PM |
Justinus Martyren |
Justin. Apologie pour les chrétiens. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes Charles Munier |
Paris: Cerf, 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 507 |
2204082546, 9782204082549 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
f68cf4f0-ead7-4285-9082-6c7f72e6c29a |
f68cf4f0-ead7-4285-9082-6c7f72e6c29a |
21/04/2015 12:35 PM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Johannes Krysostomos |
Jean Chrysostome. Sermons sur la Genèse. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes Laurence Brottier |
Paris: Cerf, 1998 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 433 |
220405996X |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
31b44adc-6c3a-42b0-a5d8-47485db9a1bb |
31b44adc-6c3a-42b0-a5d8-47485db9a1bb |
21/04/2015 12:45 PM |
Irenaeus av Lyon |
Irénée de Lyon. Démonstration de la prédication apostolique. Introduction, traduction et notes Adelin Rousseau |
Paris: Cerf, 1995, tr 2011 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 406 |
9782204051101 |
Cda |
145b64ab-80ad-4672-9e02-ff586bd7168d |
145b64ab-80ad-4672-9e02-ff586bd7168d |
21/04/2015 12:58 PM |
Walker, Peter |
The weekend that changed the world. The mystery of Jerusalems empty tomb. |
Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1999 |
false |
0664222307 |
Ccb |
0c5f1692-db3f-419f-9967-5ae0f2851145 |
0c5f1692-db3f-419f-9967-5ae0f2851145 |
27/04/2015 02:12 PM |
Dahlman, Britt; Rönnegård, Per (red) |
Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen. III. Om botfärdigheten. |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2011 |
true |
Silentium apophthegmata 3 |
9789197799294 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk). |
Cda |
29c42ce3-c68f-4d07-98c9-2107b4553bfb |
29c42ce3-c68f-4d07-98c9-2107b4553bfb |
27/04/2015 02:19 PM |
Rönnegård, Per; Rubenson, Samuel (red) |
Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen. II. Om nödvändigheten av att hängivet sträva efter stillheten. |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2010 |
true |
Silentium apophthegmata 2 |
9789197799256 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk). |
Cda |
d64cb5d8-b2c4-4bc2-8e8f-b8ca5597b5a1 |
d64cb5d8-b2c4-4bc2-8e8f-b8ca5597b5a1 |
27/04/2015 02:22 PM |
Dahlman, Britt; Rönnegård, Per (red) |
Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen. IV. Om självbehärskningen, inte bara i fråga om mat utan även de andra böjelserna. |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2012 |
true |
Silentium apophthegmata 4 |
9789198035018 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk). |
Cda |
b59a5eba-32bf-491e-8e07-14f83b0e9a64 |
b59a5eba-32bf-491e-8e07-14f83b0e9a64 |
27/04/2015 02:23 PM |
Dahlman, Britt; Rönnegård Per (red) |
Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen. V. Olika berättelser till skydd när otukten ansätter oss |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2014 |
false |
Silentium apophthegmata 5 |
9789198035049 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk). |
Cda |
c8f323f5-dd1e-4240-9f2e-46d165f93a1b |
c8f323f5-dd1e-4240-9f2e-46d165f93a1b |
27/04/2015 02:23 PM |
Rönnegård, Per; Rubenson, Samuel (red) |
Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen. I. De heliga fädernas råd för den som söker fullkomlighet. |
Sturefors: Silentium, 2009 |
true |
Silentium apophthegmata 1 |
9789197799218 |
Hyllplats vid ÖKE (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk). |
Cda |
5173d8f7-538f-4e36-b2f5-e3c04bcb586f |
5173d8f7-538f-4e36-b2f5-e3c04bcb586f |
27/04/2015 02:24 PM |
Abel, Ulf |
Ikonen, den besjälade bilden. Essäer och uppsatser om ortodox kyrkokonst |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2006 |
false |
9175803224 |
Chd |
65c146f7-d724-4544-9ee0-e6ffc4b125c4 |
65c146f7-d724-4544-9ee0-e6ffc4b125c4 |
05/05/2015 08:51 AM |
de Paor, Máire B |
Patrick, the pilgrim apostle of Ireland. An analysis of St Patrick´s Confessio and Epistola |
Dublin: Veritas, 1998 |
false |
1853904503 |
Cjz |
1393d37b-f90a-405f-941d-a049ac76aff2 |
1393d37b-f90a-405f-941d-a049ac76aff2 |
05/05/2015 09:12 AM |
Boyarin, Daniel |
The Jewish gospels. The story of the Jewish Christ |
New York: The new press, 2012 |
false |
9781595584687 |
Cj.2 |
dd2dfa52-a346-4a92-9a52-4d2dfb5b75bd |
dd2dfa52-a346-4a92-9a52-4d2dfb5b75bd |
05/05/2015 09:45 AM |
Harrison, Nonna Verna |
God´s many-splendored image. Theological anthropology for christian formation |
Michigan: Baker academic, 2010 |
false |
9780801034718 |
Ceaa |
0c76ea36-7ef5-4c7a-99f2-c6d45a663564 |
0c76ea36-7ef5-4c7a-99f2-c6d45a663564 |
05/05/2015 11:57 AM |
Dall´Oglio, Paolo |
Kjaerlighet til islam i troen på Jesus |
Kristiansand: Portal forlag, 2013 |
false |
9788283140033 |
C |
353383d9-de79-4dfc-b21b-b71adf113b55 |
353383d9-de79-4dfc-b21b-b71adf113b55 |
05/05/2015 12:11 PM |
Grdzelidze, Tamara; Dotti, Guido (red) |
A cloud of witnesses. Opportunities for ecumenical commemoration. Proceedings of the International ecumenical symposium Monastery of Bose, 29 oktober-2 november 2008 |
Genève: WCC publications, 2009 |
false |
9782825415337 |
Cha |
02e8a896-26b1-4c57-8726-c7b8c1545629 |
02e8a896-26b1-4c57-8726-c7b8c1545629 |
05/05/2015 12:27 PM |
Kavanagh, Aidan |
The shape of baptism: The rite of christian initiation |
Collegeville: The order of St Benedict, 1991 |
false |
Studies in the reformed rites of the catholic church: 1 |
0814660363 |
New York: Pueblo publishing company, 1978 |
Cha |
271fbd63-1055-41a1-aa31-2c4cad83b2a4 |
271fbd63-1055-41a1-aa31-2c4cad83b2a4 |
05/05/2015 12:48 PM |
Önder, Josef |
Das Meer der Weisheiten: Ein Briefwechsel zwischen dem Jakobitischen Maphrian des Ostens, Mar Gregorios Yuhanan Bar ´Ebraya und Mar Denha I, Katholikos der Nestorianer |
Glane: Bar Hebräus, 2009 |
false |
Ckoc |
07992314-5385-4b70-90b0-42758580fb32 |
07992314-5385-4b70-90b0-42758580fb32 |
05/05/2015 01:11 PM |
Franciskus av Assisi |
Skrifter |
Stockholm: Veritas, 2011 |
false |
9789189684768 |
Inledning, översättning och förklaringar: Roelvink, Henrik. |
Cdb |
22fcd4fb-8a15-45a5-875a-d4e382e8455a |
22fcd4fb-8a15-45a5-875a-d4e382e8455a |
12/05/2015 08:01 AM |
Piltz, Anders; Seiler, Herman |
Bibeln som Guds ord |
Uppsala: Katolska bokförlaget, 1987 |
false |
9185530700 |
Cc:k |
1c23e7b2-5caa-4369-b218-6a4f1d089b63 |
1c23e7b2-5caa-4369-b218-6a4f1d089b63 |
12/05/2015 08:05 AM |
Grimheden, Susanne |
Skriftens fara. Ordet och skriften i öknens tänkespråk |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2007 |
false |
9789175803517 |
Cjz.2 |
4f464fe8-1348-4a00-b73c-aa18c2de07ec |
4f464fe8-1348-4a00-b73c-aa18c2de07ec |
12/05/2015 08:22 AM |
Bischofberger, Erwin |
För att världen skall leva |
Stockholm: Veritas, 2004 |
false |
9189684192 |
Katolska bokförlaget, 1981 |
Cha |
5bac130d-d639-4b62-b1dc-1cf7b2bd0ce4 |
5bac130d-d639-4b62-b1dc-1cf7b2bd0ce4 |
12/05/2015 08:36 AM |
Schöldstein, Christina |
Guld och azur. En introduktion till ikonografin hos kristusikoner och festdagsikoner |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2004 |
true |
9175802686 |
Chd |
0b08dd0e-2783-4072-8cb0-d8b1cb0f233c |
0b08dd0e-2783-4072-8cb0-d8b1cb0f233c |
12/05/2015 08:40 AM |
Hagman, Patrik |
Om sann gemenskap. Att leva i en kapitalistisk hederskultur |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2014 |
false |
9789175807256 |
0925edea-3107-4ff1-8eae-a60d3dcfa8e8 |
0925edea-3107-4ff1-8eae-a60d3dcfa8e8 |
12/05/2015 08:47 AM |
Gregorios av Nyssa |
Gregorius Nyssenus |
Mose liv |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1991 |
false |
9175800675 |
Översättning, inledning och kommentar: Sten Hidal |
Cda |
4b1449c0-32df-4486-94b8-2b7101317748 |
4b1449c0-32df-4486-94b8-2b7101317748 |
12/05/2015 08:58 AM |
Mäster Eckehart |
Medeltida mystik. Predikningar II |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1987 |
false |
9175800446 |
Urval, översättning och inledning: Bertil Brisman |
Cdb |
f88631db-d816-40bc-a1fa-200bffb61d6e |
f88631db-d816-40bc-a1fa-200bffb61d6e |
12/05/2015 09:13 AM |
Mäster Eckehart |
Predikningar I |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1984 |
false |
9175800268 |
Urval, översättning och kommentarer: Bertil Brisman. Nytryck av upplaga 1961 |
Cdb |
2ca406fe-7587-419d-ad76-87ad7bc75dbf |
2ca406fe-7587-419d-ad76-87ad7bc75dbf |
12/05/2015 09:22 AM |
Mäster Eckehart |
Undervisande tal, jämte andra texter |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1984 |
false |
9175800276 |
Urval, översättning och kommentarer: Bertil Brisman. Nytryck av upplaga 1966 |
Cdb |
ca6f73e2-a90e-43a2-b221-800c7e4155d2 |
ca6f73e2-a90e-43a2-b221-800c7e4155d2 |
12/05/2015 09:35 AM |
Cunningham, Mary |
Tro i den bysantinska världen |
Örebro: Cordia, 2006 |
false |
9170853363 |
Faith in the Byzantine world, 2002. Översättning: Ylva-Kristina Sjöblom |
Cka |
840900bb-b6f3-4e18-9c84-237ba0e308e2 |
840900bb-b6f3-4e18-9c84-237ba0e308e2 |
12/05/2015 09:46 AM |
Klara av Assisi |
Klara av Assisi. Skrifter och dokument |
Stockholm: Veritas, 2012 |
false |
9789189684836 |
Inledning, översättning och förklaringar av Henrik Roelvink |
Cdb |
6e87a12e-788d-4bf5-819a-09834b5a68b7 |
6e87a12e-788d-4bf5-819a-09834b5a68b7 |
19/05/2015 07:46 AM |
Lagerroth, Erland |
Lovsång till livet och förnuftets filosofier. En läsning av Bröderna Karamazov |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1996 |
false |
9175801337 |
D |
49bab8a7-ac1b-424f-8660-1d418738fbec |
49bab8a7-ac1b-424f-8660-1d418738fbec |
19/05/2015 07:50 AM |
Thomas a Kempis |
The imitation of Christ. A modern reading by Bernard Bangley |
England: Highland books |
false |
0946616116 |
First printed in GB 1984. Published in USA under the title Growing in his image by Harold Shaw publ |
Cjz.3 |
c0a71625-0470-41f4-9740-54f17ddc0826 |
c0a71625-0470-41f4-9740-54f17ddc0826 |
19/05/2015 08:18 AM |
Elder, E Rozanne (red) |
The spirituality of western christendom |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications, 1976, tr 1978 |
false |
Cistercian studies series: 30 |
0879079878 |
Inledning: Jean Leclercq |
Ce |
0b779918-f45c-42a3-9074-f58fa4e51dfc |
0b779918-f45c-42a3-9074-f58fa4e51dfc |
19/05/2015 08:48 AM |
Elder, E Rozanne (red) |
The roots of the modern christian tradition. The spirituality of western christendom II |
Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian publications, 1984 |
false |
Cistercian studies series: 55 |
0879078553 |
Inledning: Jean Leclercq |
Ce |
65537163-9f9e-477c-af6b-6deaff80ee3d |
65537163-9f9e-477c-af6b-6deaff80ee3d |
19/05/2015 09:01 AM |
Thomas, Stephen |
The deification in the eastern orthodox tradition. A biblical perspective |
New Jersey, USA: Gorgias press, 2008 |
false |
Gorgias eastern christian studies 2 |
9781593336387 |
Ce |
1bee811f-5b5c-4661-a7b0-293bd1a3b616 |
1bee811f-5b5c-4661-a7b0-293bd1a3b616 |
19/05/2015 09:15 AM |
Brock, Sebastian P |
The Holy Spirit in the Syrian baptismal tradition |
New Jersey, USA: Gorgias press, 2008 |
false |
Gorgias liturgical studies 4 |
9781593338442 |
Cha |
b9b2a83f-8356-41a3-8f28-5040d6eea7c5 |
b9b2a83f-8356-41a3-8f28-5040d6eea7c5 |
19/05/2015 09:22 AM |
Atiya, Aziz S |
History of eastern christianity |
New Jersey, USA: Gorgias press, 1968, tr 2010 |
false |
Gorgias eastern christian studies 16 |
9781607243434 |
Cj |
7087d578-004a-42e4-82c3-b86274d15bbc |
7087d578-004a-42e4-82c3-b86274d15bbc |
19/05/2015 09:39 AM |
Bröder och systrar i Monastero di Bose |
Nuove letture dei giorni |
Magnano: Edizioni qiqajon, Comunità di Bose, 2010 |
false |
9788882273170 |
Cha |
30733cdb-6c00-475a-b698-3ddd75c862d4 |
30733cdb-6c00-475a-b698-3ddd75c862d4 |
19/05/2015 12:13 PM |
Colliander, Sergius; Hjälm, Michael; Nordgren, Paul (red) |
Chrysostomosliturgin - en nyöversättning |
Stiftelsen för Finlands ortodoxa kulturcentrum, 2012 |
false |
9789529946259 |
Stiftelsens för Finlands ortodoxa kulturcentrum publikationsserie 6/2012 i samarbete med Anastasis Media |
Cha |
259878ab-d594-461c-8b1d-92d3d9847439 |
259878ab-d594-461c-8b1d-92d3d9847439 |
19/05/2015 12:35 PM |
Tarkovskij, Andrej |
Martyrologion. Dagböcker 1970-1986 |
Umeå: Atrium, 2012 |
false |
9789186095253 |
H |
f76be722-aeec-4cfe-9c86-85ba4bb80c77 |
f76be722-aeec-4cfe-9c86-85ba4bb80c77 |
28/05/2015 07:55 AM |
Origenes |
Origène. Commentaire sur saint Jean. Tome V. (Livres XXVIII et XXXII) Texte grec, introduction, traduction et notes par Cécile Blanc |
Paris: Cerf, 1992 |
true |
Sources Chrétiennes 385 |
2204046787 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska- franska |
Cda |
81dc58ee-248a-4a37-918f-6c435e13adc0 |
81dc58ee-248a-4a37-918f-6c435e13adc0 |
28/05/2015 07:58 AM |
Johannes Cassianus |
Cassien, Jean |
Institutions cénobitiques. Introduction, traduction et notes par Jean-Claude Guy |
Paris: Cerf, 2001 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 109 |
2204068926 |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska. 3:e upplagan |
Cda |
3527e838-db72-42a3-b393-8199b1e24ef2 |
3527e838-db72-42a3-b393-8199b1e24ef2 |
28/05/2015 08:15 AM |
Johannes Chrysostomos |
Chrysostome, Jean |
Lettres a Olympias. Vie anonyme d´Olympias. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par Anne-Marie Malingrey |
Paris: Cerf, 1968 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 13 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
dbd2b983-6d1c-4b54-bc91-8ed2f7894fd2 |
dbd2b983-6d1c-4b54-bc91-8ed2f7894fd2 |
28/05/2015 08:23 AM |
Johannes Casianus |
Cassien, Jean |
Conférences III. XVIII-XXIV. Introduction, texte latin, traduction et notes par Dom E Pichery |
Paris: Cerf, 1959. Retirage 2006 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 64 |
2204034177 |
Tvåspråkig latin-franska |
Cda |
cbaa059b-9923-4cc0-bb6e-5c7d3f09b26a |
cbaa059b-9923-4cc0-bb6e-5c7d3f09b26a |
28/05/2015 08:37 AM |
Marc le moine |
Traités I. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes par Georges-Matthieu de Durand |
Paris: Cerf, 1999 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 445 |
2204063169 |
Tvåspråkig grekiska-franska |
Cda |
d2ab855e-06e6-46b1-92d2-867b00047ba5 |
d2ab855e-06e6-46b1-92d2-867b00047ba5 |
28/05/2015 08:50 AM |
Marc le moine |
Traités II. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes par Georges-Matthieu de Durand |
Paris: Cerf, 2000 |
false |
Sources Chrétiennes 455 |
2204065846 |
Cda |
1fb9f963-3124-426a-8290-5513363e0186 |
1fb9f963-3124-426a-8290-5513363e0186 |
28/05/2015 08:54 AM |
Sheridan, Mark |
Language for God in patristic tradition. Wrestling with biblical anthropomorphism |
Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, 2015 |
false |
9780830840649 |
Cj.2 |
edf64be5-905f-4f6b-8163-11a44c502e2d |
edf64be5-905f-4f6b-8163-11a44c502e2d |
28/05/2015 09:19 AM |
Sammanställd av Peter Halldorf i samarbete med Niklas Lindholm |
Tideböner under året |
Ekumeniska kommuniteten i Bjärka-Säby, 2014 |
false |
9789198150124 |
Cha |
6e29267d-2ac3-49b2-8754-8738090d8e78 |
6e29267d-2ac3-49b2-8754-8738090d8e78 |
28/05/2015 09:29 AM |
Bibelkommissionen (övers) |
Apokryferna till Gamla testamentet eller De deuterokanoniska skrifterna i 1986 års översättning |
Stockholm: Proprius, 1987, tr 1996 |
false |
9171186212 |
3:e upplagan |
Cbc |
c5515b04-ef7c-47a7-9a07-e5d46f59916e |
c5515b04-ef7c-47a7-9a07-e5d46f59916e |
28/05/2015 09:50 AM |
Dahlby, Frithiof |
De heliga tecknens hemlighet, symboler och attribut |
Stockholm: Verbum, 1963, tr 2002 |
false |
9152626954 |
Åttonde upplagan |
Chd |
af9fa240-53ef-4e11-8e44-babab3b302a1 |
af9fa240-53ef-4e11-8e44-babab3b302a1 |
28/05/2015 11:27 AM |
Andrén, Olof; Beskow, Per (övers) |
De apostoliska fäderna |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2006 |
true |
9175803100 |
Inledning och förklaringar av översättarna. |
Cda(s) |
1870618b-6a8f-4975-999d-f7dbb8ef7312 |
1870618b-6a8f-4975-999d-f7dbb8ef7312 |
02/06/2015 07:41 AM |
Svenska reformationsbibelsällskapet |
Reformationsbibeln. Nya testamentet |
Borås: Svenska reformationsbibelsällskapet, 2003 |
false |
9197423408 |
Sv reformationsbibelsällskapets revidering av Karl XII:s kyrkobibel |
Cb |
74db6557-b5af-4c2a-845d-4c979618d440 |
74db6557-b5af-4c2a-845d-4c979618d440 |
02/06/2015 12:02 PM |
Zander, Valentine |
St. Seraphim of Sarov |
New York: St Vladimir's seminary press, 1975, tr 1999 |
false |
0913836281 |
Seraphim von Sarow, 1975 |
Cjz.4 |
37074063-81a4-48dd-8bd3-7833c9eb9635 |
37074063-81a4-48dd-8bd3-7833c9eb9635 |
01/09/2015 12:13 PM |
Larsson, Tony |
Gudstjänstens rötter. Urkyrkans gudstjänst i ljuset av templet, synagogan och måltiden |
Västra Frölunda: Gloria förlag, 2012 |
false |
9789197827461 |
Cha |
84ad9791-a172-4dec-a15c-3f924eea4b25 |
84ad9791-a172-4dec-a15c-3f924eea4b25 |
15/09/2015 12:18 PM |
Evdokimov, Paul |
Ikonernas ikon. Ärev. Andrej Rublev´s ikon Treenigheten |
Stockholm: Ortodoxa tidningsbokhandeln, 1991 |
false |
Ortodoxa småskrifter, 4 |
916300688X |
Chd |
04bb924f-ef39-4e11-9101-7ffd02a7fd6f |
04bb924f-ef39-4e11-9101-7ffd02a7fd6f |
15/09/2015 12:25 PM |
Jonson, Jonas |
Ekumenik på världens villkor. Kyrkornas världsråd i den ekumeniska rörelsen efter Uppsala 68 |
Stockholm: Verbum, 2008 |
false |
9789152631584 |
Cg |
71be0998-c6be-40a7-8343-99a088a853d7 |
71be0998-c6be-40a7-8343-99a088a853d7 |
15/09/2015 12:29 PM |
Eriksson, Lars-Olov; Nilsson, Nils-Henrik |
Evangelieboken i gudstjänst och förkunnelse. Homiletiska och liturgiska perspektiv |
Stockholm: Verbum, 2003 |
false |
9152629708 |
Cha |
ae63e350-f510-45e4-b64a-6217a1e57ad4 |
ae63e350-f510-45e4-b64a-6217a1e57ad4 |
15/09/2015 12:32 PM |
Ellverson, Karl-Gunnar |
Handbok i liturgik |
Stockholm: Verbum, 2003 |
false |
9152627756 |
Cha |
6be28ba3-59d0-4b29-9f1f-1f04efb6c39f |
6be28ba3-59d0-4b29-9f1f-1f04efb6c39f |
15/09/2015 12:35 PM |
Rosendal, Gunnar |
Vår herre Jesu Kristi lekamens och blods sakrament |
Osby: Pro Ecclesia, 1938 |
false |
Cha |
2db0b7f6-6a8e-4b62-b36f-86d79a338c59 |
2db0b7f6-6a8e-4b62-b36f-86d79a338c59 |
15/09/2015 12:38 PM |
Wingren, Gustaf |
Människa och kristen - en bok om Irenaeus |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1997 |
false |
9175801465 |
1:a upplagan Verbum, 1983 |
Cjz.2 |
2e15eb4b-b02b-4bfb-9e38-cb3e3d0697bb |
2e15eb4b-b02b-4bfb-9e38-cb3e3d0697bb |
15/09/2015 12:45 PM |
Keselopoulos, Anestis G |
Man and the evironment. A study of St Symeon the new theologian |
New York: St Vladimir´s seminary press, 2001 |
false |
088141221X |
Cjz.2 |
1e31cd37-6350-4079-8a95-129d3110d931 |
1e31cd37-6350-4079-8a95-129d3110d931 |
15/09/2015 12:49 PM |
Johnson, Maxwell E |
Praying and believing in early christianity. The interplay between christian worship and doctrine |
Minnesota: Liturgical press, 2013 |
false |
9780814682593; 9780814682845 (e-book) |
Saknas t v |
5d4be069-d7f3-4d66-8879-d1da8215169a |
5d4be069-d7f3-4d66-8879-d1da8215169a |
15/09/2015 12:58 PM |
Arbetsgrupp EFK, Pingst, Sv Alliansmissionen, Sv Baptistsamfundet |
Gudstjänstboken |
Örebro: Libris, 2005 |
false |
9171957588 |
Cha |
9ee30922-2842-440d-87d2-9885f7020fd3 |
9ee30922-2842-440d-87d2-9885f7020fd3 |
22/09/2015 09:09 AM |
Hildegard av Bingen |
Den himmelska harmonin. Liturgisk lyrik och spelet om krafterna |
Skellefteå: Artos, 1995 |
false |
9175801191 |
Presentation och tolkning av Alf Härdelin |
Cdb |
3dc6c0a7-ccb9-44e8-885a-9a70afebb924 |
3dc6c0a7-ccb9-44e8-885a-9a70afebb924 |
22/09/2015 09:22 AM |
Bailey, Kenneth E |
Poet & peasant and Through peasant eyes. A literary-cultural approach to the parables in Luke. Combined edition |
Michigan: William B Eerdmans publ co, 1983 |
false |
0802819478 |
Poet & peasant, 1976, reprinted 1996. Through peasant eyes, 1980 |
Ccb |
32f185b3-97b6-40d2-afc4-1b308bf89d38 |
32f185b3-97b6-40d2-afc4-1b308bf89d38 |
22/09/2015 09:38 AM |
Härdelin, Alf |
Liturgins poesi - poesins liturgi |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2010 |
false |
9789175805085 |
Cha |
5021814b-d88f-4f6a-b18f-47a3ec1d1c0b |
5021814b-d88f-4f6a-b18f-47a3ec1d1c0b |
22/09/2015 09:46 AM |
Chan, Simon |
Liturgical theology. The church as worshiping community |
Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, 2006 |
false |
0830827633, 9780830827633 |
Cha |
09b80e07-d5d4-4f0b-ae79-7ef3e2c1e6a3 |
09b80e07-d5d4-4f0b-ae79-7ef3e2c1e6a3 |
22/09/2015 11:39 AM |
Petersson. Kjell |
Född av vatten och ande |
Skellefteå: Artos, 2012 |
false |
9789175805962 |
Cg |
9a453194-ca04-429a-a893-0b421bed87db |
9a453194-ca04-429a-a893-0b421bed87db |
22/09/2015 11:50 AM |
Martling, Carl Henrik |
Liturgik - en introduktion |
Stockholm: Verbum, 2006 |
false |
9152630013 |
2:a omarbetade upplagan |
Cha |
0c7ceb9b-777b-4c9f-a157-c082def039d6 |
0c7ceb9b-777b-4c9f-a157-c082def039d6 |
22/09/2015 11:59 AM |
Ratzinger, Joseph |
Collected works. Vol 11. Theology of the liturgy |
San Francisco: Ignatius press, 2014 |
false |
9781586175955 |
Cha |
1735da99-ce53-4e23-b544-da8ec27f7d4a |
1735da99-ce53-4e23-b544-da8ec27f7d4a |
20/10/2015 09:47 AM |
McGowan, Andrew |
Ancient christian worship. Early church practices in social, historical and theological perspective. |
Michigan: Baker academic, 2014 |
false |
9780801031526 |
Cha |
24eb7061-2796-4b60-ac8f-efc2264520ed |
24eb7061-2796-4b60-ac8f-efc2264520ed |
20/10/2015 11:30 AM |
Elliott, Peter J |
Ceremonies of the modern roman rite. The eucharist and the liturgy of the hours. A manual for clergy and all involved in liturcial ministries. |
San Francisco: Ignatius press, 2005 |
false |
9780898708301 |
Oreviderad upplaga 1995 |
Cha |
2269d05e-aadb-4f5d-9f6a-d1aa2dda5a39 |
2269d05e-aadb-4f5d-9f6a-d1aa2dda5a39 |
20/10/2015 11:49 AM |
Amalar of Metz |
On the liturgy. Vol II. Bok 3-4 |
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard university press, 2014 |
false |
9780674417038 |
Utgiven och översatt från latin av Eric Nibbs |
Cha |
34de7a79-0dee-4316-b59a-b2eab2ca1cb2 |
34de7a79-0dee-4316-b59a-b2eab2ca1cb2 |
20/10/2015 12:10 PM |
Rausch, Thomas P |
Eschatology, liturgy and christology. Toward recovering an eschatological imagination. |
Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical press, 2012 |
false |
9780814657355 |
Cha |
8300b91c-8d76-4ede-b867-eb6b1807d38e |
8300b91c-8d76-4ede-b867-eb6b1807d38e |
20/10/2015 12:19 PM |
Oden, Thomas C |
The rebirth of orthodoxy |
New York: Harper Collins, 2003 |
false |
006009785X |
Ce |
732e0ece-deca-4b63-9ef0-9cb13a1569e3 |
732e0ece-deca-4b63-9ef0-9cb13a1569e3 |
10/11/2015 10:32 AM |
Monastero di Bose |
Salterio di Bose |
Magnano: Edizioni qiqajon, 2008 |
false |
9788882272470 |
Cha |
7b44c4f7-edeb-4227-befb-56b7cd1f7277 |
7b44c4f7-edeb-4227-befb-56b7cd1f7277 |
10/11/2015 10:39 AM |
Gerdmar, Lars (red) |
Ikonen, närvaro och källa. Essäer om ikonen som liturgisk konst och personlig dialogbild |
Lund: Sekel, 2011 |
false |
9789185767298 |
Chd |
ad921a07-7dbf-4528-8718-189924c0949a |
ad921a07-7dbf-4528-8718-189924c0949a |
10/11/2015 10:47 AM |
Broomé, Catharina |
Katolicismen. Kyrkan, läran, missionen |
Stockholm: Katolska bokförlaget, 1993 |
false |
9185530077 |
4:e upplagan |
Ckb |
9b4afb6f-8b9f-4513-838c-48d5829b400f |
9b4afb6f-8b9f-4513-838c-48d5829b400f |
10/11/2015 01:01 PM |
Abel, Ulf |
Ikonen - bilden av det heliga |
Hedemora: Gidlunds, 1988 |
false |
9178441226 |
Chd |
6dcbef65-8bbb-43db-ba3a-b72bd445423d |
6dcbef65-8bbb-43db-ba3a-b72bd445423d |
10/11/2015 01:06 PM |
Lejon, Kjell O |
Askeby kloster - om klostertid och klosterliv |
Skellefteå: Artos & Norma, 2008 |
false |
9789175803630 |
Ckt |
ed58f8d4-9d51-451c-a7d6-a842bd60223a |
ed58f8d4-9d51-451c-a7d6-a842bd60223a |
10/11/2015 01:10 PM |
Hadin, Tobias; Lignell, Kristoffer |
Efter Kristus. Att följa Jesus med hjälp av didaché |
Varberg: Argument, 2015 |
false |
9789173154703 |
Ce |
55a48b86-e73f-4e09-a953-cc0622ad978d |
55a48b86-e73f-4e09-a953-cc0622ad978d |
10/11/2015 01:17 PM |
Day, Juliette J |
Reading the liturgy. An exploration of texts in Christian worship |
London: Bloomsbury, 2014 |
false |
9780567063359 |
Cha |
5e27c700-0f16-4517-a472-3e0110fc54f1 |
5e27c700-0f16-4517-a472-3e0110fc54f1 |
10/11/2015 01:23 PM |
Vivian, Cassandra |
Islands of the Blest. A guide to the oases and western desert of Egypt |
Maadi, Egypten: International publications, 1990, tr 1992 |
false |
9775100002 |
Ckop |
30c80b77-c06a-467f-80c3-89dcc824a7b1 |
30c80b77-c06a-467f-80c3-89dcc824a7b1 |
10/11/2015 01:35 PM |
Galavaris, George |
Holy monastery of Iveron. The illuminated manuscripts |
Mount Athos, 2002 |
false |
9608608651 |
Ckop |
ec0c44d9-4295-46fe-ba20-4361c892d9d5 |
ec0c44d9-4295-46fe-ba20-4361c892d9d5 |
01/12/2015 09:56 AM |
Matta al-Miskin |
Hayat as-Salat al Urthuduksi |
Monastery of St Macarius, 2014 |
false |
Twelfth edition |
Ckop |
1974c55d-2a08-4a42-b66b-e2c8b1bbd31c |
1974c55d-2a08-4a42-b66b-e2c8b1bbd31c |
01/12/2015 10:33 AM |
Matta al-Miskin |
Al-qiddis Bulus ar-rasul. Hayatuhu, Lahutuhu, Amaluhu |
Monastery of St Macarius, 2014 |
false |
Forth edition |
Ckop |
99c880b8-3a08-488b-841b-743c3a7ca8e9 |
99c880b8-3a08-488b-841b-743c3a7ca8e9 |
01/12/2015 10:37 AM |
Qiqajon Comunità di Bose(red) |
Il cammino del Monaco. La vita monastica secondo la tradizione d |